Parenting Advice (Yikes!)



  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    One of Frank Zappa's kids (don't remember which) never crawled. He turned over on his back, put his head on the floor and pushed his pelvis up, then used his feet to scoot around like that.

    He's as normal now as he can be, considering he was raised by Frank Zappa ...

  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    When a child wants something, they figure out a way to get it done. So don't sweat it now. She'll be up and running around before you know it. In the meantime, don't feel compelled to give in when you know she isn't trying to address her own issues (e.g., she wants to be closer to you and cries rather than trying to crawl over).
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    She's fine, my daughter did it very early and walked fairly early too. My son took a little longer and hardly crawled basically started running one day and hasn't slowed down since.
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    my son never crawled... he found that rolling got him where he wanted to go alot quicker! and was on his feet just after his first birthday so It didin't hold him back any... :) all children are different, I wouldn't worry...
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    It sounds like there is interest in things, not in crawling, so why not combine the two.
    Put the baby down in the middle of an area and spread things out around but not within reach. The interest in the "things" should lead to crawling to get to them.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Baby Knee Pads! I don't know if they actually help or not though! We have all hardwood floors and we put down one of those Rubbery type mats with the interlocking pieces...also from One Step Ahead. That helped my son get some traction, but he hardly crawled either, started walking at 10 months! Don't sweat it!
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    Just to concur with the others, I think it's fine. Just another example of how all kids are different. My oldest son was cruising furniture at 10-11 months but wasn't crawling, same thing he just didn't seem interested. Anyway we thought he's just start walking and skip crawling but he actually dropped down to crawl at one year and didn't walk independently until 17 months. :)

    It might be a traction thing with the hardwood floors but I think eventually when they're ready they can do it, even with the hardwood. I think you and she are doing great! :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    For some kids, the doctors will make them go back and learn to crawl if they skip it, so they can develop the proper motor skills. We had hardwood floors for my oldest. At home, he didn't wear socks or shoes, and we bought a cheap area rug for him to play on. Good luck! All kids have their own rate of development. My oldest and youngest both met their milestones at different times and in different order. You should be having a 9 month check up soon. Talk about your concerns with your pediatrician. They can keep you in line with what the expected time frame is to hit milestones.
  • seehawkmomma
    Let's not turn this into a bash-everyone-who-doesn't-think-like-me thread like other parenting threads.

    First time mom here.

    I have an 8 1/2 month old daughter. She isn't crawling yet. She is, however, trying to "scoot" backwards. The problem we run into with crawling is that we have hardwood floors, and every time she attempts to crawl, she can't get any traction. My only carpeted areas are under tables, etc.

    Is there anything I can do to make this easier on her?

    Or, do any of you have kids who didn't crawl, and just walked? She is attempting to stand, and will take a few steps when I hold her hands.

    Also, is there anything I should be worried about?

    ETA: It's almost like she just isn't interested in it. Haha :) She is very intelligent, can say several words, loves to sit and look at books, etc. but moving just isn't a priority to her. How can I encourage her to get moving?

    Get on your hands and knees momma and show her how its done. She may want to skip the crawling part (however research shows crawling is very important for a child and the longer they do it the smarter they can get--something about it helps them use both sides of their brain--)

    If you want to make it easier on her get a big rug and block it off so she has a very kid friendly area. Get down on the floor with her and crawl around. She might just mimick you :))
  • meganmorsey
    Hardwood floors make it tough, but she will be just fine, don't worry :). My oldest didn't crawl until she was 10 months, which was only one month before she started walking. It's fine and NORMAL for babies to go to walking without ever crawling!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    You know my favorite thing about when my daughter was that young? When I put her somewhere she stayed there. That's a gift you should be cherishing!

    Once they start moving...all hell breaks lose!!! LOL
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My son never crawled he scooted a lot which is fine. He just walked faster than I thought he was standing up and attempting to walk at 10 months so do not be surprised if your daughter does the same. It does not mean something is wrong. Believe me I would rather walk than crawl :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    It sounds like there is interest in things, not in crawling, so why not combine the two.
    Put the baby down in the middle of an area and spread things out around but not within reach. The interest in the "things" should lead to crawling to get to them.

    Brilliant! Thanks!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member

    Plus why rush it? You know my favorite thing about when my daughter was that young? When I put her somewhere she stayed there. That's a gift you should be cherishing!

    ^^ amen to this
  • thebunches
    Kids develop at their own pace...and honestly, if she's working on one area (talking, fine motor-skills like turning board book pages, looking at books, etc) she probably isn't interested in moving around yet. Babies tend to do one thing until they master it...and THEN move on to the next. Sounds like she will probably be doing this part for a bit, then when she feels ready to take on something else, she'll focus everything on THAT.

    No worries, mama...8.5 months and she is sounding like she's right on target. :) I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who did a lot of things like this. Currently she's very focused on talking (speaking in 10-15 word sentences; learning 45-55 songs along with ALL the words to them, etc)...and she's NOT very interested in potty training. She did the whole "talk talk talk" and THEN started with the walking (@ 11 months)...and she only crawled for about a month (@10 months) until she just got up and walked. Then once she mastered the walking (mostly), she went back to the talking phase (@ 13 months). :)

    You're doing great!! Keep it up!! :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member

    Get on your hands and knees momma and show her how its done. She may want to skip the crawling part (however research shows crawling is very important for a child and the longer they do it the smarter they can get--something about it helps them use both sides of their brain--)

    If you want to make it easier on her get a big rug and block it off so she has a very kid friendly area. Get down on the floor with her and crawl around. She might just mimick you :))

    Great idea.
  • jacalou
    jacalou Posts: 61 Member
    I didN,t read all the replies but in case this hasn't been noted... Crawling is not considered to be a developmental milestone. Whenever your baby crawls is fine and if she never does, that is fine, too. Do not be concerned. :smile:
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    You have nothing to worry about. She's just fine!! Though if you're worried about her learing to crawl, then make it a game and YOU get down and crawl to "teach" her. Kids learn by example. In my opinion, crawling is a good precursor to walking because it teaches balance and spacial relation. Have fun with her. She's at a great age!! :smile: