Friends who like to cook healthy foods wanted!



  • CocoaBeautiful78
    In Australia but will still be friends!

    This is soooooooooo off topic but are those your lips? If so what color is that? Killer!
  • ShawtyLatina
    ShawtyLatina Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in the US but I do measure everything by grams if that helps. I would LOVE to see what everybody else creative brain is coming up with. I'm a french trained chef and had to un-train myself in order to lose the first 125 lbs. Now I'm toying with moving my diet first to vegetarian and then to vegan. Right now I'm probably 80%veg and 50%vegan with a sprinkle of the animal proteins here and there.

    In my short time with try to make the switch, I've encountered a few challenges:

    1) I'm over on fiber by 20 or so grams a day. The pregnant bloated feeling is killing me. Not sure how to change that since fiber is in all the veggies and whole grains. ugh.

    2) I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm thinking low iron maybe?? Not sure how to up that since the iron foods also seem to be the ones high in fiber. It's a conspiracy I tell ya. lol.

    3) Definitely feeling like I need a little creative kick in the patooskies.

    Please feel free to add me. And for sure... If anyone has any advice on the above 3, I'm all ears. :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Any chance you are celiac?
    In my short time with try to make the switch, I've encountered a few challenges:

    1) I'm over on fiber by 20 or so grams a day. The pregnant bloated feeling is killing me. Not sure how to change that since fiber is in all the veggies and whole grains. ugh.

    2) I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm thinking low iron maybe?? Not sure how to up that since the iron foods also seem to be the ones high in fiber. It's a conspiracy I tell ya. lol.

    3) Definitely feeling like I need a little creative kick in the patooskies.

    Please feel free to add me. And for sure... If anyone has any advice on the above 3, I'm all ears. :)
  • ShawtyLatina
    ShawtyLatina Posts: 160 Member
    Any chance you are celiac?
    In my short time with try to make the switch, I've encountered a few challenges:

    1) I'm over on fiber by 20 or so grams a day. The pregnant bloated feeling is killing me. Not sure how to change that since fiber is in all the veggies and whole grains. ugh.

    2) I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm thinking low iron maybe?? Not sure how to up that since the iron foods also seem to be the ones high in fiber. It's a conspiracy I tell ya. lol.

    3) Definitely feeling like I need a little creative kick in the patooskies.

    Please feel free to add me. And for sure... If anyone has any advice on the above 3, I'm all ears. :)

    since I don't know what that is, I'm guessing not. But going to look it up... Maybe it's time I head for a doctor's check up. :(
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Love to cook, from the U.K. now living in Canada with uk cookbooks - always looking for new ideas!!! :drinker:
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    Yay, healthy cooks! Nice to meet you all :)
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Im from Scotland but live in the Netherlands. I always cook from scratch...not becasue i want to be really healthy or anything but i find it cheaper and also when i first moved to Holland ready meals as we know them (marks and spencer/tesco) were not available. The only ready meal you could get was mashed potato with a random smoked sausage stuck in it or a horrific lasagne.

    Love to see what my UK friends are cooking up, nothing against you lot accross the pond but i have no idea how much is in a half the time the food i put in my diary is probably wrong! :)
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Hello, I'm from England and love healthy cooking and baking. Most of the time i just make my own recipes up and always put them in the recipe calculator.

    Todays lunch is left over chicken and chickpea biryani. For dinner I think ill make a creamy mushroom and buckwheat dish. Nom!

    The more recipes in grams the better!
  • Sagefemme76
    Sagefemme76 Posts: 45 Member
    What a great idea for a thread. I love cooking too, but find that when I'm busy I tend to lack inspiration and cook the same things over and over. I'm heading back to uni next month (mature student ,working, hubby and 2 small kids...phew), so life is gonna get way busy and I'd love to pinch some of your recipe ideas when I'm too exhausted to think of my own ;) I've got myself a weekly meal planner and am determined to be organised, stay on track and eat yummy homemade food.
    I'm in Aus too....but spent 10 years living in Scotland, so happy to translate quantities/ingredients :)
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    Good luck! I plan weekly too, and am doing well at being organised - I now hate it when I have to get out of this routine! But I do cook the same meals quite frequently - but try new meals about once or twice a week. If they are really good, they make it into the regular meals!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Me too! I collect recipes all week long, so I am trying to cook something new twice a week to try some of them out. Any my boys don't seem to mind!

    I am using BigOven for meal planning. Integrates my meal plan with the grocery list on my phone so I don't have to remember to copy from recipes to phone, except when I am using recipes that I haven't put in Big Oven. Works well for me so far. I always resisted meal planning before, but I think it is working well for me now.
    Good luck! I plan weekly too, and am doing well at being organised - I now hate it when I have to get out of this routine! But I do cook the same meals quite frequently - but try new meals about once or twice a week. If they are really good, they make it into the regular meals!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I am not a big measure sort of cook... but

    I shred one head of cabbage, a small head of radicchio (If I am lazy I get the Dole bag already shredded) a large carrot and two Jalapeño.

    I take all the shredded veggies and add in a spoon of Mayo, just enough to moisten everything, a spoon full of white vinegar and a pinch of sugar, Salt and pepper. Sometimes I like to toast sesame seeds and put them in too.

    The key is to make it a day in advance so that the peppers have a chance to spread the heat out. Sometimes I also add in a bit of diced jalapeño just before serving so you get a little fresh burst of pepper too.
    I'm going to give this a try as well as some other great ideas on this thread!

    Bumping so others get the benefit of this interesting thread!:happy: