does eating protein cause horrible gas?



  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    The least you can do is fire a warning shot. When it's about to happen make an alarm sound by saying Whoop. Say it three times before letting loose: Whooooop,,,,,,Whoooop.....Whooop. When your family hears the alarm they can run for cover or put on a gas mask. :laugh:
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    For me, it's carbs. I've got some massive digestive issues to begin with, but when I throw a lot of carbs into the out! Everyone is different, but I would venture a guess that anything that gets the pipes moving will cause gas.
  • sarasmith40
    sarasmith40 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes it happens with proteins with me. Its horrible:(
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    i'll third on the probiotics as I've had a good experience with this:

    Not gone, but reduced alot.

    Hope it helps.

    I'll "fourth" it - my husband and 10 year old son both suffer from IBS and probiotics keep their farts minimal and livable. Don't eliminate them completely, but greatly reduce the frequency and, um.. intensity. My son used to get "fart stomach aches" from gas pressure before we started him on a daily probiotic capsule, but doesn't any more unless we forget a day.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I am just wondering if something is wrong i have added alot of protein to my diet and i have not done this before but, I usualy have soem gas issues anyway because i eat alot of salad... But today exspecaily!!! I mean sorry if it is TMI but i am really bad right now.. My husband is running out the room it is so bad, and my kids to.. :( I cant stop it huts to hold it in...

    and who else can i ask? Is it embarrassing to say? of course... I know everyone may think im joking but hey you dont know me so I dont feel to gross asking.. Im just having issues right now.. like im not just saying one or two little ones, they are like in 10 minutes 10 gas bubbles.. lol im so embarrassed... HELP could it be protein or should i go get checked out by a doctor?

    It depends on what you're eating. Yes, some protein can cause gas.

    Soy has a lot of protein, but the unfermented kind can cause gas problems. Chocolate soy milk tastes awesome and has protein, but if you drink it on a regular basis it can give you terrible gas. Same thing with a lot of tofu. Fermented soy like miso and tempeh don't cause that problem. There's a science behind this, but I didn't save the article -- google for more info.

    Other beans have protein, too, and cause gas because people lack an enzyme to digest the shell or coat. You can get around this if you soak them or add extra water and overcook them so they are very soft.
  • Geez I too have been having this issue. Yes it's terrible. I am also pretty sure it's due to the amount of protein I take in. I have slowly increased both my five and protein intake. I am pretty sure I get around 125 grams of protein a day now minimum and since I passed 100 grams that's when I started to go off , so to speak, lol. I hope it gets better soon. I also wonder what the original poster did about this.
  • Old post... I know, just wanted to add my two cents. I ran into the same problem when I started weight training and trying to add about 15lbs to my weight. I was working out a lot, and taking in a lot of protein. Soon after starting, I could easily clear a room of all occupants with the smallest of "toots."

    I did a little bit of research and reading around, and found a solution. I think what you're experience can be dubbed as "protein farts." I'm not sure if you have an exercise routine or a special diet that you follow, or both. However, if you don't supply your body with enough carbs to replace the energy you're expending, your body will turn to converting excess protein into energy (carbs, glycogen??). It seems that the process by which this is done creates a humiliating byproduct; extremely deadly farts, silent or not!

    Everyone is different, but this is what worked for me. I started adding more carbs to my diet, complex at most times except for after workout, at which time I'd take in simple carbs, and the deadly farts ceased to exist after a few days.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    The least you can do is fire a warning shot. When it's about to happen make an alarm sound by saying Whoop. Say it three times before letting loose: Whooooop,,,,,,Whoooop.....Whooop. When your family hears the alarm they can run for cover or put on a gas mask. :laugh:

    I use 'Fire in the hole!' :explode: