5'5 Confused about how much I should loose??



  • I am 5'5 and right now 142 pounds. I am going for 125. I do not know if that is entirely reachable because I am for sure on the thicker side. Just set yourself a goal of 10pds less then you are and if you feel you are done stop. If you feel like you need to lose more, Keep going till you know.
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    I am also 5'5". My goal is 150. I carry most my weight in my stomach. So my goal is to tone that up and lose the weight. But if i dont hit that goal and i feel awesome about my body im ok with that. Good luck!
    Thanks good luck as well! Abs abs abs, keep them slightly tight always. A good lesson I learned from my mom. :) Good luck!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    THANKS ladies!!! This helped a lot, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my goal, since I hadn't see anymore with goals in the 150's :) I will take all this advice and do the mid section wrap thing to see what frame I am :D

    So far, I feel really happy with where I am already, and I know I'm probably 10-12 pounds off from being right where I want to be. :) Thanks again everyone!

    My goal is ~165 and I am 5'4.5." At my smallest, I was about 15 or 20 pounds heavier than that, and it was a size 12, my waist was pretty small, and my legs had some definition. So it sounds like a reasonable starting place, mine will definitely not go below 145 -- as I would find that too skinny on my frame (I am pretty muscular in the arms and legs...)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I know how you feel but I agree with those who say it is about how you look, not how much you weight.
    When I was in the best shape of my life, I was 150lbs. No one believed me when I told them that is what I weighed, but I was. I had an athletic body, lean, but not skinny. I do have a lot of muscle, I am physically active and weight trained for many years.
    I suspect when I get my "goal" body, I will be between 145-150lbs, and I am happy with that. I do not expect to be even as low as 140, for me, I would be way too thin.
    I am not really worried about the number, just how I look.

    ETA -
    People give that formula, 100 lbs for 5 feet, than 5 lbs for every inch after. There is no way on earth I should be 125lbs.
  • I am 5'5", weigh 138 lbs and wear a 10 in womens' jeans. I am pretty toned and look good for having three young kids, but my middle is still squishy and my waist seems big to me. I am having one heck of a time getting any lower even though I really want to wear a size down in jeans. Body composition varies greatly from person to person. When I started out last Feb I weighed 158 and wore a 14 and looked chubby. But I know other women of the same height and weight who look fit.
  • jessicak0614
    jessicak0614 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and weigh very close to what you weigh. I would love to be 130lbs but anything 140 and under would be great IMO.
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I am 5' 4.5" and set my goal at 125lb. But if I stay around 125-130lb, look toned, I will have achieved my goal. I have left foot problem which I hope will lessen with reduced weight. Currently 148, and my foot already feels better from gotten rid of 16lbs! I don't think I will go down too much in size, currently 10-12, so maybe down to 8-10?
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    do what you think looks good for you. If you're more athletically built, and are muscular, then 140 could be too low, not to mention REALLY hard to reach. Personally, I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 123-125, but thats because its where my body was comfortable before the holiday weight gain, which is only 5 lbs off of where I am now. I technically have a medium/small frame based on wrist/elbow measurements. But going any lower that 120 is EXTREMELY difficult for me. THats how I know that around 123 is good for me, because it doesn't take much effort to maintain it
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 5'5" and weigh 137 right now. I wear a size 8. I am aiming for 125 because I like a lean, streamlined look, though not scrawny. Every woman carries her weight differently though. Just keep watching your body...you'll know when you are at the right weight for you.
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    I second the suggestion to get your body fat tested. My gym has a bioimpendance device, which can be fairly inaccurate, but is a good starting point. If the body fat % on that device is correct, then I carry 117lbs of LEAN body mass. Running the numbers based on that, the goal weight I'd chosen of 140lbs (which I thought was very reasonable) would have me at 17% body fat which is what athletes carry, not "regular" women.

    I'm planning to do a hydrostatic test in the near future, since that's the gold standard for measuring body fat. Once I know what my lean mass is, then I can choose a more realistic number on the scale or, more likely, aim for a specific clothing size and body fat %. Some of us carry a lot more muscle and those low numbers on the scale physically aren't possible! :)
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    you seriously do not want to loose more weight, you look amazing the way you are now, especially in the pic with the white sports top thingy, you are tiny, it's totally about different people carrying their weight in different places and yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, you shouldn't just go on the numbers on the scales, you need to look at how you look, what size you are, where your 'fat' is, how you feel and your body fat percentage. I for instance am 5'4.5" and weigh 130lbs today, but for my frame, I need to loose weight, because I carry 90% of that weight in my middle section, so have a bit of a tummy going on, which can be cause for concern re heart disease in later life. I weigh a fair few pounds less than you, am only half an inch shorter yet look like I am a lot heavier than you. so stop fretting about the scales and stop loosing weight when you look in the mirror and feel good about yourself. (which if I were you, would be right now! :-) ) congratulations and be proud of your achievements :-) x
  • jennadaniele
    jennadaniele Posts: 40 Member
    you seriously do not want to loose more weight, you look amazing the way you are now, especially in the pic with the white sports top thingy, you are tiny, it's totally about different people carrying their weight in different places and yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, you shouldn't just go on the numbers on the scales, you need to look at how you look, what size you are, where your 'fat' is, how you feel and your body fat percentage. I for instance am 5'4.5" and weigh 130lbs today, but for my frame, I need to loose weight, because I carry 90% of that weight in my middle section, so have a bit of a tummy going on, which can be cause for concern re heart disease in later life. I weigh a fair few pounds less than you, am only half an inch shorter yet look like I am a lot heavier than you. so stop fretting about the scales and stop loosing weight when you look in the mirror and feel good about yourself. (which if I were you, would be right now! :-) ) congratulations and be proud of your achievements :-) x

    Hahaha, thank you for the compliment! I'm laughing because I'm happy to hear "I look tiny". Yes, I am tiny in the stomach, but NOT in other places. Well that picture is a couple months old. My problem areas are I have back rolls things that make my waist look wider, broad shoulder and thick thighs. I know my thighs will probably always touch, but luckily they are pretty toned and will only get better! Thanks, I do feel really good about my accomplishments thus far but the work isn't over yet! :) I just wanted to know if a 155 goal weight was "healthy" or if I was making a shortcut for myself to not get to a lower weight. I understand now that it's really just a different body things. Like you said, you're half an inch shorter, and you're 130, but you are heavier. With my frame, 130 would be hard to get to and I wouldn't look good. It's just different bodies, and I don't have to freak out when I see 135 goal weights and wonder if I'm doing something wrong! I think my goal weight is very appropriate for me! Thanks again and best of everything to you!! :)