Paula Deen on the Today Show - what's your opinion?



  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Anyone who watched her cooking shows, and then looked at her, could figure out that these foods shouldn't be consumed daily for a healthy lifestyle. I think it's ridiculous to hold a cooking show host accountable for what other people chose to do. It's not like she was saying "eat all this food and you'll be healthy." I don't think she ever claimed it was good for you! And again, all you had to do was look at her to know it wasn't healthy.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I know for sure that Paula Deen had nothing to do with me reaching 212lbs....I have watched her shows and will continue to watch at times. I know when I see something dripping in butter, cream and sugar that she's not healthy. I'm an adult and am responsible for what I buy, prep and eat. I also love Dr Pepper (not diet) Fastfood of all kinds....Dr Pepper didn't make me drink it...I bought it and drank it willingly. Not one of the fastfood places I love has ever hijacked my car and forced me to eat their food. I willingly pulled into their parking lot and went through their drive thru. I am responsible for the shape I'm in and I will be the one to improve me.

    Diabetes is a very serious issue and I hope she'll start to change her way of cooking and eating for her own health. Medication alone won't be enough to manage diabetes.

    I do wish that every resturant would post a menu with nutrition info to make it easier to make informed decisions when ordering, but that's a whole nother rant.
  • loveableredhead64
    I did not see the show. But I agree with you. She should be ashamed at the way she cooks. You can look at her and see how unhealthy she is. She has a responsibility as a role model. In the Sugarbusters book, it is clearly proven that a person's diet
    affects whether or not they will have diabetes.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The ONLY reason she came out about her diabetes is because this drug company came to her with a massive offer. It's disgusting, and I have absolutely no respect for this woman because of it.

    Do you know her? I mean, how do you know that is the ONLY reason? I would suspect her son having a new show on the Food Network making healthier versions of her food might also be a factor.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    lol i saw her on tv today and she said something about giving up sweet tea for 3 years.

    You'd think she woulda lost weight with hardcore sacrifices like that.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I did not see the show. But I agree with you. She should be ashamed at the way she cooks. You can look at her and see how unhealthy she is. She has a responsibility as a role model. In the Sugarbusters book, it is clearly proven that a person's diet
    affects whether or not they will have diabetes.

    Sorry to pick on your post when there are many others like it, but I find these very amusing in light of all the posts I've seen about parents feeding their kids fast foods or high sugar drinks/foods. Most of those posts tend to lean toward that being completely fine, even if both the parent and the child are overweight. But who really should the role model, Paula Deen or a parent?

    Deen is only role model if you choose. Parents are role models whether they like it or not.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I don't care that she's been pushing insanely high calorie recipes on her cooking show, I don't think it's her responsibility to make sure you're eating right. But I do have a problem with the fact that she's capitalizing on this disease while pretending she's doing it for philanthropic reasons. The ONLY reason she came out about her diabetes is because this drug company came to her with a massive offer. It's disgusting, and I have absolutely no respect for this woman because of it.

  • imafatloser
    I took a good look at her body and knew right away that I wouldn't want to eat whatever she's cooking.

    Exactly. LOL
  • eliakrathore
    I'm an Anthony Bourdain lover, so I don't like Paula Deen. Never really liked the way her food looked, seemed too much like she was substituting butter for taste. But that being what it is, why would anyone take her advice on anything to do with health? People don't look to her for that, they look to her for simple country home cooking, no? You can tell by looking at her that she'd not a role model for how to have a healthy lifestyle. People aren't stupid.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    It matters because Paula Deen's actions influence the general public.

    Her situation is akin to a smoking addict (with lung cancer) selling tobacco products for a living while being sponsored by the chemo/medical establishment.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Well, I'm from a long line of southern cooks such as Paula Deen and knw that helped contribute to my weight. However, I also know that Burger King's Whooper and McDonalds Big Mac & Fries and every other fast food or regular sit down restaurant helped me also. I loved Tony Romas ribs until I found out after starting this that my normal platter i order from them is over 2200 calories. Paula Deen didnt tell me to eat there and neither did Tony. I'm an adult and made the very unfortunate choices that I am now paying for.

    I've made may of Paula's recipes and will continue to do so on special occasions for company. At the same time I will have many healthy dishes also. I love her show and will continue to watch whatever show she happens to be on. For her sake and the sake of her children and grandchildren I hope that she will realize the damage that disease can wreck on a body. Hopefully she will take control of her health but again it is her health and her choice alone to do whatever she decides is best. Much like us here, we dont all follow the same rules or plans. We do what is working for us at the time. I wish her much success and improved health as she didnt make me eat that whole apple butter pumpkin pie recipe in one day. And yeah I fixed it this year, just didnt eat it but others loved it.

    I'm a food network junkie and love most of the celebrity chefs but I'll never blame any of them for what I choose to do or not do.
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    Um, it sounds like she said nothing of the sort. I watched the entire clip. For starters, she looks like she's lost some weight. Secondly, she mentioned several contributing factors to developing type 2 diabetes (including unhealthy diet). Thirdly, she said that she encourages people to eat things like she cooks on her show in moderation and that she does not eat the way she cooks on her show all the time. Because it's a show and it's for entertainment, and she specifically stated that she would not encourage people to eat that way daily. She said that she's never eaten that way daily. Lastly, she encouraged people to get with their doctors and get tested for diabetes and to develop a plan that worked for them to treat it.

    Nothing she said on the show was irresponsible.

    it is incredible how many ranting, crazy posts you have to read through until you get to one like this. you know, sensible.

    the fact that people are furious that SHE DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT HER MEDICAL CONDITION!!!!11ONEONE!! seriously, people? you wouldn't know the recipes she shares -- and that's what she does, is share a recipe. she didn't make a single person fat or sick. she shared a recipe. -- are not necessarily healthful unless you know if she is a diabetic or not? how does that make any shred of sense? take some responsibility for your own life and your own choices.

    and while we shouldn't use drugs as a crutch -- for anything -- you know what? some people need them. sure. work out, eat better, get your body back in shape. but taking meds until you get to that point certainly isn't something that should be looked down upon.

    This is absurd. The woman didn't fall off the turnip truck and onto the Today show. She's got a long career behind her, and she's responsible for what she's supported. Yes, her career is premised on the general ignorance and low cultural level of a population generally uneducated about nutrition, ill equipped to make good choices, and often too poor to afford decent food. That doesn't make her as an industry any less revolting, or her recent endorsement any less typical of her as a social type.

    It's been pointed out that there are lots of people who get rich on people's ignorance and abuse of food for some comfort in lives that are generally bereft of little other than work.

    She's made a career out of marketing total crap, and sponsoring products that no one should eat, not even in moderation. In particular, I'm talking about low quality, nitrate-packed sausages made from diseased animals. Don't take my word for it, especially if you're into personally responsibility. Look it up.

    We're not simpletons. It doesn't matter if people like her. It doesn't matter that she didn't personally shovel nutritionally worthless food into the mouths of overweight children. Her actions have consequences. Ask anyone you know in advertising what they're up to and why their companies are so well-paid.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    It's easy to see how our personal politics line up with our responses to this topic. What a hot topic on MFP... LOL. Paula Deen?! Never woulda thought it...

    My vote is for Ron Paul. LMAO.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Just wondering, along this same vein.....what about the new show getting ready to come out on the Food Network called "Fat Chef"? It premieres January 26th. From what I can tell it's going to be like, Biggest Loser meets Biggest Chefs weight loss show.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Elvis has left the building!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Um, it sounds like she said nothing of the sort. I watched the entire clip. For starters, she looks like she's lost some weight. Secondly, she mentioned several contributing factors to developing type 2 diabetes (including unhealthy diet). Thirdly, she said that she encourages people to eat things like she cooks on her show in moderation and that she does not eat the way she cooks on her show all the time. Because it's a show and it's for entertainment, and she specifically stated that she would not encourage people to eat that way daily. She said that she's never eaten that way daily. Lastly, she encouraged people to get with their doctors and get tested for diabetes and to develop a plan that worked for them to treat it.

    Nothing she said on the show was irresponsible.

    it is incredible how many ranting, crazy posts you have to read through until you get to one like this. you know, sensible.

    the fact that people are furious that SHE DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT HER MEDICAL CONDITION!!!!11ONEONE!! seriously, people? you wouldn't know the recipes she shares -- and that's what she does, is share a recipe. she didn't make a single person fat or sick. she shared a recipe. -- are not necessarily healthful unless you know if she is a diabetic or not? how does that make any shred of sense? take some responsibility for your own life and your own choices.

    and while we shouldn't use drugs as a crutch -- for anything -- you know what? some people need them. sure. work out, eat better, get your body back in shape. but taking meds until you get to that point certainly isn't something that should be looked down upon.

    This is absurd. The woman didn't fall off the turnip truck and onto the Today show. She's got a long career behind her, and she's responsible for what she's supported. Yes, her career is premised on the general ignorance and low cultural level of a population generally uneducated about nutrition, ill equipped to make good choices, and often too poor to afford decent food. That doesn't make her as an industry any less revolting, or her recent endorsement any less typical of her as a social type.

    It's been pointed out that there are lots of people who get rich on people's ignorance and abuse of food for some comfort in lives that are generally bereft of little other than work.

    She's made a career out of marketing total crap, and sponsoring products that no one should eat, not even in moderation. In particular, I'm talking about low quality, nitrate-packed sausages made from diseased animals. Don't take my word for it, especially if you're into personally responsibility. Look it up.

    We're not simpletons. It doesn't matter if people like her. It doesn't matter that she didn't personally shovel nutritionally worthless food into the mouths of overweight children. Her actions have consequences. Ask anyone you know in advertising what they're up to and why their companies are so well-paid.

    This is absolutely absurd. Get off your high horse, and stop presuming things you know nothing about. Also, just for the record, fresh salad greens have 100 times higher concentrations of nitrates in them than any packaged meat product.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Um, it sounds like she said nothing of the sort. I watched the entire clip. For starters, she looks like she's lost some weight. Secondly, she mentioned several contributing factors to developing type 2 diabetes (including unhealthy diet). Thirdly, she said that she encourages people to eat things like she cooks on her show in moderation and that she does not eat the way she cooks on her show all the time. Because it's a show and it's for entertainment, and she specifically stated that she would not encourage people to eat that way daily. She said that she's never eaten that way daily. Lastly, she encouraged people to get with their doctors and get tested for diabetes and to develop a plan that worked for them to treat it.

    Nothing she said on the show was irresponsible.

    it is incredible how many ranting, crazy posts you have to read through until you get to one like this. you know, sensible.

    the fact that people are furious that SHE DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT HER MEDICAL CONDITION!!!!11ONEONE!! seriously, people? you wouldn't know the recipes she shares -- and that's what she does, is share a recipe. she didn't make a single person fat or sick. she shared a recipe. -- are not necessarily healthful unless you know if she is a diabetic or not? how does that make any shred of sense? take some responsibility for your own life and your own choices.

    and while we shouldn't use drugs as a crutch -- for anything -- you know what? some people need them. sure. work out, eat better, get your body back in shape. but taking meds until you get to that point certainly isn't something that should be looked down upon.

    This is absurd. The woman didn't fall off the turnip truck and onto the Today show. She's got a long career behind her, and she's responsible for what she's supported. Yes, her career is premised on the general ignorance and low cultural level of a population generally uneducated about nutrition, ill equipped to make good choices, and often too poor to afford decent food. That doesn't make her as an industry any less revolting, or her recent endorsement any less typical of her as a social type.

    It's been pointed out that there are lots of people who get rich on people's ignorance and abuse of food for some comfort in lives that are generally bereft of little other than work.

    She's made a career out of marketing total crap, and sponsoring products that no one should eat, not even in moderation. In particular, I'm talking about low quality, nitrate-packed sausages made from diseased animals. Don't take my word for it, especially if you're into personally responsibility. Look it up.

    We're not simpletons. It doesn't matter if people like her. It doesn't matter that she didn't personally shovel nutritionally worthless food into the mouths of overweight children. Her actions have consequences. Ask anyone you know in advertising what they're up to and why their companies are so well-paid.

    Who do blame for you needing to lose weight? Yourself? TV? Commercials?
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I so agree with you! Paula Dean.....when someone chooses to promote the types of food she does it is as if she is promoting meth as far as I am concerned.

    "Hi. I'm hyperbole. Have we met?"

    lol i saw her on tv today and she said something about giving up sweet tea for 3 years.

    You'd think she woulda lost weight with hardcore sacrifices like that.


    clearly, you've never had real, southern sweet tea. :)
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    It matters because Paula Deen's actions influence the general public.

    Her situation is akin to a smoking addict (with lung cancer) selling tobacco products for a living while being sponsored by the chemo/medical establishment.

    I kindly disagree. It is simply up to the person watching whether or not to make/eat her food, or just laugh at the TV and go are you kidding me....It's simply moderation or just say no thank you. I decide...not Paula.
    She can be a "pusher" but I don't have to buy the "crack"

    BTW - Her Paula Deen brand food items are not flying off the shelves so that will be gone soon. She also endorses Smithfield pork. I eat pork because I need the protein and the cooked correctly it is great for me.

    Live and be well :)
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    It's inappropriate for you to attack me personally for merely pointing out the social context in which all this takes place, and then accuse me of ignorance while neglecting to counter even one of my main points. Your bullying is not justified solely by a typo (nitrite, not nitrate).
    Um, it sounds like she said nothing of the sort. I watched the entire clip. For starters, she looks like she's lost some weight. Secondly, she mentioned several contributing factors to developing type 2 diabetes (including unhealthy diet). Thirdly, she said that she encourages people to eat things like she cooks on her show in moderation and that she does not eat the way she cooks on her show all the time. Because it's a show and it's for entertainment, and she specifically stated that she would not encourage people to eat that way daily. She said that she's never eaten that way daily. Lastly, she encouraged people to get with their doctors and get tested for diabetes and to develop a plan that worked for them to treat it.

    Nothing she said on the show was irresponsible.

    it is incredible how many ranting, crazy posts you have to read through until you get to one like this. you know, sensible.

    the fact that people are furious that SHE DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT HER MEDICAL CONDITION!!!!11ONEONE!! seriously, people? you wouldn't know the recipes she shares -- and that's what she does, is share a recipe. she didn't make a single person fat or sick. she shared a recipe. -- are not necessarily healthful unless you know if she is a diabetic or not? how does that make any shred of sense? take some responsibility for your own life and your own choices.

    and while we shouldn't use drugs as a crutch -- for anything -- you know what? some people need them. sure. work out, eat better, get your body back in shape. but taking meds until you get to that point certainly isn't something that should be looked down upon.

    This is absurd. The woman didn't fall off the turnip truck and onto the Today show. She's got a long career behind her, and she's responsible for what she's supported. Yes, her career is premised on the general ignorance and low cultural level of a population generally uneducated about nutrition, ill equipped to make good choices, and often too poor to afford decent food. That doesn't make her as an industry any less revolting, or her recent endorsement any less typical of her as a social type.

    It's been pointed out that there are lots of people who get rich on people's ignorance and abuse of food for some comfort in lives that are generally bereft of little other than work.

    She's made a career out of marketing total crap, and sponsoring products that no one should eat, not even in moderation. In particular, I'm talking about low quality, nitrate-packed sausages made from diseased animals. Don't take my word for it, especially if you're into personally responsibility. Look it up.

    We're not simpletons. It doesn't matter if people like her. It doesn't matter that she didn't personally shovel nutritionally worthless food into the mouths of overweight children. Her actions have consequences. Ask anyone you know in advertising what they're up to and why their companies are so well-paid.

    This is absolutely absurd. Get off your high horse, and stop presuming things you know nothing about. Also, just for the record, fresh salad greens have 100 times higher concentrations of nitrates in them than any packaged meat product.