Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow - Join Me?

Hey Ladies and Gents!

I will be starting the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tomorrow. If you'd like to join me, for motivation purposes and so we can complain about the pain we're in, please feel free to add me as a friend.

You can purchase the workout dvd at most Target stores. I'm committed to it 100%, no misses. So please join me for some torture with fabulous (hopefully) results. =)


  • Jaimepm
    Jaimepm Posts: 17
    So I have done about 5 days with a couple missed days inbetween, I am soooo ready for no misses!!!!! You will love it! So far I do... I just don't want to miss days!
  • I'm new to this so im not sure how to request u but i would love to do this. what is the dvd title?
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I wish I could! But I lost my DVD. :(
  • i just bought the first level on amazon instant video for $2 and i can now watch it on my computer. i'm in! i'll start tomorrow with you!
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    [Blowing the dust off my DVD]

    I'm in! Please hold me accountable! :)
  • LM297
    LM297 Posts: 45 Member
    I started the shred on Jan. 2nd but have missed a few days I'm on day 8.......ready to get to the rest with no really enjoying it & have started seeing a bit of a difference! :smile:
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    I wish I could! But I lost my DVD. :(

    you can download it for free fromt h einternet (no virus attatched)
    sorry if some of you dont agree with this, im a poor student. and 10 bucks for 3 workouts just dont cut it for me.

    anyway im starting tonight
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I will join you. But, my I won't get a chance to do the first one until Monday. I have to go shopping tomorrow.
  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    Sounds good ladies. I just found my dvd in my closet so I'm on it. This is the year I am gonna wear a bathing suit and feel confident dammit! LOL!

    I'll be at it bright and early tomorrow morning so I don't get interupted by the kiddos. No worries if you're starting on Monday or already started, we can all push each other. Already did all my measurements and photos.
  • frzr71186
    frzr71186 Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck and have fun!

    I purchased the DVD but can't start till mid-Feb since I'm recovering from a C section. I've heard awesome things about the video, though, and I'm really anxious to start!
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Im with you. I am going to get dvd tomorrow and start monday!:happy:
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Yes I'm starting today too! But I can't do this dvd everyday in a row... I'll do something else on the days in between.
  • I started yesterday, and I am so sore! But! I am going to do day 2 today! no excuses! I'm in! :happy:
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    No pain, no gain.
  • Im in! I have p90x and it's not for me. I've tried the 30 day shred a long time ago and liked it. :)
  • Sunshine70Smith
    Sunshine70Smith Posts: 97 Member
    I started yesterday and am a little sore today but I really liked it. I won't be doing it every day but will aim for 4x per week depending on my schedule.

  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    30 Day Shred Day One - Complete! I need to go buy some hand weights though, this morning I used a can of corn and a can of green beans. =)

    And another motivator if you guys need it, if you start today January 15th, your 30th day will be February 13th (NO MISSES), right before Valentines Day. This doesn't matter to me cause my Hubs is deployed but for those who have someone or if you have a sexy dress you wanna wear on the "most romantic day of the year" get wit it!
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Just finished day 1.

    A couple notes, man I forgot how hard day 1 is. I was stunned that it wasn't over every interval.

    Secondly, day 1 wasn't nearly as bad as the first time I started back in august. I'll never forget that day because I was shaking and nauseous that time. So I guess the 2 weeks of walking/jogging I've been doing did help me get ready for this.
  • NanP135
    NanP135 Posts: 219 Member
    I am in starting today, I got mine for 5.99 at Bj's wholesale club...Let the pain begin:bigsmile:
  • bobkat67
    bobkat67 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in starting Monday. Will go buy dvd today.