Paula Deen on the Today Show - what's your opinion?



  • dleithaus
    dleithaus Posts: 107 Member
    Not only is Paula Deen a cook who has a cooking show, but she is also an entertainer.
    Her cooking show is entertainment, it is meant to provide enjoyment to those who watch it.
    It is up to the watcher whether they decide to make something she has presented on the show.

    For proof that it is entertainment, one need look no further than the show when she made pecan pie, dolloped ice cream on top of it, then added a caramel topping. You could practically see her tongue sticking out of her cheek... and she laughed maniacally as she took her first bite. She is not evil, she is just an entertainer!

    Now she can be a spokesperson hopefully addressing why Americans weigh too much, and have a variety of maladies related to eating and lifestyle.
  • jayjaybee1015
    This thread is so odd. It's a cooking show!! Geez, it's not telling you to eat anything, it's simply instruction on cooking certain dishes.

    Paula Dean on TV showing how to make a high calorie, high fat, high sugar dish did not make anyone else fat. Eating too much and moving too little did.

    Totally agree! I have a huge love for Food Network and the Travel Channel. The shows don't force me to eat anything. I love watching Man vs. Food on Travel Channel, but I won't eat 5 milkshakes in an hour, or twelve burgers, or whatever the challenge is. I don't cook Paula's food, but I enjoy watching cooking shows. All of the baking/cupcake shows on tv now can't be all that healthy for a person, but I still watch them. I do notice, however, that her commercials for Smithfield Hams are no longer on tv.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Paula Deen: Not a nice seeming person to me, though I have no problem with the food featured on her show.

    Anthony Bourdain: A bit of a hypocrite for going after her, pork fat and "food porn"? Yeah he's a regular health guru. Sad thing is that my favorite thing about him used to be his absolute unapologetic attitude for his unhealthy habits, well, that and the way he'd capture the essence of a place using food as only one of his tools, and sadly both of those traits are quickly fading.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    For proof that it is entertainment, one need look no further than the show when she made pecan pie, dolloped ice cream on top of it, then added a caramel topping. You could practically see her tongue sticking out of her cheek... and she laughed maniacally as she took her first bite. She is not evil, she is just an entertainer!

    Exactly. She has always been tongue in cheek about it.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    And Anthony criticizing her like he did... isn't that how he is with lots of people?? LOL. I have one of his books and I am an even bigger fan of him than any of the others. That's just part of his persona, just as Paula's happy, fun, cook-with-tons-of-sugar-&-butter image is her persona.
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    She's human. We all didn't end up on MFP for being perfect.
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    I don't care that she's been pushing insanely high calorie recipes on her cooking show, I don't think it's her responsibility to make sure you're eating right. But I do have a problem with the fact that she's capitalizing on this disease while pretending she's doing it for philanthropic reasons. The ONLY reason she came out about her diabetes is because this drug company came to her with a massive offer. It's disgusting, and I have absolutely no respect for this woman because of it.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I can't stand Paula Deen, I think her cooking is disgusting and the fact she's affiliated with smithfield foods makes me even more disgusted.

  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    Wow. This has gotten a lot of repsonses! 1. I didn't know she had known about being diebetic for so long. 2. I didn't watch the show

    but based on what you said I agree with you.
  • Dnc2Luz
    Dnc2Luz Posts: 33
    I think Paula is a good person. Typical mindset of many in her generation. Would hold off on her recipes of holidays and special occassions.
  • Dnc2Luz
    Dnc2Luz Posts: 33
    I can't stand Paula Deen, I think her cooking is disgusting and the fact she's affiliated with smithfield foods makes me even more disgusted.


    Don't know Smithfield Foods?
  • Dnc2Luz
    Dnc2Luz Posts: 33
    The ONLY reason she came out about her diabetes is because this drug company came to her with a massive offer. It's disgusting, and I have absolutely no respect for this woman because of it.

    REally, sooo sad. She may not be who I thought she was : (
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    If someone is relying on Paula Deen or anyone on the Food Network for healthy eating tips and lifestyle advice then they'll be on the same medication that she's on!

    No one forces you to eat unhealthy and you can't find alternative ways to cook and enjoy food then or if she "triggers" a certain behavior towards food then you shouldn't be watching her!
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    What turned me off on Paula Deen was when she became a spokesperson for Smithfield. TOTAL turn-off if you know anything about factory farming.
    I never liked her, and when I found this her even less.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    OK, is there really anyone anywhere that thinks what she prepares is healthy? Her food has always been over the top unhealthy and flaunts how unhealthy it is. Is anyone surprised that if she actuall eats her own cooking that she has diabetes? I guess I am surprised she was only diagnosed three years ago. I actually think it is a poor move by the drug companies that could backfire on them. People do flock like sheep quite a bit, but once you get so blatant about disregarding what is truly best for them, a decent number start to wake up. Hopefully that happens here.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    i couldn't give a flying flip either way.

    but someone earlier said "knowledge is power" - which I think could be better stated as "Implementation of power"

    anyways, just my 2 cents. wanted to join the party. lol
  • just_a_southern_belle
    Anybody else see Paula Deen on the Today Show this morning?

    I didn't have particular feelings towards her one way or another, but now I just straight up dislike her. She is basically advocating drugs (and getting compensated by a pharmaceutical company) over lifestyle changes to help type 2 diabetes. It's irresponsible. She has millions of followers who may follow her terrible advice. Plus? She waited three years to tell the public. I wouldn't care if she weren't famous, but she has a public responsibility with that damn cooking show of hers, and she's just exacerbating something that she could be helping.

    What are your thoughts?
    I don't like her or hate her. Never watch her show. That damn southern drawl of hers is just poured on a little too thick for my taste, Yall! *grimace* But she should be advocating life style changes and not just pills since she is a public figure. But ah well. I know those drug companies are just lovin' her , y'all!!
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    She may have been talking about the medications (I won't use the word 'drugs' because it's a bit strong for something helpful), but that doesn't mean that most doctors would just give out the medications without advising lifestyle changes...I've got 2 family members in my family with type one diabetes, and 4 family members with type 2.

    As for the woman herself, she annoys the living crap out of me when she talks, but I'm jealous of her talent to create such wonderful food! I mean, we're responsible for what we consume, not her, so she get's no hatred from me!
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I so agree with you! Paula Dean.....when someone chooses to promote the types of food she does it is as if she is promoting meth as far as I am concerned.

    (I didn't have particular feelings towards her one way or another, but now I just straight up dislike her. She is basically advocating drugs (and getting compensated by a pharmaceutical company) over lifestyle changes to help type 2 diabetes. It's irresponsible. She has millions of followers who may follow her terrible advice. Plus? She waited three years to tell the public. I wouldn't care if she weren't famous, but she has a public responsibility with that damn cooking show of hers, and she's just exacerbating something that she could be helping.)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Her cooking wasn't ever meant to be healthy.

    If you want to "eat for taste" and be overweight with T2 diabetes, knock yourself the hell out.

    I happen to eat for taste when my calorie counts allow for it. My health is excellent.

    My comment was mostly sarcastic, but "WHEN MY CALORIE COUNTS ALLOW FOR IT" basically says everything.

    I eat for taste, too, but I'm not going to eat a whopping piece of red velvet cake and fried country steak washed down with a large glass of sweet tea everyday just 'cuz it tastes good.