Replacement for soda



  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    1/4 juice, 3/4 seltzer. I also like Newman's lemonade with seltzer in the same amounts. Or just seltzer. I was surprised with how quickly I got over the need for something ridiculously sweet multiple times a day (I used to drink like 3 or 4 gingerales/cokes a day). Now I drink bottle after bottle of just plain seltzer - got a soda stream for xmas so it's now available in unlimited supply at my house! Now on the rare occasion I do have a real soda I'm usually nearly immediately overwhelmed by how sweet it is. I can't drink more than a can anymore at all, usually only half.
  • Alayajoy
    I love to use the Propel flavored powders to sweeten up my water, but am also on a tight budget. So I to make it stretch, and still get a bit of sweet, I take a couple of packages out of the box, grab a gallon of water, and dump the packages into the gallon. This works especially well with their grape and lemonade flavors. Also, you could try using straight lemon juice or lime juice to help give your water some flavor, without adding a ton of calories, 1 tsp-1 tbsp, depending on taste. Fat Free (Skim) Milk is also a great alternative to soda (and usually cheaper too, depending on where you live). Hope that gives you some ideas!