Can you collect your ex. cals and eat them all in one day?



  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    It totally depends where you come from. If you have had problems with bingeeating or eating disorders,
    maybe its not such a good idea. And also you dont mention how much calories you want to save up.
    Bing difference in saving up 200-600 and having a piece of cake on a saturday night, or saving up so you can
    have a 3000+ calorie feast over the weekend including snacks, soda and what not.
    Its not only about saving up, its about what your saving up for. The whole point of trying to loose weight is totattly pointless
    if it comes down to saving on the weeks to spoil yourself on the weekends. Your still eating bad and poorly.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I have searched to see if anyone has asked this and couldn't find a query that would grab any relevant posts.

    If you are set to a 1200 calorie diet - could you "save up" your exercise calories for a once a week cheat meal, or an "off" day?

    You would then net under 1200 calories most days of the week, however, you would have one day where you would eat them all up, then your total calories for the week would balance to what they should be.

    What would be the possible drawbacks to this? And the possible benefits?

    I have been reading a lot about the "spike day" method, and I wondered if this would be a method of determining how many calories could go into the spike day. In fact, I think someone may have asked this, but I never did see an answer.

    I've actually had this discussion with my husband.
    Each pound of weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. My BMR (plus activity) is about 2700 calories per day. My Daily Goal is 1450 per day to lose weight. To maintain at this weight I would want to stick to around 2200 calories per day.

    **You can change your Weight Loss Goal in MFP from "2lbs a day loss" to "maintenance or Maintain" to find out what your daily caloric intake would be.**

    So if, on special ocassions, you would like to "splurge" a little and have a hot fudge sundae for a treat or a reward for a personal goal you reached, whatever you want it for.. as long as you are staying between your BMR and your Maintain caloric intake, you should be ok. Now, I would not make this a regular practice, only for special ocassions or you might find your weightloss halting, see a weight gain.

    Also note that from what you are describing, saving all your exercise calories up and eating them all on one day.. this sounds too much like BINGE EATING could lead to a bulimic lifestyle which runs completely against all weight loss principles.
  • 34000volts
    34000volts Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry, but no. You'll burn lean body mass on collection days, then add fat on your eat day.

    You will be able to loose weight but I agree with the quote here the consequence is even though you loose weight you will still look flabby because of a high body fat percentage. That doesn't seem like a good trade off to me,
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i wouldnt try to save ALL my exercise calories for the week for a one day binge - but i eat until im satisfied on my workout days and some times i dont end up eating all my calories. sometimes i do use those on sundays (my free day) and make sure my weekly net goal is reached. as i sit right now, with all my planned meals logged for the rest of the day, i have 1005 calories left for the week. i might use them, i might not. depends on how im feeling later.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I wouldn't go as far as saving up a whole weeks worth of exercise cals, depending how much you work out that could be a huge amount of food to eat in one day!
    I generally have 1 day a week where my cals are over my allowance eg if we have a takeaway at the weekend, or a meal out, but i other days if I'm a little under it balances out over the week.
    It doesn't seem to affect my loss ive done 21lbs in 12 weeks.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    My opinion is yes you can and no you can't. You most likely can lose weight doing this but you will also lose lean muscle mass. Do a search for "skinny fat". I saw some comparison pics of someone who weighed the same but one pic was flabby and one was toned. The flabby pic she looked like she could lose more weight while the toned pic was very appealing. Just my thoughts.
  • shellybean826
    i think ...that instead of saving up an "x" amount of calories to use on something bad ...why not enjoy yourself, eat whatever it is that you are planning on eating and then taking the next 6 days to try and make up for it ..with exercise ? ....that way you know afterwards what you need to make up for ??? im doing weight watchers and they factor in points for you to use for "treats" and they say it works ..(ive never eaten those so i dont know) but the thing about that is even those extra points have to be tracked and there is a limit to them cant just binge to your hearts content lolol ....hope this helped :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    in the voice of Jillian Michaels-No You Cannot!
    (those of you that know Jillian-this should totally make you laugh):laugh:

    I lol'd :happy:
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    When I did weight watchers, they had banked points that you could use when you go out to eat, have a special meal, or something like that. Personally on here I look at both my daily calories and my weekly calories, I try to stay below my limit daily, but if once a week or so I have a 'cheat day/meal' I dont feel as bad about it, especially if I'm still under for the week. A personal example last Friday I went over by about half a day's worth of calories, but I still ended up under for the week, and when I weighed in on Tuesday, I was down 2 pounds
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i would say know untill you gain the muscles that will burn what you eat up your just going to go around and around each pound of muscle burns 3 times more calories than just haveing fat gain muscle frist not more fat than you can eat more that s how all are bodys work
  • danielle1983cov
    I would love to know the actual answer to this question! Personally, I think it's ok to have a treat now and again, though surely thinking of food as a 'treat' is not really very helpful. This is precisely the reason I left Weight Watchers: I found I was saving up lots and lots points and having massive pizza, chocolate and wine splurges. Surely not good for you, and definitely not good for me mentally: I found I was always trying to figure out how much food I could eat every day to 'get by' and then have to use on rubbish! Saying that, you have to live a normal life and I will certainly just be exercising that little bit harder whenever I decide to go for a nice meal or have a few drinks. It's very confusing sometimes, though it really shouldn't be! :)
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member