So I just started working out, and I'm losing nothing?!



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Any time you add, increase or change exercise, you won't likely lose weight for the first week to three weeks as your body adjusts. Feel that soreness in your muscles? That means you created little tears in the muscles that have to heal. Part of that process is water retention - the muscle tissues need it.

    Keep doing what you're doing, drink plenty of fluids, eat back 50-100% of those exercise calories for proper nutrition/fuel, and give it a couple weeks. Oh and take measurements too...sometimes that's a better indication of progress, especially for someone closer to goal like the OP.

    Also have to add - don't just work out to lose weight! Eat right to lose weight and fuel your body, execise because it's good for your overall health! Not only will your legs and arms and abs get stronger but your bones are also getting stronger, you should see improved flexibility, improved balance, not to mention the cardiovascular benefits.