Hope for the post pregnancy tummy

nixickle Posts: 229 Member
Hi all,

I hope this works! I wanted to give some of the Mummies out there a little hope!! It has taken me a few months to pluck up the courage to post these pictures! But hopefully some mum's will find them useful.

Sadly I don't have any photos immediately of my post pregnancy belly, but hopefully the first two pictures will show that my tummy was stretched pretty large during my pregnancy!! And this was not my largest!! I still had 4 weeks left at this point. My daughter was breeched (wrong way round) until just after this photo, when she decided to turn...stretching my tummy even more! She was 9.2.....



These two photos were taken this evening, 20 months post pregnancy. I really wish I had photos from before I started as my pooch was pretty large! My muscles split through pregnancy due to my daughters size. I did all of the exercises for these split abs, which can be found by googling exercises for 'diastasis recti' also planks are fantastic as they strengthen the transverse or core abs.

I still have a way to go....I'd now like to work on toning. Other than walking my dogs and running around after my 20 month old I don't do any exercise. I did manage 2/3 's of the 30DSwhich massively helped get my figure looking a little closer to what it looks like now and I have done a little Zumba too, but again not much (but it did all help get me to where I am today)

I hope this offers a little hope to you lovely Mummies out there :-)




  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Any comments welcome! It's taken months for me to pick up the courage to post these pictures!! maybe I should re-post when I've toned up at bit?
  • ItsTiffanyFTW
    ItsTiffanyFTW Posts: 72 Member
    Any comments welcome! It's taken months for me to pick up the courage to post these pictures!! maybe I should re-post when I've toned up at bit?

    uhhhh, you're crazy if you think that you look anything other than fabulous! I'm sure you're going to get hit left and right with questions. I personally, am no where near worrying about how you did it until I get all this body fat off. I know how you feel though, my son came out 9.1.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    omg you look awesome!!! i cant even tell you've had a baby.
    it took courage for you to post these? i think you look great
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    You look fantastic! Although I'm not at the point of parenthood quite yet, the idea of the "post pregnancy tummy" is pretty daunting. If I can look even half as great as you do, there'll be nothing to fear! Great work :)
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for sharing! It's nice to know there's hope
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Thank you for posting. My son, (my third child) just turned 5 months old. I've lost all of my pregnancy weight plus 30lbs., but still have so far to go. I was wondering if it would even matter if I lost the weight, or if I would have a big, saggy pouch anyways. You have given me hope!
  • TarattThomas
    TarattThomas Posts: 25 Member
    I just had my 3rd baby in August & she was breech as well but she stayed breech so I had to have my first csection. I've got 30 lbs to lose till I get back to my pre baby weight. I'm having a really tough time with the flap the csection has created. You look great though! No stretchmarks either, what a plus! My stomach looks like a map. :/ Good job girl! Keep up the good work! :)
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Thank you for posting these!! What an incredible transformation. It doesn't look like you had a baby at all!!
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    omg you look awesome!!! i cant even tell you've had a baby.
    it took courage for you to post these? i think you look great

    Phew! Thankyou everyone! I was beginning to regret posting them as no one seemed to be saying anything at all! As I say it's taken 20months to get something similar to what I had pre-pregnacy.

    It took me courage to post these as I'm quite a private person and only my hubby ever sees any of my body!! Even if we go to the beach I wear a full body suimsuit and a sarong and even then I wouldn't be happy just walking along the beach! I joined in September and though I was feeling quite proud of my body I still kept putting off posting some pictures....lack of confidence really! But it's something I'm working on ;-)
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I just had my 3rd baby in August & she was breech as well but she stayed breech so I had to have my first csection. I've got 30 lbs to lose till I get back to my pre baby weight. I'm having a really tough time with the flap the csection has created. You look great though! No stretchmarks either, what a plus! My stomach looks like a map. :/ Good job girl! Keep up the good work! :)

    The photo doesn't really show my stretch-marks, but they are defineitley there! I was lucky in that they turned Silver and with me being so fair, the camera doesn't pick them up so well. I used creams to lighten them, and added helichrysum essential oil to them for an extra boost! I also took collagen tablets as they help repair damaged skin....plus they are good for hair and nails too. I got my stretch marks when my daughter turned as my skin just couldn't handle being stretched anymore, initially they were deep purple. They run all over my tummy, but as I say they turned silver so it's difficult to see them on a photo. I'd strongly recommend the essential oil and collagen as before I used those they were very purple for some time. Hope that helps
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Wow. You look amazing.
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    ummmm... really?
    Amazing, way better than my pre-baby tummy that is for sure
  • Ginatdavis
    Ginatdavis Posts: 17 Member
    You should be proud of yourself, and how far you've came. It's definitely great to see that just because you've had children, doesn't mean you can't get your body back.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    You look amazing! Thanks for sharing and motivating me!

    PS. Curtains look familiar, I have them in my mq!
  • Alexa1471
    Wow! You look better than i do and I haven't had children yet!

    Gives me hope to get to a good place before having children and getting back there after! :)
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    You look awesome!!! Good job!!!!
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    wow! Im 20 and had a baby in april and wer not trying but not preventing #2 so youv given me so much hope!
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    wow u look amazing. No stretch marks either! whats the secret??? lol :)
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I have had 3 pregnancies of my own and 3 as a surrogate mom. Unfortunately my 3 surrogacies were c-section deliveries which left me with the "shelf" that anyone with a c-section knows about. I am currently 13 months postpartum from my most recent surrogate delivery. It's nice to know that if I work at it and lose this last 20ish pounds, my abs will reappear. You look wonderful.
  • kell1618
    You look amazing! Thank you for posting and giving me hope! I have had 2 and really trying to get the belly gone!
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