Birth Control Frustration



  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    I still don't understand how some women can be so "green" and "organic" in everything but their own sexuality.

    Adding hormones to your body via the pill will mess you up. Pills are toxic abortificiants, not contraceptives.

    You still get pregnant on the pill, you body just flushes it out unless you have taken the pill to the point of where your uterine lining is so thick the fertilized egg can't attach, then it gets flushed out and you have even worse menstrual problems than a normal person.

    Estrogen increases growth in the body. Growth of everything in the body.
    It also messes up your metabolisim. The only fix is to do a leptin reset and to see about getting off the pill before it's too late to do so.

    Stop drinking whatever Kool Aid your local chapter of the Sedona Crystal Sisters is giving you. Good lord.
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
    I have been on oral contraceptives off and on for almost 18 years. I didn't start gaining weight until I hit my 30s. I did try OTC and hated it, extremely emotional and ate everything that wasn't nailed down. I have been on Kariva (generic for Mircette) for probably the last 8 yrs or so. It is very low levels of hormones, so much that my periods are almost non-existent. As far as an IUD or Mirena, I wouldn't get my hopes up unless you have already had a child. I have not been able to find a doctor who would do that since I have not been pregnant unless there was some medical reason i could not use any other form of birth control. Best of luck and congrats on your upcoming wedding :smile:

    Don't give up hope. I found a doctor who tied my tubes at 25 with no children. I just went in and spoke my peace about the fact that I knew what i was asking for and if I ever wanted kids badly enough I knew I could either pay to have it reversed or ~ the same amount and adopt. My husband had his procedure just about 2 months before I did. We both felt strongly about it and the drs. did not have any issues. I have never regretted my decision.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    You may want to try switching brands. I am on Ortho Lo, but they put me on something else that was not low. The mood swings and other side effects were too much. I asked my doctor to put me back on Ortho Lo, and he did. There wasn't even any hesitation. I was due for a trip, anyway.