Chest Pain

I have been having a sharp pain in my chest after working out. I have been using the treadmill (30 minutes) and the elliptical (15 minutes). I have not been doing any weights at all. I have taken a few days off and the pain seemed to go away. I started back yesterday and the pain started again. Anyone else having pain after a workout? I am a casaul runner (jogger) and never have chest pain before. I went to the doctor on Monday and they thought it was inflammation. I am not sick. I am 37 year old. Is anyone else having this kind of pain after a work out.


  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    Well, first thing I was going to say was go to the doctor. Glad you went and got it checked out, chest pains aren't something to take lightly at all.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ugh. I need to read more thoroughly!

    Did the doc do any tests?
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Go check with another doctor. There are sooooo many things that can cause chest pain, and its not useful asking the internet what it might be when there are trained professionals who can explain it. Put your mind at rest by seeing a real doctor, and not listening to anything anyone says here. :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    get your doctor to refer you to a cardiac specialist. that doesn't sound right, even if your doctor thinks it's nothing...?
  • fatnomo100
    Agree. You should get a second opinion from another specialist.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I used to get pains in the upper center of my chest - it was due to acid reflux. Did that come up in the conversation with your doctor?
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    Is the pain when you inhale? If so, then I've experienced it as well after exerting myself. I asked my mother about the sharp pain (she's a registered nurse) and she told me it was probably a mild pleuritis, especially after it went away with a little rest. All my regular checkups before and since have shown healthy normal heart and lungs.

    Pleurisy (Pleuritis): Inflammation of the pleura, the linings surrounding the lungs. There are two layers of pleura; one covering the lung and the other covering the inner wall of the chest. These two layers are lubricated by pleural fluid.
    *Not in the definition, but what my mother told me* When the linings touch or rub, you get the sharp pain.

    Sorry to go all WebMd. I hope this is all it is, but I completely agree with Zendarah. Go get a second opinion to make sure you don't have anything more serious going on. I hope you feel better and happy running!
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    It "might" be stress, (I used to get chest and arm pains during exercise which was as a result of stress) but as has been said, get it checked out to be on the safe side.
  • ltinsley52974
    Yes, lab work! All came back looking good!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hmmm ....

    Is it a cramp, maybe? Do you eat right before working out?
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Go to another doctor!!
  • Breedy75
    Breedy75 Posts: 54 Member
    Sharp pain with exercise is very likely NOT CARDIAC in origin. The lab work confirms that.

    Could be a lot of things from the pleurisy mentioned above to an strained intercostal muscle.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    ..Hyper ventilating?
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Go to another doctor!! Should have had test done, hooked up to ekg etc and taken more serious, could be nothing. I get routine ekg to make sure heart is working well every 3 yrs or so

    Not everyone desires to be a hypochondriac. While it's important to take chest pain seriously, her symptoms would be extremely atypical for a heart attack (especially given that she's only 37). When you start doctor shopping, you risk getting unnecessarily worked up for issues that don't fit your clinical presentation. Then it's just a matter of time until something comes back equivocal or false positive, and you've just bought yourself a whole bunch of pain and anxiety for no reason at all.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    i agree to get checked out by a cardiologist. you mentioned you were a casual runner/ jogger. Do you have these pains then? You also mentioned the pain goes away afer time off. Is this something that happens with cardio in general or just the eliptical?
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Go see a cardiologist. When my reasonably fit husband was 28 years old he began to have chest pains and his primary care doc brushed it off as a pulled chest muscle due to his age and health. The pains continued and would be worse with activities that caused exertion and then would go away for awhile. We even went to the ER a couple times. Then a few months later while helping his brother move he had severe pains and went again to the ER. This time he was having a heart attack. It turns out his artery was 80% blocked. He spent the week in the hospital getting a stent put in and being stablized and about 6 months after in rehab to get back to his normal life. Now 8 years later he takes daily meds and sees his doctor twice a year for monitoring but thankfully hasn't had any further problems to this point. Scary stuff and it can happen even at a young age.

    I am not telling you this to scare you just to make you aware that things can happen and to take it seriously and get it checked out. I also went through a period of chest pains and mine did turn out to be costocondritis (a condition that causes inflamation). But, mine was not brought on with exertion actually felt better when I would get up and move around. I would get yourself a cardiologist appt right away and hopefully it's for nothing more than peace of mind that you are fine. But, if not catching something before damage is done is the best thing to do. Good luck!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Go to another doctor!! Should have had test done, hooked up to ekg etc and taken more serious, could be nothing. I get routine ekg to make sure heart is working well every 3 yrs or so

    Not everyone desires to be a hypochondriac. While it's important to take chest pain seriously, her symptoms would be extremely atypical for a heart attack (especially given that she's only 37). When you start doctor shopping, you risk getting unnecessarily worked up for issues that don't fit your clinical presentation. Then it's just a matter of time until something comes back equivocal or false positive, and you've just bought yourself a whole bunch of pain and anxiety for no reason at all.

    Agree that it is highly unlikely at 37 she's having a heart attack or leading up to one but it does happen and better to have it completely ruled out than to find out later that is what it was. I know I am more sensitive to this sort of thing than others after my husband had a heart attack at age 28 but I still think better safe than sorry. Especially since her symptoms are presenting during exertion and going away after.
  • ltinsley52974
    The chest pain I am having is directly in the middle of my chest (between my boobs). It doesn't hurt when I exhale. There is no reason when it hurts. Sometime I could be doing nothing (like in the middle of the night) and others might be when I am opening the car door. It doesn't hurt when I breathe. Yes, I thought it might be heart burn and used a tumms and that did not work. I am going to call the doctor again today. Thanks for all your help!
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 161 Member
    Years ago, I had a few days where I encountered a similar pain in my chest. One evening it got particularly bad and I rushed to the emergency room. I was admitted for observation and testing (EKG, stress test, heart ultrasound). Every exam reflected that I had the heart of a healthy 30 year old. After a day and a half and a HUGE hospital bill, I was sent home. I was told it wasn't my heart or cardiovascular system and to go to my general practitioner for additional care.

    All it took was one visit for my physician to diagnose me. I had intercostal myositis (inflammation of the muscle between ribs). A corti-steroid prescription and 7 days later I was good as new. I wish I would have gone to physician first. I would have saved myself a frightening and costly two days in the hospital.

    If you don't feel comfortable with your physician's diagnosis, certainly go in for a second opinion.... Nonetheless, I feel your pain. I've been there. I hope it gets better for you! :flowerforyou:
  • miss_missa07
    The chest pain I am having is directly in the middle of my chest (between my boobs). It doesn't hurt when I exhale. There is no reason when it hurts. Sometime I could be doing nothing (like in the middle of the night) and others might be when I am opening the car door. It doesn't hurt when I breathe. Yes, I thought it might be heart burn and used a tumms and that did not work. I am going to call the doctor again today. Thanks for all your help!

    I've been suffering from central chest pain for about a year now and was diagnosed with costochondritis, which is just inflammation of the muscle connecting to the rib cage. Can you give some more details about your pain? It sounds like that could be what you have.