what makes a man sexy?



  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    When I think of my husband, these are the top 10 things that turn me on about him:
    I don't mean to brag-so sorry if it comes out that way.

    1. He is incredibly intelligent (Mensa member even) For me, it is important to be in a relationship where I am constantly challenged and have enlightening conversations. It also makes me feel super secure that whatever comes up in our life, he educates himself about that subject and is in control of the situation. He is very effective communicating with others and is very confident. He has his facts straight and never lies.

    2. He is super supportive, even when I am acting like a brat. We all have ups and downs in life and I cant be "nice" all the time. He keeps his cool and ALWAYS treat me with respect and love. I believe your true character comes through during the tough times. The good times are...easy.

    3.He tries. Even though he doesn't take off his own birthday from work, he always takes mine off. I am not big on material items and I would much rather have a memory of that day. He always plans a vacation or a day trip somewhere. Most times its an amusement park because that's what I ask for (I am a big kid) hehe. One of my favorite birthdays was when he rented a sightseeing plane and we flew over coastline to see animals and landmarks. We then went out to a romantic dinner right one the ocean. It was beautiful.

    4. Passion. Its there for us. I look at him and he still turns me on after 11 years of marriage:)

    5. He is super funny! He looks at all the "giggle sites" (LOLcats, comics etc) every morning to keep himself in a good mood and to have jokes to tell at work or to me. Even though he is super responsible, I love the fact he can still act like a kid sometimes.

    6. He loves his job. He works his butt off everyday and I can ask for more then that. You usually don't see too many people who are passionate about what they do anymore.

    7. He knows when to play the part. He's a bad boy during the right times, sensitive during the others.

    8. He puts me first. I put him first. He always considers how I feel before making an important decision.

    9. He is a foodie like me. We love to cook. We also LOVE to check out cool restaurants and try new foods. We have interests in common but enough to be our own person :)

    10. No matter what, he is there. He is loyal and trustworthy. I would trust him in a room full of naked women to not do anything. I'm actually serious. :) hehe

    Sorry it was so long :)

    Sounds perfect!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Lect, what a beautiful post. You are both very lucky :)

    Superficially? I do like a man who smells nice. Not some kind of Sex Panther knockout cologne, rather something subtle and that suits his skin chemistry. The kind that you have to get quite close to smell.

    I'm also a sucker for the old 'well-muscled-forearm-rolled-up-shirt' look. Umph. I have no qualms in admitting that I'm weak at the knees for an Alpha.

    In less superficial news...the way a man talks to women is important - confident, without being arrogant, and focussed on them. I've watched my boyfriend do it and I get all proud!

    And, even though it's on the candyfloss side of sexiness: kindness. I spent last weekend with my boyfriend, and when it came to hometime flooding had messed up the trains. So, he took my hand and drove me all the way home (circa 200 miles), turned on his heel, and drove all the way back. I said he was welcome to stay for a few hours, but he smiled and said "zumba waits for no man" (I was helping teach a class that evening).

    Fell in love with him all over again.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Holding eye contact(not like a freaky stacker) and paying a compliment works very well
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    I find a hairy chest sexy. I dated a guy for a little while that shaved his chest but it just seemed weird to me. Guys chests are not suppose to be smooth
  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    An intelligent sense of humour

    Strong arms

    When he has that look in his eye

    Love a man who's not afraid to stand up and be counted

    Someone who is considerate of other's feelings

  • kindred_fawn
    kindred_fawn Posts: 22 Member
    I like strong arms, shoulders, neck etc just not too big! Also a nice smile with nice teeth. Funny. Adventurous, smells nice :)
  • lilcmac22
    lilcmac22 Posts: 47 Member
    Critical Thinking Skills. :)