starvation mode



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,728 Member
    I see a recurring theme in your posts on this thread about what people "need" to do or "should" do when discussing starvation mode. You might be more persuasive if you just shared your thoughts and didn't try to tell other people how to share theirs. That and calling someone a derogatory name totally discredited you in my opinion. I see that post has been removed, as it well should have.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    You're going way overboard and making this a bigger deal than what it is.

    True "starvation" happens when we are close to death and our body start metabolizing muscle and organs for energy.

    As far as diets go many doctors and researchers are calling the state where leptin and declined a "famine" or "starvation" response. I also believe that it's a process that slowly develops over time, and actually the biggest problem with "starvation mode" as it pertains to diets, is keeping the weight off.

    I am certified in nutrition and personal trainer, I have and MD on my team, and dietitians I work with, Most importantly I fought obesity on the front lines,I lived it! Once I realized that this is very much a FACT and the reason I would plateau and constantly yo-yo my weight. I was able to plan and win the battle once and for all.

    Can people still lose weight in "starvation mode" yes of course they can. You said the guys in the M.S.S went from 3lbs to 2.5lbs weight loss per week. If that's true they lost 1,750 calories of expended energy to their metabolism. To me this matters. IMO, any type of metabolic slowdown is unacceptable.

    The thing about "starvation mode" is that it's really easy to get out of. Calorie restriction cause leptin decline and calorie surplus causes leptin to spike. Take one day a week and eat more than you need and it's over.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I can understand Biologic's frustration - this site is the only place I have ever seen mention of "starvation mode", and it does seem to be the first answer anyone gives when a poster asks "why am I not losing?" - regardless of their actual situation!

    But I accept that I can't change people's minds, and so I use the Buddhist chant of Let go, let go, let go" and step away from teh interwebs.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    yes...I also understand the op's frustration. I have finally learned that nothing on these types of forums ever changes. With new people coming in all the time, the same things happen over and over. Starvation mode is misunderstood here and used (with probable good intention, maybe) much too often. Debates will never end on fad diets...on drinking pop.....etc.

    what really bothers me though is the admitted number of young people on these forums. The rules require us to be at least 18. I have seen numerous posts by admitted 15 year olds asking for and getting advice. Often the advice seems "ok". But advice is also given to these kids that is irresponsible for even an adult..

    OP- you can try to change it but it aint gonna change.
  • kessamode
    depends on wat kind of starvation we're talking about. are we talking about ''i skipped breakfast once or twice'' or wat i call real starvation: those who are dominated by it every single day. we see starvation, they say selfcontrol, literally dying to be thin.
    wat started as a harmless diet turned into a world war 3 of ur own: you vs food

    and fyi starvation for me is when the person is dying, not trying to be thin aka stupid
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
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