Feeling really defeated



  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    I would also suggest to try some strength training like the JM 30 day shred. Its only 20 mins and she works you pretty hard. Aslo agree with opening your food diary if you havent already so your friends can help to narrow down your eating habits. Keep going...youre doing great!
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    Weights, weights and some more weights.... as a previous poster saidm circuit training! Jillian Michaels DVDs are available at Target. I use Debbie Siebers' Slim in 6/ Slim Series (I can't believe there's not more hubub about her!) Since doing this I've lost steadily. No joke, I was stuck in the 170's as well. UGH frustrating! I started eating more, working out more and that was my answer. Everyone's different, and you will find that at different stages of this journey, you will need different things! Good luck!
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Melissa hits the nail on the head, especially about measuring and checking portion sizes.

    We are all on a journey to change our way of thinking about food and get to a point where we can enjoy eating and exercising sensibly, without our minds stressing about every spoonful. Take a look at the skinnies - they don't, on the whole, worry about what they eat, they automatically make sensible choices, leave the pastry on the side of their plates, only have small helpings of desserts. And you are probably, like me, undoing a lifetime of making silly choices, not exercising nearly enough...

    But the goal to keep in mind is the benefits you will have in terms of being healthy, and able to enjoy leisure activities more, especially with your children and grandchildren!
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    THANKS EVERYONE!! I needed those ideas, support and pep talk!!

    1. I do not breast feed, I did about a month and it didnt work out so dont have to worry about taking anything in that case! SO what kind of supplements?

    2. My work out routine is usually 20 minutes of cardio ( at least a mile on treadmill, or five miles on stationary bike) I will walk, then sprint, then walk, then walk on incline, then walk, then sprint, then walk, then run till I cant anymore, then cool off. Then I go and lift weights. This last week ive started free weights since just recently I dont have to take my son to gym with me anymore where they wouldnt allow children in free weights section. So I just use weight machine. Id rather lift weights then do cardio ANY DAY!!

    3. I do not have a heart rate monitor :( though I REALLY need to buy one since some recent medical tests have shown my heart rate to run high anyway I was told to watch how high it gets when I work out. So any good brands I need to look at?? I just check my rate on the machine hr monitor.

    4. Some times I do eat my exercise calories sometimes I do not. But I have noticed that If I go to gym rarely in a week I lose WAY more than if I went five days a week.

    5. I dont do everything right that is for sure. I know there is times that I may eat too much candy or cookies or drink wine or cheese. Or Am only able to two meals a day but I do try as hard as I can!