


  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I do what I can. I have a 6 year old and a 16 month old. My husband works 3rds so no matter what by 8pm at night my husband takes my 16 month old so I can work out. Otherwise during the day when I bike I move the coffee table right next to the bike and my son will hug me and have the fan blow in his face. It's irritating some times.. but I enjoy the 15 minute cuddles until he wanders off =) I have to say.. AMAZING job with getting work outs in AND working AND being a Mom. That's hard.. and you seem to be doing a fantastic job!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am a SAHM mom of 2.....a 1st grader and a rambunctious 13 month old.....I make a every attempt to get at least 5 workouts in a week no matter what.....sometime after kids are in bed, have done it tripping on the baby or her laying on me while I do my ab workouts......sometimes I have taken a shower 2x....once in the morning and one after a mid day workout when she FINALLY lays down for a nap.....when she was an infant I would carry her down in the basement in her carseat and went on the treadmill while she slept! You got to fit it in when ya can.....I try to get up early in the morning before anyone is up but that kid has radar and senses that I am up so usually she will play while I taking my shower is another story! I have to either keep her in the pack n play and she screams or have her older sis watch her since she likes to open the shower curtain while I am in there and water gets everywhere including soaking the lil turd!

    And the crib thing......haha....both my kids hated the cribs! Oldest was in one from 4 months to 10 months then onto the toddler bed! Baby never made it to crib cause of remodeling our master bedroom so she was in a pack n play in our room temporarily.....but now sleeps in big sis's trundle bed....she thinks she is a big girl! Kids!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    My daughter loves pushups etc as well. She gets bored after so many :)
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    My daughter and I love to dance as well. We are putting her in dance this summer we both are really excited!!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I have tried getting up early in the a.m. I never felt like I was giving it my all. I was so tired. When Wed. rolled around I could barely get out of bed. I was exhausted from waking up early.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    That would be great!! I work at a University so no daycare. Usually during the winter is harder but one the season is over bc he is a college basketball coach so I will get more free time. They can be outside.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I have a 2 year old also. I get up at 4:40am and I am at the gym by 5:20isham. I workout until 6:30ish, shower and head to work. I am at work by 7:00am and work until 4:30pm.
    You just have to make time.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I have a 4 year old and an almost-2 year old. I get in my workouts during one of these times:
    1 - when the 2 year old is napping (usually around 2-4pm)
    2 - when the 2 year old is in the high-chair eating a snack
    3 - by putting the 2 year old in the *SuperYard* that I keep erected in the living room for those times when I just NEED to do what I need to do w/o him under my feet. ;-)
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I finally worked out a plan with the hubby he is going to put her to bed the two days a week that I do a video at home. My best time I feel like I get a good workout in is about 8-8:30p.m. So he is going to do the bedtimes on those days. Cardio at lunch the rest of the week!! My strength training videos I do at home are great. They really focus on toning and shaping. They are 68 min long. It's so worth it. I was doing Jillian videos but I can't anymore bc of my foot. I have torn tissue that hasn't heeled so my pt said not to do her videos anymore or I would be in the exact same spot. :(. I think once the season will be over will have more time.
  • Why don't you try doing one of your workouts (where any weights aren't needed) and see if your child will try to do it with you. My daughter thinks my bootcamp dvds are stretching and dancing and she LOVES them. When we tell her to pick a movie to watch she often grabs one of my bootcamp dvds. haha. It's a way that you can get some kind of workout in and not feel cheated or anything like that. Just a thought. Good luck!! :smile:
  • I had this problem also...I have 2 children and they are 11 months apart lol The only thing I could do to workout was to buy my own treadmill and workout videos. I was lucky because they could play with eachother in their rooms and I could get a small workout in atleast. I also used to go to the YMCA where they offered child care...but thats when I wasnt working. No one wants to work all day w/o seeing their kids and then go home to only put them in daycare so they can workout lol I would say just do what you can at home and remember...any workout is better than no workout!!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Why don't you try doing one of your workouts (where any weights aren't needed) and see if your child will try to do it with you. My daughter thinks my bootcamp dvds are stretching and dancing and she LOVES them. When we tell her to pick a movie to watch she often grabs one of my bootcamp dvds. haha. It's a way that you can get some kind of workout in and not feel cheated or anything like that. Just a thought. Good luck!! :smile:

    Well I do for fun to give her something to do. I really love weights and by using weights it really changes your body. I really don't have much to lose. I use a barbell at home and so she thinks she has to use the barbell. She has one lb weights I let her use.
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    My hubs watches our son so that i can go to a class 4xs a week after work
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    This is off the subject but how do you guys get your little ones to brush there teeth. I got my 2 year old a spin brush at first she loved it now we have to force her. We have bribed her we let her brush her teeth first and then we do it. It's so frustrating. We have held her down. I don't knwo what else to try. I am going try to let her brush ours and see if that will help. I may do a sticker board.
  • This is off the subject but how do you guys get your little ones to brush there teeth. I got my 2 year old a spin brush at first she loved it now we have to force her. We have bribed her we let her brush her teeth first and then we do it. It's so frustrating. We have held her down. I don't knwo what else to try. I am going try to let her brush ours and see if that will help. I may do a sticker board.

    First off, glad you and your husband figured out a routine. Secondly on the tooth brushing, you have to be consistent and have a routine. I used to be a Pediatric Dental Assistant, so I'm passionate about this subject. LOL The real key is to start young so that it's just normal for them. For me, it's not an option so it gets done no matter what. 2 year olds are too young to brush their teeth efficiently so you need to do the "real" brushing. Let them brush too for fun, but you have to get in there 2x's a day and brush all of their teeth. For my daughter, I brush first and then she has her turn. I've done this since she was about 10 months old, so it's so routine she doesn't even think about it. If your little one is fighting it, I would try rewards. Tell them if they let you brush teeth nicely without a fit, you will read them a story afterward or do the sticker chart if you want. Tell them if they fight you, then they won't get the story or sticker. Let them know that you will be brushing their teeth no matter what and that you want to do it the nice way and not the hard way. There will probably be resistance at first, but if you stick to your guns every time, they'll come around. If you're not consistent, then they'll know they've gottcha! LOL Also, to make it fun, I sing a stupid song about brushing teeth to the tune of Row, Row, Row your boat that I made up. hahaha
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    This is off the subject but how do you guys get your little ones to brush there teeth. I got my 2 year old a spin brush at first she loved it now we have to force her. We have bribed her we let her brush her teeth first and then we do it. It's so frustrating. We have held her down. I don't knwo what else to try. I am going try to let her brush ours and see if that will help. I may do a sticker board.

    First off, glad you and your husband figured out a routine. Secondly on the tooth brushing, you have to be consistent and have a routine. I used to be a Pediatric Dental Assistant, so I'm passionate about this subject. LOL The real key is to start young so that it's just normal for them. For me, it's not an option so it gets done no matter what. 2 year olds are too young to brush their teeth efficiently so you need to do the "real" brushing. Let them brush too for fun, but you have to get in there 2x's a day and brush all of their teeth. For my daughter, I brush first and then she has her turn. I've done this since she was about 10 months old, so it's so routine she doesn't even think about it. If your little one is fighting it, I would try rewards. Tell them if they let you brush teeth nicely without a fit, you will read them a story afterward or do the sticker chart if you want. Tell them if they fight you, then they won't get the story or sticker. Let them know that you will be brushing their teeth no matter what and that you want to do it the nice way and not the hard way. There will probably be resistance at first, but if you stick to your guns every time, they'll come around. If you're not consistent, then they'll know they've gottcha! LOL Also, to make it fun, I sing a stupid song about brushing teeth to the tune of Row, Row, Row your boat that I made up. hahaha

    We started brushing hers 2x a day when she was 1. We let her brush hers first and then I brushed them. She didn't have a problem with it. Then all of a sudden it changed. So I got her the spinbrush for Christmas and she loved it. I won't let her get away with not brushing. My father growing up never made us brush ours when we were little etc. I had to get a few pulled when I was 13. She's not getting away with it. It gets so frustrating. I told her this morning we are doing a stickerboard. We will see if that works. I hope so.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I have 2 kids, 7 and 5. I typically work out 6 days a week. 4 days I workout at lunch time at my office, and 2 days I workout from home. I have a treadmill in the playroom, so while they are watching whatever movie, I run on the treadmill. This way I can exercise and watch them at the same time on those 2 days.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I am a single mom with an autistic 13yr old and a 9 yr old. I put them both in their rooms at 7:30....they are allowed to play their DSi's, read or go to sleep, but not allowed out of their rooms, this is the only way I can fit anything in at all! When they were that little I figured chasing them was about all the exercise that I could fit in :laugh: Good Luck!
  • I haven't had a chance to read through all the replies just yet, but I wanted to get my thoughts down...

    What about sending your little one out with Daddy for an hour or two after work a few days a week, or Daddy stays home with your little one while you bail for a couple hours a few days a week? I take an hour-long Pilates class 2x a week and Daddy is in charge for that 90 min period 2 days a week (to include travel time). Often, I'm eating a light snack before I leave and am gone during dinner one night a week, so that means he's in charge of dinner and feeding our boy. My other day is Saturday morning, and they're waking up and lounging around.

    Something to keep in mind - your 2yo will have better sleeping habits eventually. You're doing an awesome job helping your daughter learn that sleep is a positive experience. She'll get it. I also am +1 to the nap question - if she's napping too late into the day, it could interrupt her ability to fall asleep easily and at a reasonable time. It may be time to either work on moving nap time up or drop it altogether. Check with her daycare workers and see if either are an option, and also to get feedback on how naps go right now...

    Good luck!
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    [To be honest, I skimmed a lot of the replies]
    Did I miss a reason you can't get up earlier to workout?
    Get up at 5am, or earlier. You'll be happy you did.