


  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    Today is day 3 I guess. I started really late on 'day 0' so this is the morning of the third full day, and I feel like crap. I'm still on the plan 100%. The meals are tasty but small. I'm on the road (in hotels and at customers) this week so it's been pretty easy to stay on plan. I went to the grocery store and bought some pouches of Tuna, mixed greens, salad dressing and chollula to make my 'lean and green' in my room and stay out of restaurants.

    Because I'm not at home I have no idea on whether or not I've lost weight.

    Last night was miserable - woke up sweaty about every 90 minutes. Headache this morning. stomach cramps too. Energy level probably 60%. I've heard that later today or tomorrow is when 'fat burn' starts. I can't wait.

    My health coach suggested that my headache might be 'salt withdrawal' so I had a little salt about 10 minutes ago, and a cup of coffee (no milk, dang...) and I'm feeling a little better already.

    I think I'll write a 'waiting for fat burn' song.
  • lily_swenson
    lily_swenson Posts: 38 Member
    some of us just aren't lucky enough to have a healthy lifestyle

    what does that even mean? lmao
  • tcgsimon
    tcgsimon Posts: 2 Member
    Hi 419er, I am trying the medifast plan as well. I have had success with numerous other means and unfortunately gained it back. I finished multiple rounds of p90x, eating right, etc., but like anything, if you go off plan, them you pay the price. Anyone who says differently did what most dont, and kept the healthy lifestyle. I think the successful folks who completed medifast transitioned properly amd keep things in check.

    i am not doing this by myself, but signed up at a local clinic with doctors and degreed dieticians. Im hopeful
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey all,

    I'll jump in here with my own experience - and I promise I *won't* disappear! Short version: I lost 53 pounds just using MFP to track about a year ago - have been stuck for a while - trying MediFast/TSFL to kick-start the last 20-30.

    Here's my story. I'm 5'10" - I started at 220.7 and used ONLY MFP for most of 2012. I lost 53ish pounds and finished at 167.9 I think. (But granted that was an 'optimal time' weight-in, if you know what I mean). I also took up running during that time and ran my first Marathon in 2013.

    Over the middle/end of 2013 I put about 15 of it back on. I've been successful at keeping in the 182 range for a while, but that is still considered overweight - and I know I still have weight to lose. We can argue about what a healthy weight is, but I figure I've got somewhere between 20-30 pounds of fat to lose.

    One of my very best friends has been a "Take Shape for Life" Optimal Health Coach for a long time and has tons of clients. I'll be honest that I pooh-pooed this whole thing as "the latest fad diet" and preached the "I lost 50 pounds just using MFP" message as often as I could.

    Anyway - to make this already too-long story slightly longer - here's what made me decide to try MediFast:

    1) I have been unable to stay solid in MFP for more than a couple of weeks lately.
    2) My "coach" and I have one mutual friend who lost 50lbs in the past 3-4 months on this thing and he looks awesome.
    3) I have a trip to Hawaii coming up in 8 weeks and I'd like to look better with my shirt off
    4) I want to PR in my marathon later this year, and that will be way easier if I'm in the low teens for BF% than the mid 20s.
    5) I had the $ to give this a try for at least a month.

    All that being said - I'm 3 meals into my plan. For now it feels like my biggest challenge is going to be limiting caffeine to 300mg per day - but I started weaning myself off that a week ago.

    More in a couple of days...

    Medifast while marathon training? Sounds torturous and borderline dangerous to me.

    Edited for typo
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member

    Medifast while marathon training? Sounds torturous and borderline dangerous to me.

    Edited for typo

    Technically MediFast *before* marathon training. I ran a half I was training for and ended just before I started this. I'm not training at all during MediFast (other than walking and maybe some jogging later when 'coach' says it's okay) and then when I'm down to my goal weight I'll start training again for my next 'half' in June, and the full I'm running in October.

    Fortunately - my health coach is former marathon world record holding athlete and has helped other distance runners do something similar to what I'm doing. Shed the pounds before hitting the training hard.
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    Okay - I'm on day 6. I started officially last Wednesday morning and it's Tuesday morning. I'm down 9.5 pounds in a week, although I' think about 4.5 of that is 'fake' in the fact that I sorta overdid my last day before starting - eating all the food that was going to spoil in my fridge while I do this.

    But still 5 lbs down in a week is awesome - and the numbers I'm seeing on the scale I already haven't seen for a year. I've hovered between 182 and 186 for most of a year after being down as far as 167 previously. I was at 176.1 this morning.

    I get *really* hungry about 2.5 hours after eating one of their little meal replacement things. Once I hit 'fat burn' I did feel the energy pick up. Right now I'm drinking a ton of water to make sure I feel 'full' and I feel great, other than I have to go to the bathroom all the time - but I suppose there's a good reason for that...

    Anyway - a week in and huge progress already.
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    Hi 419er, I am trying the medifast plan as well. I have had success with numerous other means and unfortunately gained it back. I finished multiple rounds of p90x, eating right, etc., but like anything, if you go off plan, them you pay the price. Anyone who says differently did what most dont, and kept the healthy lifestyle. I think the successful folks who completed medifast transitioned properly amd keep things in check.

    i am not doing this by myself, but signed up at a local clinic with doctors and degreed dieticians. Im hopeful

    Yep - everyone I've talked to talks about transitioning off the plan properly as the key to success. I can so easily see where that could go wrong. You talked about 'paying the price' - in another thread someone actually did the math. That *one* meal that sends you off plan ends up costing you $$ in MediFast, and days/weeks of time. I'm still a noob - only a week in - but I remain pretty hopeful. It's really nice to already be down to a weight that I haven't see since October 2013 (right before my last marathon..)
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Tried it. It was so nasty! Had a medical/chemical/sweet taste. Yuck! It may work for you though. Just keep in mind u can return it, but u must keep any opened box( used meals) and free boxes.
  • lfleive
    I have been on MF for almost a month and am just shy of 20 lbs down. I had to dial back the workouts because I am an active person who just ate like a teenage boy....... I would love to stay in touch with you guys and see how we all do.
    I did have headaches the first week and would get the shakes because lets face it I was a CARB ADDICT..... I had horrible sleep patterns and used sugar/carbs to combat the blahs that surfaced every day.
    I feel better and have lost 3 inches off my waist. The meals I bought the first go round were well a little bland however my coach has me set up with more than some shakes LOL
    Good luck to all and lets get back to good
  • eileencasey100
    eileencasey100 Posts: 1 Member