Are unhealthy food diaries open to criticism?



  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I am on MFP for help, without good critics on my diary I wouldn't be as good with it as I am now. I try to do the same favor to others, some don't appreciate it and are happier with bad choices, but most are as thankful as I am for someone who really cares.
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    I like open diaries to get food ideas and personally if the diary is closed then I wonder why have friends on here if you are living a "private diary life" but that's just my thoughts. I feel that you are generally concerned about someone going under their caloric intake then it is all in how you present the concern. I would send them a private message and inquire about it. They may not know about being under caloric intake etc. so you may be helping them in the long run.
  • I say something. Some people don't know you have to eat more if you exercise etc. Some think eating less and exercising more is healthy when it's not. It will only get you so far, then dead end plateau. So yes I say something to try to help. If my advice isn't wanted and that person doesn't want to take care of themself I won't sit back and watch anymore...
  • LOL obviously we do need to eat less and exercise more to lose weight. I meant eating too little while exercising too much at the same time.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I'm on 1000 cals for the last 2.5 months and I feel great. My diary is open. Please criticize me. Crush me.:laugh:
    I accept anything but bro-science. Convince me that I'm doing it wrong and I swear I'll change it.
    Up to date stats:
    44 y
    Almost 6 ft
    214 lbs
    light active with 2-3 workouts/week with carbs before and meal after
    Goal: 172 lbs mid-end of Apr 2012
    P.S. Ohh and my diary is not unhealthy. Far far from it.I don't mean to high jack.

    Haha, if you're asking for it :laugh:

    Well before and criticism, I guess I would ask why you are on such a low calorie diet, and is it medically supervised? Have you plateaued yet? I'm definitely no doctor but for someone of your age, height, weight and activity level, 1000 calorie diet is not enough, and not sustainable. What will your diet look like once you reach your goal? If you feel great, that's great, but in my eyes you'll see that weight again in the long run if you keep at i, to be completely honest.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    No plateau.
    No doctor.
    To be ready for the spring-summer collection.
    Once reached the goal increase slowly to maintenance.
    Am I aware of the risks? - YES
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    I think if you have added someone to you friends list on this site you are now a support system for that person. With that said this means if you see that they are hurting themselves you should let them know about your concerns.. you don't have to do this publicly you can send them a personal message and if they choose to defriend you then it is what it is.. but wouldn't you rather know that you did what you could to help someone rather than say nothing and have something devastating happen and know you said nothing????
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    andrejjorje Hmm, not sure if I can "convince" you but if you are unconcerned about long-term weight loss, I guess it is feasible. But really, I don't understand why you would put yourself at risk for doing permanent damage and stress to your body. To me, your diet and reasoning seem distorted but I'll just leave it at that.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Can't speak for others, but my open diary means I specifically want others to see what I'm eating and hopefully comment on it and give me tips for better substitutes.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    All these Namby Pamby answers! Why do people feel the need to creep around on here. I want to be told how it is and I expect to be able to do the same to my MFP friends, it's that kind of sentimental attitude from others that let people think it's ok to get overweight, underweight etc in the first place, maybe if people faced the cold hard truth they wouldn't need closed diaries or people telling them it's ok to eat half a cow as long as they start again tomorrow. Rant over, welcome to MFP :happy:

    I respectfully disagree--I don't think expecting constructive criticism and mutual respect is being "namby pamby" or "sentimental." You may benefit from being "told how it is" or tough love or whatever it sounds like you prefer, but not everyone responds well to that.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I EXPECT my friends to call me out when I'm sliding or messing up and I do likewise. Of course we do it in a courteous helpful way. I told my friends in a blog what I expect from that and what they will receive from me in return. I offer suggestions, ask why maybe their calories were so low today, etc. But we all talk throughout the day and let each other know if we are sick and not getting our food in or our water. We know when someone is going thru a difficult time and help support them thru times of illness, grief, the blues, or whatever is going on. I'll be honest, I have a very wonderful group of friends and look forward to "talking" to them everyday. For the biggest part we all know how this works and we are the first to step and say, I blew it today....I went out to eat and lost control or whatever the reason. Without my friends that ticker below my message would be in the negative and actually I would have quit a long time ago. So if any of my friends are reading this.....I love you guys and y'all are simply the best!
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I keep my diary closed as a polite way to say 'I'M NOT OPEN TO CRITICISM' so, I would say someone who has their diary open has it open for a reason and is looking for suggestions/comments.

    Ditto. I keep mine closed because I don't want people commenting on specific foods I eat. I certainly don't have a problem with not eating enough calories, lol.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    andrejjorje Hmm, not sure if I can "convince" you but if you are unconcerned about long-term weight loss, I guess it is feasible. But really, I don't understand why you would put yourself at risk for doing permanent damage and stress to your body. To me, your diet and reasoning seem distorted but I'll just leave it at that.
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    I leave mine open and I WANT encouragement on my bad days and good words on my good days. If I was badly undereating or eating bad for a few days I want someone to say "HEY your not gonna loose weight eating like that." AND I like it on my wall because it motivates me more