
So I have a two year old and it seems like by the time she goes to bed it's like 9pm. I normally go to bed at 10 bc I am so tired. I tried getting up in teh am I just can't get up. I usually get up about 6:15 anyways to get ready for work. My husband usually watches her but she usually wants to workout with me but she ends up getting in my way. It seems like I am losing the motivation bc when I have free time I really want to do something I haven't been able to do. How many days do you moms workout. I do go to the gym on my lunch mwf and do a half hour cardio and I usually do strength at home. My videos are like 68 min long but they are really good strength training total body workout. I usually do them twice a week. It's hard to find the time at night when she doesn't go to sleep until 9. I have to sit in her room until she does.


  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Anyone out there ;)
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I have a 6 year old. I go to the gym on my lunch hour most recently since the gym is right down the road from my job.
    Last year that wasn't an option for me so I started putting her to bed (her bed time is 8PM) and heading out to the gym for an hour while my husband was home with her. I have heard some people express an issue with exercising so close to bed time but I never found it to be a problem. I likely slept better after the work out :)
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    I work out every other day. I belong to a gym that has a fantastic childcare center. My daughter is 7 now, but I have beem a member since she was 3. It is hard to try and do when they want to join in, even as cute as it is. Any way to move her bedtime up to 8:30? That would give you another whole half hour which you can do a lot in. Does your gym offer childcare so you could go after work and take her?
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Ya I always try to lay her down at 8 but she can never fall asleep till 9. It does get frustrating. I was used to her going to bed at 7 she did that until this past August. Which I miss it. I am having a hard time to find a schedule that works.
  • Hi,My name is Amy I'm 21 and I'm somewhat new. Had my first baby a little over 4 months ago whom I gained 60lbs with and as of now I'm 175.5 trying to get back down to 140lb and if I lose more well then that'll just put a bigger smile on my face.
    Add me if you want
  • I have a 3 1/2 year old (who is autistic) and a 2 year old. The 2 year old has just started nursery together with his brother - 3 hours, 4 days a week. By the time I drop them off/pick them up etc I have about 2 hours to myself so I try to get in as much exercise (and housework!) as I can. Before he started nursery, I was taking him out for long (3 mile+) walks.

    I am a bit of an exercise freak and do take the dog out for walks in the evenings and also try to do an hours exercise in the evening after hubby goes to bed, often not getting into bed myself until 11-11.30. I do also try to get up early in the morning and get some exercise in (but that is easier said than done). As my eldest is autistic (I have no family close by and my hubby works 12+ hours a day) I find exercising my relaxation and the only time I get to myself...

    Just exercise as much as you can when you can :happy:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I have a 3 1/2 year old (who is autistic) and a 2 year old. The 2 year old has just started nursery together with his brother - 3 hours, 4 days a week. By the time I drop them off/pick them up etc I have about 2 hours to myself so I try to get in as much exercise (and housework!) as I can. Before he started nursery, I was taking him out for long (3 mile+) walks.

    I am a bit of an exercise freak and do take the dog out for walks in the evenings and also try to do an hours exercise in the evening after hubby goes to bed, often not getting into bed myself until 11-11.30. I do also try to get up early in the morning and get some exercise in (but that is easier said than done). As my eldest is autistic (I have no family close by and my hubby works 12+ hours a day) I find exercising my relaxation and the only time I get to myself...

    Just exercise as much as you can when you can :happy:

    You are lucky to have 2 hrs to yourself. I wish I did. Yes it is my relaxation to.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Which I really don't have a lot to lose. I am just frustrated I gained it back. I know I will lose it again.
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    I have a 6 year old and he goes to bed by 8pm. I used to have a hard time getting him to bed and figured out that watching TV in the evenings tended to make him more active and less sleepy. So we no longer do any TV during the school week (I wait until he is asleep to turn it on). I can't get motivated to work out in the evenings. Once I am home I am ready to cook dinner and relax so I make myself get up in the mornings to workout.

    I am up any where from 4-5am to workout and get ready to work. Which tends to push me towards an earlier bedtime myself. I am usually passed out by 9:30! I also used to go to the gym in the morning and would leave my son sleeping (my brother lives with us) but found it de-motivating to have to get out in the cold or rainy weather. I have started and stopped P90x several times but am sticking to it this time around (On day 10). I enjoy doing DVDs because I can workout sans shirt and no one hears the weirds noises and creaks when I do yoga. I totally understand about the kids wanting to participate. I have had to get up earlier than normal (7 am) on the weekends to get done before my son wakes up. I have tried to let him workout with me but its too intense & helping him is distracting.

    If you have trouble going to bed earlier try drinking more water. Going from 2 glasses a day to 10 a day now has helped me sleep so much better and wake up feeling more refreshed. Also, try waking yourself up an extra 15 min early every morning and gradually increase it until you have enough time to workout. I usually set my alarm for 30 min before I need to get up and then hit snooze a couple times. Mainly so I fake my body into thinking I got to sleep in a little longer!

    Hope this helps!
  • Hi! I also have a 2 yr old (well, closer to 3 now), so I can understand being exhausted at the end of the day! Maybe you've already looked into this, but I'm wondering if it's possible to start transitioning your daughter to you not having to stay in the room with her for an hour in order for her to go to sleep? I know everyone has different ideas about this, but just thought I'd throw that out there. Seems like, if you wanted to do that, that she is old enough for that?
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Well she won't stay in her room if I don't sit in there. We never had to do this until this past august she started to crawl out of her bed normally we just put her in bed and walk out. Some nights she can go to bed within ten minutes. I try and get her to run around the house to to wear her out.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I would put a baby gate up at the door so she can't leave the room. She'll get it, eventually. I try to get to work early and walk 30 minutes, than I walk on my break for 30-45 minutes, and then I try to get in 30 minutes or more at home in the evening after I make dinner and put hubby on kid duty. OR, I come straight home, exercise, and my hubby picks up the kids. I can exercise with the kids around because they are a little older (4 and 3) and I can make a deal with them if they don't bother me that I'll do x with them right after, but 2's a little young to understand that.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I work out every other day. I belong to a gym that has a fantastic childcare center. My daughter is 7 now, but I have beem a member since she was 3. It is hard to try and do when they want to join in, even as cute as it is. Any way to move her bedtime up to 8:30? That would give you another whole half hour which you can do a lot in. Does your gym offer childcare so you could go after work and take her?

    I actually work at a university so I get to use our gym for free but there is not a daycare in there which I wish. That would be perfect. I have tried to move her bedtime it doesn't work she will lay there no matter how tired she is.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I would put a baby gate up at the door so she can't leave the room. She'll get it, eventually. I try to get to work early and walk 30 minutes, than I walk on my break for 30-45 minutes, and then I try to get in 30 minutes or more at home in the evening after I make dinner and put hubby on kid duty. OR, I come straight home, exercise, and my hubby picks up the kids. I can exercise with the kids around because they are a little older (4 and 3) and I can make a deal with them if they don't bother me that I'll do x with them right after, but 2's a little young to understand that.
  • pinkprincessmama
    pinkprincessmama Posts: 52 Member
    It is soooo hard to find the energy when you work. I used to be a teacher, and when I worked out was right after school. But, even that was hard to keep up!

    Now I am a SAHM to 2 girls, ages 5 and 2. My only "down time" is when I workout! So, I go every week day plus Saturdays, and I usually stay for about 2 hours. I absolutely enjoy it because it is the only time when my girls aren't hanging on me!
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    I have 3 kiddos and a husband with a rather unpredictable schedule. While my oldest two are at school my almost 3 year old is with me 24/7. I started at a gym on post that had daycare. Gym=free, childcare=$hourly. We are on a tight budget so I try to keep my gym visits to a minimum but the childcare at the gym is ran by the same people that do the childcare on post, it's pretty quality care comparing to other gym childcare.
    With that said, they are closing it in a few weeks. So I have to take her to the regular daycare if I want to continue that. We have an elliptical and I just bought some resistance bands. My kids all go to bed at 7:30, maybe 9 on weekends. So I'm either going to wake up early (which knowing me, probably won't happen) or while I do my usual show watching I'll get my behind up.
    Weekends hubby is typically home until 9am, so I can get a run in or go to the gym.
    It's definitely challenging, even more so with a spouse that has such an unpredictable schedule. Here it's almost 6 and he still doesnt' know when he'll be home. You just have to find a way/make a way. It may not be the ideal workout scenario but anything is better than nothing!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    My kids are older now but when they were 2, they were in bed by 7. 7:30 at the latest. They never saw 8 pm other than special occasions until they were about 8. But, that being said, I was home by 5:30 every night and my husband would have dinner on the table at that time. Dinner was done by 6:15 and the girls would be in their jammies by 6:45 and on the way to brush the teeth. Story time started at 7. So, my advice is, work toward an earlier bedtime.
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I have 5 kids aged 3 to 11. The only time I can find to exercise is to get up at 5:45 in the morning and exercise from 6-7 when I have to get them up and ready. I know the frustration of not being able to find any "me" time. You might have to get up a little earlier. Your body will get used to it..I promise! Most of the time I wake up before the alarm :) Good luck!!
  • What time is she taking a nap? I have a 23 month old and she goes down at 7pm, as does my 8 year old. That's always been bed time in my house. I wonder if she's having a late nap that is interfering with her ability to go to sleep easily. My almost 2 year old is still in her crib, thank goodness! I dread transitioning and will keep her in the crib as long as possible. LOL Can your husband put her to bed so you can start working out while he's getting her down?
  • What time is she taking a nap? I have a 23 month old and she goes down at 7pm, as does my 8 year old. That's always been bed time in my house. I wonder if she's having a late nap that is interfering with her ability to go to sleep easily. My almost 2 year old is still in her crib, thank goodness! I dread transitioning and will keep her in the crib as long as possible. LOL Can your husband put her to bed so you can start working out while he's getting her down?

    I chuckled when you said you are dreading the transition from the crib! I was also dreading it until, one day, I was leaving the room in time to see our son (almost 3) pole vault himself out of the crib, do an entire flip, landing on his back on the floor. Luckily there was a blanket there where he landed (and it's carpeted), so it just scared us both but he wasn't hurt. So, we had to transition him right away, which was a few weeks ago. It actually hasn't been too bad. The first couple of weeks were the hardest, but now it's not too bad. Now we just have to get through potty training and teething!