Things I would love to see on this site



  • jessicajoy87
    Yes! The notifications! I never know if someone post on my profile or to one of my post!
  • loseweightjames
    I am really enjoying this site a lot, but I wanted to mention a few things I would love to see to make it even better, feel free to chime in.

    1.A like button

  • loseweightjames
    I am really enjoying this site a lot, but I wanted to mention a few things I would love to see to make it even better, feel free to chime in.

    1.A like button

    2. I would love to get notifications on topics and friend's posts I have responded to

    3. It would be nice to be able to find posts and groups a little easier

    I am sure there is more but I wanted to mention this while I was thinking about it. I love all the support we get on our journeys. This is truly a life saver for many so thank you!!

    Ability to see user photos from the MFP iPhone app. Right now all you get is a extremely small thumbnail photo, can't see the rest of the photos a user has uploaded.
  • jtcc91
    jtcc91 Posts: 88 Member
    This is a great site for what it is and does. The best thing is that it's free! I like that it's not another version of FB. I'd rather it stay as is than to see them start charging to use it like other similar sites.
  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    I really do not like the idea of adding a "Like" button, with that button it will become like facebook, you will lose most of the discussions that happens on posts as people will just like it instead of commenting and, sometimes getting into a conversation, we are here to motivate ourself and others, adding a like button will remove a lot of that.

    with regards to a better forum system, I agree with that, I am used to this layout however I know a lot of people have issues with it as it is tricky to keep track of what you have posted if you do not know where to go.

    As for a chat system, I would like to see that but it could bring in spamming issues, maybe we should set up an IRC channel?

    Yeah, I agree with you! I dont know how many times "like" replaces someone commenting. I would like the notifications and chat. But I dont think spamming would be a big issue if you only add people you know arent spammers.
  • cjsgrimlin
    my iphone does notify me if someone posts on my posts, but i agree a better notification system would be better.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'd like better report functioning.

    The reports suck.
  • branflake5
    #1 I would like it if my food diary worked it has been broken for a week now and that is very frustrating.
    #2 I would love to have instant messaging - that would be awesome.
    #3 notifications would be nice - and not by email. But it would be nice to be notified when someone posts on my profile
  • pandamonium1987
    pandamonium1987 Posts: 47 Member
    I would like it if it were possible to switch between calories and kJ. Most of the labels on food in South Africa is in kJ and when I want to enter a product a always have to calculate the amount of calories first. It would be awesome if you can switch between the two.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I really do not like the idea of adding a "Like" button, with that button it will become like facebook, you will lose most of the discussions that happens on posts as people will just like it instead of commenting and, sometimes getting into a conversation, we are here to motivate ourself and others, adding a like button will remove a lot of that.

    with regards to a better forum system, I agree with that, I am used to this layout however I know a lot of people have issues with it as it is tricky to keep track of what you have posted if you do not know where to go.

    As for a chat system, I would like to see that but it could bring in spamming issues, maybe we should set up an IRC channel?

    Not a chat room, just a friend chat (like facebooks)... chat rooms are always fun for a lil bit but the novelty wears off and they become deserted!
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    The option to use Stones and Pounds rather than just Pounds or Kilos.

    There are lots of us in the UK that still use the good old system of Stones and Pounds.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I would love to have a like button because sometimes I do not feel like saying anything, just liking the funny or witty comment. If I like what someone says but have nothing really to say about it, I just do not comment. It is really annoying that I cannot get updates on my posts or follow ups. If I post on a friend's status and they respond back to me I don't always get the message.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    how about an inches calculator instead of a scale calculator.