Don't you hate it when.....?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Can you imagine being next to someone in the gym and noticing that they've said something to you, so you remove your headphones and say, "What?" and they respond with, "Oh, I was just excusing myself for farting."

    THAT would annoy me.

    Everybody farts. Not everybody has a hang up with feeling the need to apologize for it.

    I agree with this.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    Hmm, I can see both sides. Personally, I'd do a little sweep of the area around me to see if anyone had noticed. If not, and everybody was busy with headphones in, I'd carry on, but if I saw someone looking with disgust I'd probably give a little awkward laugh and apologise.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    If you don't know when you're going to fart, you might want to see a doctor about that....

    What? You've never had one sneak up on you?
    TMI here, but since eating more veggies and eating better in general, i find i have to pass gas more often, not just when it may be time to use the toilet. And some times they sneak up on you, while running, bending, or heaven forbid, when I sneeze. I am pretty embarrassed when it happens and i do my best to not do it around others, but it happens. Sometimes the hardest part of a work out is not letting one out!
  • Cobweb1
    I think it's hilarious when people sneakily pass wind and don't claim it! Everybody starts looking at each other, each looking guilty, each wondering who did it.
    Personally, I'll try not to do it public anyway, if I can help it - but it is really funny if someone lets one rip and and naughtily tries to get away with it.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I fart. My bad.