Eating for your Bloodtype...fact or fiction?



  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    More importantly, the blood type diet has NOT been tested in randomized, double-blind clinical trials. Ketogenic diets (low carb, high fat, high protein) HAVE been tested. Low fat diets HAVE been tested. Low calorie diets HAVE been tested. The effects of exercise HAVE been tested. So why hasn't the blood type diet been tested? If it's based on science, WHERE IS THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF?

    Rebekah wins.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Again what works for one does not necessarily works for others. I have a friend who changed her name and her husband and kids followed suit because a numerologist told her to do so. She thought it helped. I also know many people who are hooked into finding out your sign and that it means and they swear it is dead on. Energy healing is also believed to work for some. So is Chiropractic care. Whereas physical therapy was the only thing that worked for me. The power of the mind is amazing sometimes and sometimes believing something is true makes it true.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Amazing the number of people willing to believe in magic voodoo
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I call "Bullcrap"!
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Doesn't sound kosher to me. Although I looked up the info for my bloodtype (O) out of interest and it seemed at a glance to be everything I'm doing already so..
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I have both books Eat Right 4 Your Type and Live Right 4 Your Type. I am living after them now for 4 months and I am completely allergy free for the first time in my life and all my blood work is better and loosing weight is actually easier too. So all the skeptics can holler and say whatever they want, I know it works. Not only for me but also for my husband. There are a lot of case studies and reading the book it makes a lot of sense.
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    There is a book about this at Books A Million. And I am an A type also which I love veggies so that is great and it does say you can have carbs but you do have to limit them and I do and it does seem to work for me if I could always follow it. LOL
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I've just read that I should avoid chicken?? and eat loads of fish......Yuk! I hate fish!! Also I should avoid nuts and seeds, which I've been eating for the iron! I shouldn't eat wheat or tomatoes, there goes my salads and cheese and tomato toasties!! I won't be following this diet, that's for sure.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Two years ago I had a food allergy panel done. Then 2 months ago, I got another one done (just to see if the same foods are the culprit) I've suffered from eczema off and on since I was a baby, and found out that eczema (as well as other skin conditions) can be caused by certain foods, for it's a form of an allergy.

    You're right, eczema CAN be irritated/inflamed by certain foods or other environmental factors, BUT, it is also genetic.
    This bloodtype diet was created based on one man's BELIEF that it was so, he then set out to try to prove it. His son has carried on his work.
    For every person who claims that it works and is a miracle diet, there are a dozen that it didn't work for. I've seen countless threads on this subject.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it won't/doesn't work for YOU. I'm just saying that it's coincidence.
    I mean, what the 'creator' of this diet wants us to believe is that there are only FOUR diets in the world that exist for all people in every economic/environmental circumstance? Seriously?
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Its nonsense and has no basis in science.
    Most of the 'allergy tests' especially administered by health food stores or online are BS as well

    Also a physician.

    Too funny, but no, didn't take an allergy test from online, nor from a health food store. And, I respect the physicians who state they are physicians, but why? Does that make them correct in everything regarding health issues? I do know that many physicians (especially here) love to administer consistant meds instead of getting to the root of the problem, which in my case is indeed certain foods. We are what we eat -- is there no truth in that statement?

    You absolutely should not take anyone's word for anything. You should educate yourself on the subject of how the body works. Whether you want to use scientifically proven facts or anecdotal words of mouth as the source of your education is entirely up to you.

    I am not taking anyone"s word for what works for me regarding food...INCLUDING eating right for my bloodtype. I said in my original post that the foods matched what I am allergic to...coincidence OR maybe not. The jury is still out. I have never had allergies in my life until 6 years ago after having my daughter. I craved cherries when I was pregnant with her and ate bowls I'm allergic to them, as well as any fruit with a pit. Wheat affects me, milk affects me.
    This is a whole new learning experience trying to figure out what I can and can not eat, and frankly it SUCKS (anyone with food allergies can empathsize). I have knowledge of good nutrition etc...but now, it's a whole new ball game. I love to learn, and will read up on all kinds of books regarding the human body and how it works. Knowledge is the key....and yes, if something works for one person, yet not the other...who's to say it's wrong? I just want to be able to eat damn it, and not blow up like a freakin' blowfish :noway:
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I have both books Eat Right 4 Your Type and Live Right 4 Your Type. I am living after them now for 4 months and I am completely allergy free for the first time in my life and all my blood work is better and loosing weight is actually easier too. So all the skeptics can holler and say whatever they want, I know it works. Not only for me but also for my husband. There are a lot of case studies and reading the book it makes a lot of sense.

    This is what you call "faith" and not logic or scientific reasoning or scientific proof. You think it works for you. That's great. Some athletes think that lucky socks work too. That doesn't make the scientific community 'skeptics', nor does it mean your superstitious rituals will work for everyone.

    I am glad you're allergy free. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm glad your losing weight, but it's not because you're eating according to your blood type. Your blood type has absolutely nothing to do with it. Blood type is only a protein marker that labels your blood as a product of your body so that your immune system doesn't attack your red blood cells.

    Most likely, you feel better because some (but not all) of the suggestions in the book would make anyone feel better. Also likely, you and your husband lucked out. A horoscope is right some of the time. The blood type diet fits some of the time. That doesn't mean either are based on sound logic and scientific principle.

    As for the case studies? They're not double blind clinical trials. The author picked the studies to fit his bias. A good scientist, a good doctor, formulates a hypothesis, OBJECTIVELY looks at the evidence, and then draws conclusions. The doctor who wrote the book, drew conclusions first and then combed the scientific literature looking for evidence. He did it backwards.

    Sorry if that's offensive... faith has a time and a place... but not in nutrition, not in biology, and especially not when faith is presented to less knowledgeable others in an effort to convert them to your system of belief so that you can profit (the 'you' here is the author of the book, not 'you' the author of the quote I quoted).
  • autumnrose2
    It tells me to load up on meat when I am much happier eating fruit, dairy, veg, grain and nuts. I think I'll pass on this one.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    i'm o- and mine is to eat lots of protein especially meat but im a vegetarian so its not going to work lol

    What about Quorn and lentils and stuff?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I have both books Eat Right 4 Your Type and Live Right 4 Your Type. I am living after them now for 4 months and I am completely allergy free for the first time in my life and all my blood work is better and loosing weight is actually easier too. So all the skeptics can holler and say whatever they want, I know it works. Not only for me but also for my husband. There are a lot of case studies and reading the book it makes a lot of sense.

    This is what you call "faith" and not logic or scientific reasoning or scientific proof. You think it works for you. That's great. Some athletes think that lucky socks work too. That doesn't make the scientific community 'skeptics', nor does it mean your superstitious rituals will work for everyone.

    I am glad you're allergy free. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm glad your losing weight, but it's not because you're eating according to your blood type. Your blood type has absolutely nothing to do with it. Blood type is only a protein marker that labels your blood as a product of your body so that your immune system doesn't attack your red blood cells.

    Most likely, you feel better because some (but not all) of the suggestions in the book would make anyone feel better. Also likely, you and your husband lucked out. A horoscope is right some of the time. The blood type diet fits some of the time. That doesn't mean either are based on sound logic and scientific principle.

    As for the case studies? They're not double blind clinical trials. The author picked the studies to fit his bias. A good scientist, a good doctor, formulates a hypothesis, OBJECTIVELY looks at the evidence, and then draws conclusions. The doctor who wrote the book, drew conclusions first and then combed the scientific literature looking for evidence. He did it backwards.

    Sorry if that's offensive... faith has a time and a place... but not in nutrition, not in biology, and especially not when faith is presented to less knowledgeable others in an effort to convert them to your system of belief so that you can profit (the 'you' here is the author of the book, not 'you' the author of the quote I quoted).

    Thank you for adding sanity to this thread
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    And btw, this whole "eating right for your bloodtype" input i looked at was never for losing weight...I just noticed the similarities regarding my allergic foods, and those on the Bloodtype list of what not to eat. I have never followed a diet per se (Atkins, South Beach..or what have you) for I'm the type of person who will do the exact opposite when being restricted. Ok, throwing in the towel now :bigsmile: ...Thank you for your responses, enjoyed reading all of them. Good luck on your healthier weight journey!! Cheers!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Two years ago I had a food allergy panel done. Then 2 months ago, I got another one done (just to see if the same foods are the culprit) I've suffered from eczema off and on since I was a baby, and found out that eczema (as well as other skin conditions) can be caused by certain foods, for it's a form of an allergy.

    You're right, eczema CAN be irritated/inflamed by certain foods or other environmental factors, BUT, it is also genetic.
    This bloodtype diet was created based on one man's BELIEF that it was so, he then set out to try to prove it. His son has carried on his work.
    For every person who claims that it works and is a miracle diet, there are a dozen that it didn't work for. I've seen countless threads on this subject.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it won't/doesn't work for YOU. I'm just saying that it's coincidence.
    I mean, what the 'creator' of this diet wants us to believe is that there are only FOUR diets in the world that exist for all people in every economic/environmental circumstance? Seriously?

    Eczema is not just "can be irritated/inflamed by certain foods", it often IS due to certain foods that it gets inflamed.

    Many people will have their Eczema clear by avoiding certain foods and products. It should never just be put down to genetic or hereditary - that smacks of just accepting it for life.

    If the OP is finding that this sort of eating is helping her, then it IS indeed working for her. All this "educate" yourself, it is bull**** etc etc, great,m then don't participate in it. However, reading some of the replies on here, it is almost as if some people are begrudging the OP finding something that works!!!

    I am allergic to coughlinctus, I defy anybody to tell me it is all in my mind and that cutting out Coughlinctus medicine when I have a bad cough is stupid. The first time I took Coughlinctus I ended up in hospital with the tests showing an allergy to that medicine, the second time I took it, many, many years later (I took it because I totally forgot I had that allergy), my legs swelled up, began to turn BLACK and I thought I was going to lose them. I dread to think what a third dose of it would do - that is why I would never take it again.

    The same goes for other allergies. The OP has an allergy or allergies and is finding this way of eating suits her and it is not up to me or anybody else to tell her she is wrong.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I think your case is a STRANGE coincidence but I don't believe in it as a whole.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    There really isn't alot of blood types or different kind of foods so this so called diet is probably bound to strike truth for someone now and then.