rude people



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Maybe I've just lead a bad life and have visited the roughest corners of the interwebs, but I've seen fewer really rude people on here than any other site I've frequented.
  • alisha232
    alisha232 Posts: 43 Member
    Maybe I've just lead a bad life and have visited the roughest corners of the interwebs, but I've seen fewer really rude people on here than any other site I've frequented.

    This is very true. So far I love this community :)
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Please excuse me while I vent for a minute.
    I read a lot on the message boards when people post questions on fitness, exercise, and eating healthy to hopefully educate myself and help in my own journey. However, I have to say how ridiculous it is that so many post answers that are almost an attack on others for what they do not know. If you have information that can be helpful to another, there is no reason to "talk down" when sharing your information because quite frankly you just come off looking like a big jerk! If you can't be nice then don't post! That is all. Carry on and have a great Sunday :)

    100% agree.
  • DawnDawn2011
    I am so sorry you had a bad experience! I hope it doesn't stop you from posting in the future. There are always negative people out there, you just have to ignore them. I am so grateful that I have had such a positive experience here on MFP. I have learned a lot, made some really cool friends and lost a little weight, gained a bunch of muscle! So I do like I do in real life, if someone is a mean *kitten*, I ignore them, or tell them to shut the hell up, if they are cool to me, I count them as my friend! There are a lot of cool intelligent people here, listen to them! : )
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I totally agree. There is one thing in life that is true and that is....there are rude people wherever you go.

    I have wondered where is the search function? I cannot find it? I have looked but never found it.
  • DawnDawn2011
    Maybe I've just lead a bad life and have visited the roughest corners of the interwebs, but I've seen fewer really rude people on here than any other site I've frequented.

    This is one of the cool smart people, I am friends with her and I listen to her advice!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I totally agree. There is one thing in life that is true and that is....there are rude people wherever you go.

    I have wondered where is the search function? I cannot find it? I have looked but never found it.

    Right across the top.

    > Home > Recent Posts > My Topics > Settings > Search
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Maybe I've just lead a bad life and have visited the roughest corners of the interwebs, but I've seen fewer really rude people on here than any other site I've frequented.
    Sadly, there is a widespread victim mentality among the much of the MFP population. Many folks are seeking others to validate their ideas for quick fixes. When members offer reputable information in the hope of saving people from wasting time/money, they are seen as not being supportive.

    Also, many people have a hard time distinguishing criticism of ideas from criticism of people. Just because I criticize someone's idea, does not mean that I am criticizing them as a person.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    one of the biggest problems with this board is that some people offer advice when they really don't know what they're talking about.

    "my friend knows a trainer who said to do this....."
    "i read in a magazine you should always/never/sometimes eat this"

    i know people are just trying to be helpful, but if you don't know what you're talking about keep it to yourself because bad advice can hurt people more than not saying anything at all.

    I will second this and add to it - the people who post "my doctor told me this..." or "My personal trainer told me this" or... "my dietician told me this".... people keep forgetting that the advice they get is only meant for them.. its not meant for here for other people.... The last thing I hope anyone does here is to take medical advice from this website.. this is not being monitored by real medical diagnosing individuals... Steve and Mike will agree with this wholeheartedly.

    When a healthcare professional or personal trainer or dietician gives that person advice, that advice is ONLY for that person.... MFP does not like Medical related question-information being discussed when its in the realm of people asking medical advice. What works for that one person through their doctor, its only meant for that one person.....

    If your doctor tells you 'this is how it goes" - they are giving you the information for you, at you, to you... its not meant for other people.

    If your personal trainer suggested something to you, for you, that is info they based on the individual's data.

    The dietician is the worst offender - they either do a 'straight out of the books' piece of advice, or they are tailoring their advice to the individual.

    There are many people who post similar things like this and the examples from the quoted material that should never be given here....

    I will always tell people "what my doctor says to do only applies to me - I wont go recommending it to you because Im not your doctor - you really should be connecting with your doctor because they know you - no one here knows your medical health history"

    THATS the right way to handle things....

    But some of the die-hards that Ive run into around on the boards.... they make my PMS look like sunshine and sparkles.... ***rolling eyes
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Another solution...

    Find folks in the forums or groups that seem to have a good head on their shoulders, and befriend them. If I cannot find the answer using Google, then I know I can ask the folks on my friends list. I no longer need the forum to ask questions -- I just post it to my profile.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Maybe I've just lead a bad life and have visited the roughest corners of the interwebs, but I've seen fewer really rude people on here than any other site I've frequented.
    Sadly, there is a widespread victim mentality among the much of the MFP population. Many folks are seeking others to validate their ideas for quick fixes. When members offer reputable information in the hope of saving people from wasting time/money, they are seen as not being supportive.

    Also, many people have a hard time distinguishing criticism of ideas from criticism of people. Just because I criticize someone's idea, does not mean that I am criticizing them as a person.

    Exactly... there is such a large dynamic span of personality and individuality. What one person could construe as genuine and honest help will always be considered an attack from the other person looking in.

    If we had the capability to 'hear' the person as opposed to reading most of the posts.. I think that would be a great way to really know if a person is getting pissy or if they are really offering something genuinely...
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    My tissue boxes look so much better than yours.. lol
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Dear Posters,

    There are MFP Community Forum Guidelines ( that outline appropriate forum topics and behaviors. The very first guideline is against insulting or attacking other users as well as reciprocating.

    MFP has a set of volunteer moderators that try our best to educate posters when guidelines are violated and to keep the forums a positive experience, since the community aspect is a key benefit of MFP that keeps many MFP users engaged and on track with their goals.

    However, the moderators rely on MFP users to report misbehavior. When you see a post that you believe violates the MFP guidelines, please help us out by selecting the "Report Post" option. That will bring it to the attention of a moderator, who will review - if a violation has taken place, the moderator will warn the poster and delete or edit the post. If it is determined there is no violation, then the report is closed with no action taken. This process works only if MFP users are engaged and willing to report the posts, so please help us out if you feel strongly about this.

    There will of course be posts by other users that you may not appreciate, but are not in violation of the MFP guidelines. I would point out that under the profile picture of each poster in a thread is their user name with an arrow to the right. When you click on the down arrow, you get a few choices including **** "Ignore User" ***. This will hide their posts from your view (although they will still be viewable by others in the thread) - this is to accommodate people with different levels of sensitivity, personalities, etc.

    I hope you find this information helpful.

    With Respect,
    MFP Forum Moderator
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