What do you do when you hit a weight loss plateu?

I've been stuck at 167-168lbs for 2 weeks now. I'm getting incredibly depressed and frustrated because I don't know what to do to start losing again.
I was eating like 700 calories a day, so I figured oh well maybe I'm not eating enough so that's why I'm not losing. So last Sunday I bumped it up to 1200 calories when I joined this site, and I'm still not losing.
I exercise 30-60 mins 6-7 days a week and I just don't know what to do. I started off at 180lbs a month and 3 weeks ago and was losing like 2lbs a week, and now I'm not losing anything!!

I'm so close to just giving up and going back to my old ways. what should I do? :(


  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    What are hooding when you are working out?? Are you doing at home videos or gym? Also how many days are you working out?
  • What are hooding when you are working out?? Are you doing at home videos or gym? Also how many days are you working out?
    I go to the gym atleast 6 days a week and use the elliptical for a half hour, and lately I've been trying to start running on the treadmill.
    Some days I will do a 30 minute Zumba routine at home in addition to going to the gym.
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    700 calories is not nearly enough for anyone. You shouldn't be eating any less than 1200 ever. So you've probably put yourself into starvation mode. I'd suggest slowly working up to eating more, like go up to 1400 calories a few days of the week, and then coming back to 1200. Then go up to 1600 for a day or so, then go back to 1200. You have to get your metabolism working again.
  • 700 calories is not nearly enough for anyone. You shouldn't be eating any less than 1200 ever. So you've probably put yourself into starvation mode. I'd suggest slowly working up to eating more, like go up to 1400 calories a few days of the week, and then coming back to 1200. Then go up to 1600 for a day or so, then go back to 1200. You have to get your metabolism working again.

    I've been eating 1200 for about 4 days now, with still no results. What can I eat that's not too bad just to get my calories up to 1400-1600? I have trouble eating 1200 as it is because everything I eat is so healthy it barely has calories, ya know? I just end up getting stuffed.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    2 weeks is not a plateau. Also, you need to eat. 1200 NET is what you need to stay above, try 1400.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    2 weeks is not a plateau. Also, you should be eating the calories MFP tells you to eat plus your exercise calories. It might take a couple of weeks for you to show a loss, though, because you were on too large a deficit before.

    Don't give up.
  • Well, if you really want to lose weight, then giving up will only make matters worse. So whatever you do, DONT GIVE UP. Honestly, that's all the advice I really have. You will eventually lose weight. Everyone goes through weight loss plateaus. Maybe you could try zigzagging your calories. Also, don't eat 700 calories a day, it will put your metabolism into starvation mode, and maybe you will lose weight in the beginning, but in the long run, it will only damage your metabolism.

    Good luck !
  • jvan1957
    jvan1957 Posts: 114
    When you've been eating low calorie for a while then raise you're calories it's not unusual to even gain a little until metabolism adjusts. Then you should start dropping again. I just went through the same thing.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Give it several weeks. You were right to increase your calories from 700. Kudos to you for doing it. Now give your body and metabolism some time to adjust back up. You might even consider going to maintenance for a little while and/or having some honest to goodness splurge days.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Cry...lol Fight..nay Take up kickboxing...maybe

    Change up what you eat every day...I know I hit a snag every time I eat the same things. Eat something you don't normally eat, or drink one glass of water for every 20 pounds you weigh. Make sure however you are calculating your MFP diary that you are eating at least 1200 calories a day (I don't go for the net number). Change up your exercise too.

    I always go back to the same exercise videos and I'm telling you the greatest non-scale victory (NSV) I have had is changing up the exercises and FEELING the difference in my strength and agility. After 7 years of size 20-24, it's a wonder those muscles are willing to work!

    I hit a snag at 198 for a while (about three weeks). Hit another at 190. I added a multi-vitamin to my diet and it seems to be working, or at least I have a bit more energy at the end of the day.

    So, change it up, Have a slice of pizza. Eat a Doritos chip...remember--this is a lifestyle change. We are meant to enjoy the little things (and one bite of anything isn't going to do any damage..unless it's an oleander flower!)
  • It's going to take your body sometime to adjust to eating 1200 calories, give it a little time. If in 2 weeks you're still not losing maybe bump up to 1400 or 1600. Definitely eat your exercise calories.
  • skippykip
    skippykip Posts: 15 Member
    Agree with eating at least 1200 calories a day. And agree with the fact that your body is taking in the food because you could be adjusting from starvation mode.

    If you are uncomfortable eating 1200 calories, try. But filling it with lots of fruits, vegtables, and healthy fats (nuts, olive oil) might help you out. Eat foods that your body will use rather than empty calories. Best of luck! And don't give up. You got this! :o)
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    What are hooding when you are working out?? Are you doing at home videos or gym? Also how many days are you working out?
    I go to the gym atleast 6 days a week and use the elliptical for a half hour, and lately I've been trying to start running on the treadmill.
    Some days I will do a 30 minute Zumba routine at home in addition to going to the gym.

    Well you do need more then the 700 calories and you have I trick your body an not do the same thing every day. Like try weight lifting an cardio the next day and seer if that helps cuz ur boy gets use to the same routine
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    700 calories is not nearly enough for anyone. You shouldn't be eating any less than 1200 ever. So you've probably put yourself into starvation mode. I'd suggest slowly working up to eating more, like go up to 1400 calories a few days of the week, and then coming back to 1200. Then go up to 1600 for a day or so, then go back to 1200. You have to get your metabolism working again.

    I've been eating 1200 for about 4 days now, with still no results. What can I eat that's not too bad just to get my calories up to 1400-1600? I have trouble eating 1200 as it is because everything I eat is so healthy it barely has calories, ya know? I just end up getting stuffed.

    Avocado.. good calories, high in fat, but good fat
    bison meet or other lean red meat could help boost your caloies but their high in protein.
    Protein Shakes (Kellogs has a good one) can get your calories up

    Is your food diary public ?
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    You have to eat!!!

    That's what youre doing wrong, youre doing all this extra but youre not giving your body the fuel it needs to say "hey, I can let go of some of the fat, I don't need it cause she's giving me plenty to be able to do the extra exercise I'm not use too"


    If you are eating 1200 and burning 400, that's like only takin in 600 cal and you should never go below 1200

    eat the 400 you burned.

    I promise it won't backfire like you think!!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Thanks for asking this question. I love hearing from those who are ahead of me on the journey like Amy911Gray. Be patient and Mix It Up in exercising and eating - great advice!
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    I am struggling with the same thing (again). I just keep telling myself that I have been here before and it always works out. I do agree with a previous MFP'er who suggested that you were eating too little and you will eventually do better at 1200 cals than 700 - especially if you are excercising that much! I pretty much just did the same thing when I dropped to 1500 from 1950. I just bumped back up to 1800 and am anxiously waiting for my scale to move again too!

    Best of luck!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    If you've hit a plateau, as others have mentioned, eat more. It's *kitten* backwards but it works.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Have a pig out day. Then go back to the diet. Works for me.
  • cashartle
    cashartle Posts: 6 Member
    1. If you have not yet, take measurements. Sometimes when the scale is not moving the inches are. If you don't want to take measurements, take pictures; one each week wearing the same thing and as little as possible. You will SEE changes.
    2. Put some perspective to this. How long did it take to gain the weight? Your body has grown comfortable with the larger size and it will take time to change its mind.
    3. I know you won't believe this, but increase your percentage of fat intake. It will satisfy hunger cravings, feed your brain and seriously help you lose weight. Anytime I want to jump start weightloss I seriously increase fat intake for three days.
    4. Take an exercise break and relax for a few days. Try yoga.
    5. Sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep it is very hard to lose weight.