How did you gain your weight?



  • areumdawn
    areumdawn Posts: 23 Member
    eating fast food for lunch ~5 times a week, drinking very little water, eating late at night, staying up all night=not enough sleep, no exercise
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    I slowly put on weight in my early 20's, and after I had my second child it spiraled out of control. I had an infant who didn't sleep well and I was working full time, so I turned to sweets to help me cope.
    My "baby" will be 4 this May, and I'm proud to say I'm about 1 lb away from losing 100 lbs since I had him.

    Congrats Lady!!!!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    When I was about 13 and I lived about 2 seconds away from my best friend we used to go to tesco as something to do almost every day and buy junk food. At the time I weighed about 128lbs and I ate so much crap and didn't gain a pound. But the habits carried on and about 3 years ago my metabolism must have slowed down because in the past 3 years or so I went from being about 130lbs to about 150lbs. I got into the habit of treating myself a lot of days with junk food and being legal to drink added more calories on top of that.

    Anyway I'm 19 now so still young and I'm fed up of feeling fat. I want to get back to a similar weight I was a few years ago. (:
  • ShapingAgnes
    ShapingAgnes Posts: 45 Member
    I got to 275 by eating..and eating a lot. I would stuff my face with unhealthy things. I would consume more than 4 times the calories I eat now. I didnt realize what I was doing to my body and I am actually suprised that I wasnt bigger. I couldnt buy a "yummy" food and save it for later, I had to eat it, all of it, right then and there. I still feel the need to do that but what I have finally reaziled is that if I do not buy it, I cannot eat it. :drinker:
  • happyme67
    I got lost (about 16 years) amongst taking care of my two sons, my husband and teaching. Teaching took over my life and although I am a fabulous teacher, I can't say I was very good to myself. I often gave myself treats - chips, ice cream, chocolates, lolllies because I was too tired to do any exercise or I had too much work to mark or plan (blah blah blah). I have had lower back complications because of the weight, poor posture, etc over the last 3 years. Now I am 60lbs+ over weight and I am reclaiming my life by only teaching twice a week, watching what I am eating and exercising. I need to be happy and to enjoy myself again!:bigsmile:
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I just really like to eat. I especially like to eat my emotions.
    ^^^ This and I like to eat sweets
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Slowly at first, starting at about 13. I was never really "heavy" until I graduated from high school. I have no idea how much I weighed but if I had to guess I'd say somewhere in the 180s. After I got out of school I decided to eat whatever I wanted and avoid the scale like the plague. I was so unaware of what I was doing that I was completely shocked when I realized I weighed over 200 pounds the first time. It's amazing how blinded you can be when you choose to not pay attention for so long.
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    It was my last year of school, and I had no time to do anything but study. I pretty much ate fast food every day, sometimes 2 times a day. I just stuffed my face all day long, and to be honest, I'm surprised that I didn't end up weighing over 200 pounds. The way that I ate was shocking.
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    quitting dance + general laziness + more boyfriend time than gym time= 20 extra pounds :(
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    always been this way!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Eating too much! Too many carbs, I always thought that as long as something was healthy I could eat lots of it! Wrong! I had to educate myself about food
  • Rodgers2008
    I always ate way more then I needed and never worked out very often.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there is only one answer to this...LAZY

    thats it...noithing else
  • biologic
    i consumed the babies of too many of my enemies
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    7 IVF cycles and all the hormones that go along with them.
  • tookie303
    I had spinal fusion surgery in May and have been home from my very active job since then.... and with surgery came 28lbs.... ugh!!
    Had someone tell me I was overweight (when I wasn't at all) lost self-esteem and piled on 20lbs over the course of a year....started to do something about it and then my father died....8 months of grief eating/drinking and another I'm losing those 30lbs...first 10 gone another 20 to go! : )
  • Missy99
    I gained mine when I was pregnant with my 3 babies and all 3 were c-sections so I didn't want to move around a lot after. I'm not blaming it on the babies, its my fault I thought that I had to eat everything in sight and was scared of the pain after each c-section to workout so it just stayed.
  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    quit smoking five years ago..a few pounds there...then my father died three years ago and kind of lost my desire to workout like I use to..finally getting out of that funk and back to the way things should be
  • freckly_vermonter_girl
    I dropped out of school, where I a) walked like crazy all day long, b) worked on my feet for 25+ hours a week, c) ate dining common food and hardly any extras, d) exercised on top of all of that, though not very regularly. When I sat out of school, I began working at Friendly's (a family-style restaurant in New England). And eating the food there helped me gain weight - for example, a chicken ceasar salad at Friendly's is 2000+ calories!!! :-o I didn't exercise as much, and due to much higher living expenses & more stress, I started gaining "stress" weight. And I ate out a ton more, enjoyed making baked goods in my own little kitchen a little too much, etc. In the course of 3 months I gained 15 lbs!!!