


  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    The sun came out today and we have less snow....I came up with a trick, I walk during outside recess like I'm really heading somewhere! It's not just powerwalk, the kids also think I'm coming "to get them" :laugh:
    We have a very well behaving recess group now.
    I also had to change my studded tires, so dragging out the 4 tires from the shed from the backyard, while sinking in snow, and putting away the other set of tires got me some weight lifting! :tongue: No, I didn't roll them, I carried them!!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    The sun came out today and we have less snow....I came up with a trick, I walk during outside recess like I'm really heading somewhere! It's not just powerwalk, the kids also think I'm coming "to get them" :laugh:
    We have a very well behaving recess group now.
    I also had to change my studded tires, so dragging out the 4 tires from the shed from the backyard, while sinking in snow, and putting away the other set of tires got me some weight lifting! :tongue: No, I didn't roll them, I carried them!!!

    OMGosh! Where do you live??? I'm in N. California and just got back from Tahoe...but event he snow wasn't deep enough there to do that kind of damaage. But, I think I might go out an rotate my tires after school, just for the upper body workout!!! :wink:
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    Alaska, of course...where else! :sad:
    And we broke ALL records this year for snow. It's better be an awesome summer, or half of the state will move to the lower 48!
    I will switch my profile picture back so you can see to snow.
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    So, this is my handicapped rail, and in the background is my kids' playhouse. This pic was taken before Christmas and in January we broke all records, as I said.
    I did get some workout from shovelig, I guess.......................................
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    The sun came out today and we have less snow....I came up with a trick, I walk during outside recess like I'm really heading somewhere! It's not just powerwalk, the kids also think I'm coming "to get them" :laugh:
    We have a very well behaving recess group now.
    I also had to change my studded tires, so dragging out the 4 tires from the shed from the backyard, while sinking in snow, and putting away the other set of tires got me some weight lifting! :tongue: No, I didn't roll them, I carried them!!!

    OMGosh! Where do you live??? I'm in N. California and just got back from Tahoe...but event he snow wasn't deep enough there to do that kind of damaage. But, I think I might go out an rotate my tires after school, just for the upper body workout!!! :wink:

    you saw a light year then, because I used to live in South Lake Tahoe, and it has been as deep as my husband's chest at times.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Oh, and back on topic...

    I'm a 7th grade teacher, and I work out on Saturday and Sunday religiously. then if I can get a run or two in during the week, I feel like I'm doing well.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    OMGosh! Where do you live??? I'm in N. California and just got back from Tahoe...but event he snow wasn't deep enough there to do that kind of damaage. But, I think I might go out an rotate my tires after school, just for the upper body workout!!! :wink:

    you saw a light year then, because I used to live in South Lake Tahoe, and it has been as deep as my husband's chest at times.

    Oh yes...my in-laws have a house in Meyers, and there have been plety of years that we've had snow piled up to the second story, where you can't even see out the windows downstairs....but I only remember that as late as March...not April. AND, we are sooooooooooooo low on precipitation it's scary!!! Can you say, "DROUGHT?" UGH!

    WOW ildi007, those are some incredible snow photos. If you get sick of it, please feel free to send some down our way!!! We could use every flake! :happy:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I'm not a teacher however
    I do work fulltime outside of the home and I have 2 kids 7yrs old and 4yrs old- I am out of my house @7am and don't get home until after 7pm.

    I bring my gym bag with me to work so when I leave work at 5pm I head to get my kids at the afterschool program then we go straight to the gym I workout for no less than an hour and we head home for me to cook dinner do baths check over homework and get ready for the next day just to do it all over again..

    For those that workout early in the am before work-- Kudo's to you I just can't do it 2 of the ladies I work with hit the gym before work then shower and get ready at the office- I don't know how they do it- I always tell them when your getting to the gym I am rolling over lol..
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    I was wondering if any of youknow of a good kid-appropriate site that would log exercise and food intake, analyze it, etc.? We're gettting ready to start studying health...and this site sent a POWERFUL message to one of my teen-age sons when I made him log his diet for one week. HOLY COW!!!! Kids consume way too much sodium & cholesterol!!! YIKES!!!

    Anyway, I'd like them to do the same thing for a week, but I don't want them in a site where they really are too young to be. :smile:

    Please let me know, thanks everyone!!!!

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Teachers - when do you find time to work out?!:noway:

    I'm a certified teacher, although I'm not a classroom teacher right now- I'm the Director of an After School Program- still quite time consuming- writing grants, doing the budget, staffing, payroll, etc. Last year I was teaching, and I would work out a lot on weekends, and often right after work. I found that although it was sometimes the last thing I felt like doing, once you actually come home and get changed right away (don't sit on the couch, etc.) and get yourself started, it's all downhill. I got to the point where I actually enjoyed it.

    I totally understand you feeling like you don't have time- I actually looked for a job with kids outside of teaching (and now I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job :happy: ) because I was putting in 12 hours every school day (teaching 5th grade) and that's just not for me :noway: at least not at this point in my life. Good luck!
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