Couples having separate interests and friends

live2dream Posts: 614 Member
Couples having separate interests and friends: Do you think this is a good thing? I do. But my man disagrees. He thinks it's bad for couples to do things separately and that's what ruins a relationship.

We've been together for 12 years and have basically done everything together... we even work together. Now that I decided to start my own photography business, I've been doing my own thing and making new friends. I still spend the majority of the time with him, but sometimes I want to go out with girlfriends, or photographer friends (where we talk about photography stuff, and the hubby isn't interested.) He was okay with me going out with girlfriends last weekend, but now I want to go to a party with some photographers and he's freaking out. Mostly because there will be drinking and he doesn't trust me. He says I get out of control... but doesn't everyone when they drink? I just like to let loose and have a good time once in a while. Is that not normal? I do like to hug everyone in sight when I drink, but I'd never cheat. Am I in the wrong for wanting to have a few drinks with friends without him there? We are supposed to go up to see his mom and grandma this weekend, and I suggested going up on Saturday, but now he's insisting we go on Friday night (so I miss the party). Or he's threatening to go without me, but I know he's playing games to get me to not go to the photographers party.


  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I think it's good to have time without your spouse/S.O. but thats me. My husband hates that as well.
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    I think some things should be separate. My fiancee and I do have some of the same friends, and activities, but sometimes I want to do something without him. Example, I co-own a show dog, and I go to dog shows. He's not a big dog fan, and doesn't go. Sometimes I don't want to hang out with him and his "nerdy" friends, so I go to my mothers house.

    We don't have to be joined at the hip to have a stable relationship. We do just fine sometimes separate.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Although my wife comes to watch me play soccer occasionally and will sometimes ride on the back of my bike, these two things I usually do without her.

    Shopping is the hobby that she usually does without me.

    We do most other things together.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    My take is that if both parties are forced to live a life that excludes all but each other then eventually that closeness will turn to boredom and then to bitterness.

    If each or one shuts the other out too much it will lead to resentment and mistrust.

    We are individuals that need to have our own things as well as a natural desire for a companion and partner so just find a balance.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    So what you are saying is that it is OK for him to go to a party with his friends and get drunk and flirt with girls and get out of control?

    My ex wife thought the same thing. Did you get the ex part?

    If it involves a party or hanging with the opposite sex your SO should be there.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I think it's healthy. It's good to have some common interests, but if you're endlessly engaged in identical pursuits, it gets very dull.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Although my wife comes to watch me play soccer occasionally and will sometimes ride on the back of my bike, these two things I usually do without her.

    Shopping is the hobby that she usually does without me.

    We do most other things together.

    Same here. We do most things together or as a family. My husband usually comes to see my races and so far we've been taking our belt tests together. But he golfs and goes to games with the guys and/or our boys. I go out with my girlfriends and shop by myself or with my daughters. Recently we started practicing TKD together on Sundays which has been very nice.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    hes scared of losing you
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    We have been together over 20 years, married for 18. We do more things separately than together and it works fine for us. We even vacation separately on occasion. I do trips with the girls, he does golfing weekends with the boys. Then we do vacations together as well.

    It's probably just a matter of him needing to get used to it. Explain that it isn't b/c you need space from him, just that you want to see yourself succeed at something on your own. Good luck!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    hes scared of losing you

    I agree! I feel bad for him, but you haven't done anything wrong.

    We do things together and things apart. I don't fancy watching him play electric guitar with his mates, he rarely shows interest in MFP. We have separate, and mutual friends, we run together, go out for dinner, like similar music etc, but some of his stuff bores me and vice versa! You need to be able to go out and play on your own sometimes so you've got something to talk about when you're back together again!

    That said, put yourself in his position for that particular night out. Do you feel comfortable with him doing the same? If so, you're fine and can encourage him to do exactly the same another night whilst you stay home. Ignore the protests and enjoy, it will only be you digging your heels in and doing it and showing him the world didn't end when you did that might make him feel more secure.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    So what you are saying is that it is OK for him to go to a party with his friends and get drunk and flirt with girls and get out of control?

    My ex wife thought the same thing. Did you get the ex part?

    If it involves a party or hanging with the opposite sex your SO should be there.

    Disagree. If I didn't have total trust in my wife and her in me, we shouldn't be together.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    My take is that if both parties are forced to live a life that excludes all but each other then eventually that closeness will turn to boredom and then to bitterness.

    If each or one shuts the other out too much it will lead to resentment and mistrust.

    We are individuals that need to have our own things as well as a natural desire for a companion and partner so just find a balance.

  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    So what you are saying is that it is OK for him to go to a party with his friends and get drunk and flirt with girls and get out of control?

    My ex wife thought the same thing. Did you get the ex part?

    If it involves a party or hanging with the opposite sex your SO should be there.

    Disagree. If I didn't have total trust in my wife and her in me, we shouldn't be together.

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My interests:
    Dining out
    Dinner parties with friends

    His interests:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I think it can be healthy to have a girls night out or what not. I did it often when I was married.. BUT there came a time where our marriage was not so healthy and I was doing it more as a means of escape. I'm not saying this is the case with you but what I'm saying is it can be beneficial or harmful.

    It's beneficial if my SO goes out with his buddies to watch a game and have a beer. They can talk about guy stuff, he can have some breathing room, etc.. I can go out shopping with my friend and get some girly talk and laughs out of it.

    It's harmful when I'm out drinking, getting hit on by guys, doing my own thing, etc. Or him out at a party getting wasted talking to everyone and everything being the life of the party.

    In the future, I will make sure my next SO likes the do the same things that I do. My ex wasn't a night life type of guy. He rather go out and eat then to a movie..well that was fun sometimes but I wanted to see the city lights! I need someone that's as crazy as I am.

    If your SO doesn't trust you, there are deeper issues that you need to worry about rather than attending this party.
  • djdelano
    I get plenty of my own time, sometimes it tough to get the cloth over her face but I usually succeed.

    Seriously though

    Healthy alone time is critical to a long term sucessful marriage.

    My wife struggles with this concept as she feels you got married to be together whenever possible. This just is not reality.

    *please note the word healthy above : partying with the opposite sex is not healthy.

    Funny though, she lets me shovel and plow by myself and has never had a problem with that.


    funny stuff on this site.

  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    He should be your priority. Having a girls night every few weeks is one thing, but going out partying while he's at home waiting for you is not OK. It's not about you, it about him. My husband and I have different interest and occasionally go separate ways, but not on a regular basis.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm pretty sure what keeps the man and I together are our times apart. We live together, isn't that enough! He has his interests, hobbies and friends, I have mine. We hang out with them seperatly. The thought of him straying or doing something to hurt the relationship has never once crossed my mind while he was out, and I'm sure he can say the same for when I go out, because we trust eachother, and that trust is well deserved.

    I'm a huge believer that it is the time apart that brings you closer :wink:
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    My husband and I have been together for 22 years, married for 12 years. We each have our own interests and our own friends (and friends in common as well). My girls' weekends are very important to me and I wouldn't be with a man that expected me to give that up. We trust each other, so I have no qualms about him going away with his friends, and vice versa.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Its def a trust issue. You guys have been together for that long not sure what there is to worry about unless he knows something that you maybe unaware of when you drink. But aside from the trust he is probably afraid because you are out doing your thing and no including him. Sometimes its hard for ppl to break away from a habit that they have been use to. Especially 12 years of it. Tell him to go meet some new friends and im sure it will b fine