5'5 Confused about how much I should loose??

Help please! :/ I'be been debating this for months.

Hi there, I'm 5'5 164, I don't know if body types are real or just a way for people to feel better about themselves, (like frames/bone structure). I know women have different shapes, pear, apple, hourglass etc, but what about frames like men do? I've heard frames exist and frames don't exist.

A lot of girls my height and TALLER have goal weights in the 130's, even as low as 110's!!! I'm having a hard time because, I know people carry their weight differently. I've seen some people at my starting weight of 191, NO OFFENSE, have A LOT of weight in their mid section and look really really obese, at similar heights to mine. I don't get it!! There's a picture in my profile of my stomach at 191, and it's not great, but it's not rolling out either. My point is that, my goal weight, from the beginning was 175- I did that and realized I was still not as healthy as I could be, so now my ultimate goal is 155-160. I am at 164 today. I feel like if I went down to 140, or lower, I would look like a skeleton. I am naturally toned, I do have broad athletic shoulders and larger chest, so I wonder if a lot of my weight is muscles?? I mean, is that the case, honestly I don't know! lol I don't see how I could have another like 35-40 pounds of legitimate fat to lose and not look sickly. Am I making sense here?? Thanks :)


  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    Do not look at what other people's goals are. You can take 5 different people at the exact same height and weight and they will all look completely different. Go by what YOU look and feel like.

    I am 5'7 and currently 168 pounds. My goal is 150. Seven years ago I was 145 and wearing a size 4. But, I see many ladies that want to be in the 120's or 130's at the same height. That's fine for them but not for me. I'd look dead. haha
    I naturally have a lot of muscle so I can't be too low weight. I'm okay with that. I'm more concerned by how I look and feel than the number on the scale.
    Oh, and you'll hear people say body type too, meaning small, medium, large frame. Well, I am a small frame. It is supposed to be determined by whether you can wrap your hand around your wrist and overlap your thumb and forefinger. An overlap is small, touching is medium and not touching is large.
    Well...I overlap a lot. I still wouldn't want to be 120 pounds. :laugh:
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    Do not look at what other people's goals are. You can take 5 different people at the exact same height and weight and they will all look completely different. Go by what YOU look and feel like.

    I am 5'7 and currently 168 pounds. My goal is 150. Seven years ago I was 145 and wearing a size 4. But, I see many ladies that want to be in the 120's or 130's at the same height. That's fine for them but not for me. I'd look dead. haha
    I naturally have a lot of muscle so I can't be too low weight. I'm okay with that. I'm more concerned by how I look and feel than the number on the scale.
    Oh, and you'll hear people say body type too, meaning small, medium, large frame. Well, I am a small frame. It is supposed to be determined by whether you can wrap your hand around your wrist and overlap your thumb and forefinger. An overlap is small, touching is medium and not touching is large.
    Well...I overlap a lot. I still wouldn't want to be 120 pounds. :laugh:

    I agree with this ^^

    Everyone is different, it's all about getting to where YOU feel comfortable! Not what other's think you should weigh for your height :smile:
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Do not look at what other people's goals are. You can take 5 different people at the exact same height and weight and they will all look completely different. Go by what YOU look and feel like.


    I'm 5'5" and weigh 161 right now. My weight goal was 150, but I've now rethought that because I'm working on my overall body fat percentage and how much lean muscle I have. My goal is now more a clothing size, not a weight because I could potentially not lose any more weight, but lose a couple of dress sizes. KWIM.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    I agree, you need to find a goal that's right for you. I do believe we have different shapes and carry weight differently. I'm 5'5" as well and my goal is 135 (almost there) , I see others my height with 110 lbs goals too and I've never been able to get below 130............ Everyone is different, do whats best for you.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Ps.... Get your body fat tested by a professional too. That puts things into perspective for me and reassures me I'm at a healthy size regardless of what I wish the scale would say.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Focus on what you look like and not the number. You can gain more tone, lose more fat and still be "heavy" but since muscle is more compact than fat, you'll look way smaller. And at the end of the day isn't that the most important? Looking smaller and toned. :P

    At that point, the scale is for the doctors office. :D
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    THANKS ladies!!! This helped a lot, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my goal, since I hadn't see anymore with goals in the 150's :) I will take all this advice and do the mid section wrap thing to see what frame I am :D

    So far, I feel really happy with where I am already, and I know I'm probably 10-12 pounds off from being right where I want to be. :) Thanks again everyone!
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 5'5" I was reallly realllllly big before. I saw a dietician and she said 155 would be good for me because of my extra skin and muscle tone(runner). I am shooting for that, I'm going to be 32 this year too, I think you could take 130-150's and call that a "target range"
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal is to be somewhere between 125 and 140, wherever I'm healthiest in terms of body fat percentage, muscle, etc.
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    Do what works best for you! We all have different body types (pear, apple, small frame, large frame).

    I'm 5'4.5 and currently 140 lbs (goal is 117-127lbs) - this is too much weight for me because I gain weight mostly in my abdomen area (I'm an apple) but my legs, hips, and thighs are thin. If I had the opposite body type, I bet this weight would look great!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I saw an Oprah show before where they were saying not to be stuck on a number. There was a Dr. who had lost a lot of weight but thought she still had to lose more since she was in the 160's even though her body fat looked low. She had seen that on the cover of "O" when Oprah was very fit and toned, she weighed 160. So, she realized it's not all about the number. Doctors and health officials point people to these charts that indicate what we should weigh for a healthy BMI without taking into consideration someone's build, but it's about body fat. You can be skinny fat, and be heavier and fit. Go with how you feel and if your cholesterol and all other health indicators are good, then who cares what the number is. I agree that people carry it differently and some people look a lot heavier at the same size or weight. Here is a comparison with Oprah's pic at 160.

  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I say set a goal that feels good to you but go by how you look in the mirror that's why mine was set to about 130. instead of just me putting 130 yeah pick a number but you may get 10 lbs away and be happy with what you see or get to that number and deci9de you need to lose a bit more..
  • Mogan82
    Mogan82 Posts: 9 Member
    Everyone is different. I consider myself to have a medium frame and I am 5'4. At my weight right now (142lbs) I wear a size 6 and my jeans are actually a bit loose. I am trying to get to 135 because I have some endocrine problems that I am hoping to fix with weight loss. I have a friend who is actually 5'5 and weighs the same amount as me and she is wearing a size 10 in the same brand of jeans! It all depends on the person. Everyone I see at my height wants to get down to 120, but I know for myself that is not a healthy number. You know what feels good on you! Stick with your gut:smile:
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm 5'5" also and my first goal is 180 then 160. If I go smaller than that, I look like death!
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    I am also 5'5". My goal is 150. I carry most my weight in my stomach. So my goal is to tone that up and lose the weight. But if i dont hit that goal and i feel awesome about my body im ok with that. Good luck!
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    I say set a goal that feels good to you but go by how you look in the mirror that's why mine was set to about 130. instead of just me putting 130 yeah pick a number but you may get 10 lbs away and be happy with what you see or get to that number and deci9de you need to lose a bit more..

    Yes, exactly, so I am playing it "by ear" I might get to 160 or 150 and decide another 10 would be better. We will see!
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    Pick a weight you are comfortable with. My main goal is to get into a 7/8 pant size and medium tops. Whatever the number is that I look in that size, I'm happy with.

    I'm concentrating how low I look more than obsessing w/ a number.
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    Everyone is different. I consider myself to have a medium frame and I am 5'4. At my weight right now (142lbs) I wear a size 6 and my jeans are actually a bit loose. I am trying to get to 135 because I have some endocrine problems that I am hoping to fix with weight loss. I have a friend who is actually 5'5 and weighs the same amount as me and she is wearing a size 10 in the same brand of jeans! It all depends on the person. Everyone I see at my height wants to get down to 120, but I know for myself that is not a healthy number. You know what feels good on you! Stick with your gut:smile:

    Yes, I also noticed difference of weights and sizes. See, you can wear a 6 in women's jeans. I don't wear women's jeans, (I'm 25, Im holding on you Juniors & skinny jeans for as long as possible!! lol), but I fit into a 8 or 10 in women's dresses.
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'5" also and my first goal is 180 then 160. If I go smaller than that, I look like death!

    Hahahaha, look like death!
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    Pick a weight you are comfortable with. My main goal is to get into a 7/8 pant size and medium tops. Whatever the number is that I look in that size, I'm happy with.

    I'm concentrating how low I look more than obsessing w/ a number.

    Yes, I definitely agree. I think I have the same goals, to wear 7/9 in pants. I currently wear large and mediums, so I'm looking for my tops to look better, especially the mediums. I have a friend who's 6'1 and weighs 125 (per dr.) and we wear the same shirts and shoes! LOL Bodies are so different, it's funny. I'm partially obsessed with the numbers, the smaller they are, the more dainty I feel. I guess it's mental?