Turbo Jammers 3/16-3/22



  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    I've noticed that when Its my TOM I am usually about 2 or 3 pounds heavier. and bloated. But then about a day or two after I get off my period I go back down to where I was before. But I don't usually lose weight while on my period. :( lol
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    This may be a little TMI. :wink: But I was curious as to how af affects your weight. I was a little shocked that I was up last week, but now I am thinking it is because it is that TOM for me. Does it affect you ladies? What do you do differently if anything that week?

    I am going to try and work out today. Not sure that I will get it in. We are test driving vehicles. :happy: And taking my kiddos out to dinner.

    I've been known to say that TOM can kiss my *kitten*. :bigsmile: I usually see a gain a couple days before & no real "drop" in the scale until it is a couple days gone. It is a long week & a half. :grumble: So annoying these lady bodies of ours.

    Janet - Have a good day! What do you teach?

    Welcome, Wmcnicol! You've posted here before, right? I think I remember your screen name....

    Well, did Zumba this morning. Eh. It was interesting & I might be going back. The calorie burn was fairly good for me. 450 in 45 min...or was it 425? :huh: IDK. Anyways...the instructor was fun, but the class was full of elderly folks. I'm not talking "older than me", I'm talking, "how will they dance without their walkers." :laugh: It made it a really fun class, though! The old folks were shakin' their money makers. A couple people were closer in age to me, most were 40s-50s & then a good 6 or 7 were in the previous group. So cute. I'm all over the place with this one....I might try it again with my weighted hand gloves. I have to get into a "dancer" frame of mind, though b/c I caught myself punching & trying to kick during a few of the moves where we were basically supposed to be doing jazz hands & flicking our foot to the side. :laugh: I looked like a dork.

    Wow. If you guys read that, more power to you. I'm too spacy today. My computer should be taken away! Ack! :tongue:

    I think I'm going to try to get in CP & TS while the kids are napping, but I have SO much to do, I'm not sure I'll have time. TTYL!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Well, geesh! I will try not to get unmotivated! But the 1 pound loss I'm holding onto. That and I pray my starting weight was high. LOL! Cause I was thinking it was like 3 pounds lighter than that. Haha!

    Right now I am trying to fend off a migraine. I broke down and went and got a diet dp. I'll make it up with my water afterwards. Ugh!

    Ugh, boyfriend wants mexican tonight!! I was like, that is the worse! lol I'll do shrimp fajitas. No chips. No refried beans. Now, the margarita....not sure I can pass it up. haha
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hello Ladies!

    Lyn and Janet, good job on your workouts today! I did CP3 this morning and I want to do something tonight...maybe booty sculpt or go for a little run.

    Amanda and Kelly, hope your both feeling better soon! Kelly, definitely listen to your body girl, and get some strength back before working out! :flowerforyou:

    Sara, what IS Zumba? I've seen it posted around the boards a little...LOL on your class! :laugh:

    Ok, back to work, have a great afternoon everyone!
  • snarf1234
    snarf1234 Posts: 19
    Hello Ladies! As a newbie to the board, I just have to say that you guys are a bit addicting! I can't believe how motivating it is to just check in and read your posts! So, I just have to share my St. Pats craziness... I've really been tyring to be good, but my husband and I always throw a big shin dig on St. Patricks Day - lots of booze and food and other such foolishness. So, I came up with an idea... I decided to wear roller skates... old school kind with 4 wheels, high ankle boots. I figured that would keep me from drinking (cant be a all drunkie on skates... I don't want to break something) which in turn would keep me from mindlessly eating. The challenge is that we went to several bars... but I roller skated the entire time (I managed a roller rink to help put myself through college - so I am wicked good on skates:wink: ). Didn't drink, eat poorly and my legs are killing me today... YEA!

    - snarf
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    SNARF!!! OMG, that HAS to be the most creative way I've ever heard to not drink or eat!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Good for you!!...just imagining it totally made my day...thank you for that! You'll have to post a picture of that!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Class is out ~ Wed is always a hard long day. I am the office trainer ( work for a Collections agency, please, don' t shoot me,:laugh: ) I have been in collections for 12 years, on the phones for 9 and 1/2 and the other yr and 1/2 training/HR for our new office. I train collection law and teach our staff to treat people with dignity and respect thru a difficult time - we're the problem solvers. Not what I thought I'd be doing at all ~ but it's fun and has really helped me become more assertive in my personal life. I used to be such a pushover,uggh. Now I ask for what I need (and don't feel guilty about asking!)
    Anyway, enough about work! Can't wait to get home to CP3 + Ab Jam. my tummy is rumbling and I'm sooooooo tempted to go to Subway ~ it's my fast food weaknes:wink:

    Snarf - love that pix, looks like my baby! I am picturing the party and the roller skates, what a hoot!! Very creative of you ~ I would never have thought of that!! Not in a million years!!!! I'm with Megan ! we need a photo!!

    ok I'm outta here ~ check ya later
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow you ladies have me laughing so hard. Sara for your description of the dancing elderly, and snarf for the vision of you rolling into a bar on skates. I bet you got lots of looks. But good for you BOTH for getting in great workouts.

    I did PK&J today and it kicked my butt. I'm pretty sure the fact that all I had to exercise on was coffee and a donut...it's okay really here I sit after a wonderful dinner with 800 cals to eat!! I'm pretty sure this is why I'm stalling out on the weight loss thing, cuz I'm not eating enough! I did my push ups as well, damn my arms are starting to look good.

    I'm frantically trying to figure out how to get outta town next week or maybe just getting rid of my son....either way will be a vacation :wink: It's spring break and hopefully he will be going to gma's for the week and then I'll go down for the weekend for some needed rest and relaxation.

    Hubs and I are doing great this week, even though he's not working and we are spending lots of time together. We went out and bought a new car seat for the baby...she's pushing the 20lbs and 1yr...okay so she's only 19 lbs and 8 1/2 months but close enough. We also bought a new microwave. Mine was made in 1993 and was a hand me down. It still works its just big and hubs wanted a stainless steel finish one (he wants everything to be stainless steel).

    Well I'm off to figure out how to eat at least another 500 cals....cereal anyone :smile:
    Good night!
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    Hey guys! Yeah I've posted once before. So excited I found this group. I loooove turbo jam. I did the 20 minute workout today while the kidos were napping then the CP1 just now. Trying to break this plateau i'm on. I've been stuck at the same weight for the last week or two. (must be gaining muscle lol)

    Just a question does anyone have an example of what a basic day for them would be food wise. I'm trying to eat better and not just less calories cause I think that might be part of my problem.

    Thanks guys!!!
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Girlies!
    Its been awhile since I have been on here. I didn't fall off the turbo waggon...been working out everyday...just haven't logged my food and exercise in.We are remodeling our house...so alot of my spare time is going to that also.... So I will try harder!!!! Anyways just wanted to add that any of you that want a heart rate monitor and can't afford the polars(which I really wanted)...here's your chance! I just bought a Rbx heart rate monitor and it comes with the chest strap for 29.99 at buy.com! Just got it today and tried it out! It works great! It has alot of bells and whistles...but I do have some questions....they say to stay between either 40-50% activity level 1(which meant you never worked out) or activity level 2 was 60-70% for your heart rate...and I couldn't do it while working out with turbo jam?! The alert was going off throughout the whole workout? Throughout the workout I ranged from the mid 150's to low 170's...Is this normal not to say in your heart rate with turbo jam? Anyone with any experience with this? Sorry about writing a novel...hope everyone is workingout hard...the weekend is almost here and grey's comes on tomorrow! Yeah! :)
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Jalley, thanks so much for the info on the HRM!!! I just ordered one, I've been having fits because my sportsline seems so unreliable (I'm addicted to that dang thing now :ohwell: ), but I couldn't justify spending over $100 on a new one. I could justify $30 though :laugh: I'm so excited!

    I can't answer your questions about the target zone...my crappy hrm doesn't ever beep :grumble: but I know some of the other ladies have had that happen.

    Great job getting your workouts in while remodelling! :drinker: I did that a few months ago, and it can be rough.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Jalley - I'm consistently between 70% & 90% with TJ & mine beeps at me when I go over 82%. When I go to TurboKick class, I'm even higher. I don't think it is a "bad" thing as long as you're feeling okay while you're doing it. If you start to feel funky, just back off a little bit. I seem to burn the best cals in the 80-90 range anyways. *shrug* Who knows!

    wmcnicol - A typical day of food for me is a WIDE span of things b/c I have 3 kids I have to keep happy. I usually eat yogurt, toast & a fruit for breakfast or yogurt, Kashi Go Lean Crunch & fruit. Sometimes just yogurt if we have to be somewhere & I only have a second. I usually have a snack of some sort in there. Cheese & crackers, fruit, a granola bar/fiber one bar. Lunch is usually a sandwich of some kind with more fruit. Another snack. Dinner is where it gets tricky. I LOVE to cook so I'm always making new things. I just need to figure out the calories for it & then I know how much of it I can have. *shrug* I'm not the best calorie counter in the world. I do a lot of guessing so I might not be much help. :tongue:

    Lyn - Glad things are going better with hubby this week! Good luck getting rid of D next week! Could your mom take my kids, too?! :bigsmile: PLEASE!

    Snarf - TOO funny! I would have loved to see that! :laugh: I think if I was on roller skates, I probably would have just taken it as a challenge to myself to see if I COULD drink & skate at the same time. LOL

    Janet - Your job sounds exhausting! Good for you for making the "collection" process a more plesant one. :laugh:

    Megan - Enjoy your new HRM! I've heard good things about that one!

    I'm not sure what I'm doing today yet. My voice is SHOT & the kids are already not listening to me b/c all I can do is barely whisper. Lovely stuff. I might be napping & calling it my "rest" day today. We'll see. Talk to ya'll later!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning Turbo Jammers! Sorry I haven't been posting much...this "thing" is just kicking our butt around here (I would rather be throwing punches myself:grumble: :wink: ). I knew we were in for a rough night last night when my 5 year old fell asleep on the couch at 4:15 (this never happens!!!), my middle son didn't nap at all, and my 10 month old took a 4 hour nap. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Talk about putting a kink into our schedule! The two that did sleep I just let them (regardless of the time), because I knew they needed it. Anywhoooo...needless to say last night was interesting and everyone is still :sick:

    I must Snarf you had me laughing with the roller skating story:laugh: I need to go get breakfast ready, but wanted to say I'm so proud of all of you on your workouts! Keep up the great work ladies. I'm hoping I'll be ready to jam again this weekend. Fingers crossed!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    UGH, Sara...hang in there! I hope you feel better soon!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    UGH, Sara...hang in there! I hope you feel better soon!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hey, Kelly! I hope the illness leaves your house, too! Right now it is just me & T that have it & I'm hoping it stays that way! My whiney boys (all 3 of them!) don't need this!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! I didn't exercise last night. We went car shopping. Found one that I'm going to test drive at lunch today. I'm so excited!!! It is an 2005 Lincoln Navigator. Seats 8...so the 6 of us should be comfy. I am SOOOOO excited! We also went and ate mexican. I did fairly well...just got chicken fajitas. I didn't use as much sour cream & guac as I normally would. And I only took 3 bites of beans and rice...now the margaritas. They had a 2 for 1 special. Of course I had to drink both. I was nervous to get on the scales this morning. But today was my actual weigh day. And in a week I've lost....drum roll please.......2 pounds!!! I'm so excited. Of course that could be just af on the way out from her visit. LOL!

    Snarf ~ you had me laughing my butt off over here. Maybe I should invest in a pair of roller skates. But I suck! hahaha

    Lyn ~ Glad you are having a good week. I want a new carseat for Emma! Maybe I'll buy her a cover. She has a britax marathon. So it is an expensive seat.

    Sara & Kelly ~ Gosh, hope everyone gets well. :(

    Jalley & Megan ~ You two have me contemplating the purchase of the HRM.

    I am going to do the L&B tonight I believe. I really want to try the ab workout. But we will see. I'm working an hour over today :(
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Oh...I bought the Turbo Jam extreme. When should I wear my gloves?
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara and Kelly-I'm so sorry the yucks have settled in your home. Kelly I hope things look up for you this weekend. Sara I hope the boys don't get it either, you girls are tough you'll knock it out in no time!

    Amanda-you_rock.gif Great job on your 2 lbs! Hope you enjoy your test drive. I really want a new car right now, but being unemployed doesn't interest the car dealers much. We bought a Graco Nautilus 3 in 1. We looked at the Britax...BIG investment, but we decided it wasn't worth it now....we would have been willing had we bought it when we was born, but we already had an infant seat.
    Glad you enjoyed your dinner and drinks. Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow of life and make choices based on the knowledge you have. I bet the drinks were bigger on cals than the fajitas were. :drinker:

    I don't know what I'm gonna do today. I've been really sore lately. I will probably do CP3 cuz I love it so much. Those of you that have been doing this for 6 months or more.....do you find that you feel "new" muscles even after having doing the same thing for a long time? It amazes me that even after 7 months my muscles get sore and burn during workouts. I guess that means I'm still changing the shape of my body :happy:
    Have a great day!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Just a question does anyone have an example of what a basic day for them would be food wise. I'm trying to eat better and not just less calories cause I think that might be part of my problem.

    Thanks guys!!!

    I eat a variety of things. Breakfast is usually Kashi Go Lean Crunch with fat free vanilla yogurt and coffee. Lunch is a sandwich, or salad, or leftovers from dinner. Dinner lately has been either a Hungry Girl recipe or Aimees Adventures recipe. I'm terrible when it comes to fruits and veggies, I just don't get enough. I'm also a 3 squares kinda girl, I have a hard time doing 5-6 mini meals. My favorite snacks or desserts are Special K crackers with Laughing Cow cheese, Pirates Booty White Cheddar popcorn, Jello sugar free puddings, and 100 calorie bags of kettle corn.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    but I do have some questions....they say to stay between either 40-50% activity level 1(which meant you never worked out) or activity level 2 was 60-70% for your heart rate...and I couldn't do it while working out with turbo jam?! The alert was going off throughout the whole workout? Throughout the workout I ranged from the mid 150's to low 170's...Is this normal not to say in your heart rate with turbo jam? Anyone with any experience with this? Sorry about writing a novel...hope everyone is workingout hard...the weekend is almost here and grey's comes on tomorrow! Yeah! :)

    I used to do really good at staying within my target zone, until I updated my weight and now the stupid thing beeps all the time. I think the top end of my zone is like 164 and I usually sit at 166 so it beeps non stop! I don't understand heart rates to know if this should improve over time or what but right now it's annoying. I've tried to bring the intensity down to shut the thing up but then I feel like Im not doing anything. I figure as long as I'm not working to the point that I can't breathe (asthma) I'm fine. I have read recent reports that say working upwards of 80-85% is good for burning fat as long as you don't stay at that rate for an extended period of time. Listen to your body, it's the best guide.