They said WHAT????!!!!!



  • Cattawall
    Cattawall Posts: 12 Member
    My aunties husband used to be a PE teacher and had the attitude that because he worked with kids he knew what we all thought / wanted.
    One day he sat me down (I was 12/13 and at that time very busty) and told me that I was on a road to self destruction because I didnt like fittness & that if I kept on this path id be dead by the time I was 23 because I was a "FAT Teenager"

    I am now 23, a size 16/18. Work as a full time nurse.. And I frequently think of what he says.

    Im not on here because im "FAT" .. I dont think I look it, I look curvery.
    Im on here because I want to tone down alittle of the weight iv put on recently because of comfort eating.

    My heaviest weight was 15stone in June and I was ++ comfort eating because its my coping mecanism.. I lost 2 stone and was 13stone and now im back at 14stone.. Id like to loose the 1 stone and be back at 13stone. Not because of my horrid uncle, but because its what I want.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    My son told my mother I looked like I was having a baby due to my tummy poking out. She FLIPPED OUT and yelled at me for 20 minutes before I knew what she was talking about. Children are evil some times :sad:

    I think it's funny though, because after that people keep asking me "when are you due?" and of course my friends go to beat them up. I just want a flat tummy, I'M NOT PREGNANT!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    A couple of years ago, before I started getting back into shape, one of the ladies at work, who is a pretty large woman, came over to my desk and asked me where I bought my clothes. She said, "I'm only asking because you're big like me and I have a hard time finding clothes that fit".

    HELLO!?!? That was not only incredibly rude, but also one of the things that motivated me to get back in shape. I mean really.....
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I had a couple of bad motivators. Several years ago when I first started my weight loss journey my husband told me I had a ghetto booty. Some people said that was good, I did not see it as a compliment. I don't think he meant it to be mean, because even at my heaviest he never commented on my weight. The worst was my sister. I have always been smaller than her, but at my heaviest we were on a trip together and I had no clothes I could fit in so went out to buy my "fat" jeans. She put them on and pulled them away from her and commented on my size. That is really what did it. I vowed from that day never to be bigger then her again.

    The good and what keeps me going besides my sister's cruel comments are the compliments I am getting from people. I started a new gym in March of 2011. It feels good when people come up to me that don't even know me and tell me they can see that I have lost weight. It's nice to hear that my hard work is paying off.
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    my ex boyfriend said the titanic didnt sink till i stepped onto it.
    ahahhahha i can see the funny side now im 100lbs lighter, im glad he said it really or id have never done anything about being so unhealthy lol

    THAT is just a TERRIBLE thing to say to someone! I've been feeling bad because my ex didn't find me "attractive" although he never said it.....everything he did and DIDN'T do showed me. AKA....we dated for 2 years and he never introduced me to any of his friends, never wanted to go out, the list goes on and on. So here I sit wondering why I put up with that for 2 years!!! Anyway, I'm trying really hard to put that behind me. Still....I can't believe someone actually said that to you! Even if he was trying to be humerous....still just mean. I'm glad though that you put his comment to good use instead of being self-destructive over it. Kudos to you!
  • cerib78
    cerib78 Posts: 9 Member
    My sister is 8 months pregnant and 1 of her children said to me "auntie ceri when are you having your baby, cause your belly is the same size as mummy's so you must be having a baby" needless to say i was mortified and that was the push i needed.

    I also stopped smoking a year ago also as same nephew said i was gonna die, bless him he is helping me lol
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Several things...but a couple of years ago my now 8 year old told me I needed to go on The Biggest Loser. Of course I laughed it off but lately I've been BIG must I have looked to her that she busted out saying that.

    This week she told me I needed to go on TBL again but this time she said I needed to go on there is "because you are so strong and can work out so hard and not complain like some of those wimps" LOL!!! I'll take that! :bigsmile:
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I HATE it when people see someone they haven't seen in years, and all they can say afterwards is "Man s/he really got fat." As if that just erases everything else that person has done in the meantime.

    I agree with you. My brother has gained quite a bit of weight and most of the people he's seen in the past couple of years will flat out say "Man, you are SO fat! What happened?!" And of course that just makes him feel more crappy than he already does. He is finally doing something about it now. :) Still people like that should have their lips super-glued.
  • AmyVix
    AmyVix Posts: 12
    My ex of about three years used to constantly tell me "you shouldn't be eating that", "no wonder you're getting bigger" etc. We were at uni together and he'd do this when I decided to get takeaway so I could eat and type my essays at the same time. I knew myself that I shouldn't have been eating it, I didn't need him to tell me. It only started when we were both at uni. He was a year above me and we'd been going out about 15 months when I started uni. I let it carry on and about 2 months before he finished uni, I just snapped and ended it. The day after I found out he'd cheated on me with one of our female housemates.
    That was it - I realised I deserved somebody who loved me for me, no matter what my size was. To be honest, it was how he saw me, not the cheating that bothered me. If my size is going to bother anyone, it should only bother me.
    Not only that but I noticed other things like how if he wanted takeaway, he would get loads so that I'd have some as well, he didn't like me getting on with his male friends, he didn't like me spending time with my female friends and he never wanted me to better myself.
    When we broke up, I swapped my glasses for contacts and made a vow to better myself. I graduated (with a grade higher than his) in 2007. I've lost all the weight I put on at uni, however it's recently started creeping back on which is why I'm here.
    I'm doing this for me, not for anybody else. If people can't realise how great I am, and see through the barrier of extra weight I'm carrying, then they don't deserve to know me. I've dated people since but at the moment I'm happy being single and being myself.
    My ex made me feel really low but my confidence in myself has grown significantly, and I thank him for that xx
  • Des0528
    Des0528 Posts: 81 Member
    I worked at a customer service desk in a grocery store for about 3 1/2 yrs. and we had a lot of "regulars" that would come through. Well the one day, a guy I knew fairly well from coming in the store, looked at me and started giggling about how I have a bun in the oven. My weight has always hung around my mid-section, I call it my kangaroo pouch, LOL When I told him I wasn't pregnant, he just laughed and would not give it up for about a week or so! One day I just looked at him, almost crying and told him no I was in fact not pregnant, just fat, then I walked away. LoL He didn't say too much after that day.

    Also, my mother has always called me Thunder Thighs since I was a baby. I've just started with MFP and I'm determined to lose those thunder thighs!!! :-)
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    When the same thing happens several times...u tend to get the idea something needs to happen

    Several people:grumble:

    Several separate occasions, :mad:

    People I know and a few I didn't asked me when I was due. :explode:

    The worst one was a lady who went to church with my husband ran into me at the mall, ran over to me and started rubbing my tummy and cooing:noway: at my tummy then when are you due...& though I was humiliated, her face when I looked at her (with the most (I’m quoting my friend who was with me that day) expressionless bit*hy go to h3ll look:devil: ) and said that I wasn't pregnant and stepped away from her. beet red she made a hasty retreat.

    My other biggest thing was my brother-n-law was getting married and though I 'like' my sister-n-law I wanted to look better than her. She kept making comments about how hard she was working to lose 1 or 2 lbs before the wedding and how good she was going to look all while stuffing her face with fried chicken...hamburgers...etc
    (which by the way I succeded:heart: , got several comments that the bridesmaids were prettier than the bride (she's about a few inches shorter and about 25-50lbs heavier) 'specially the one with the really long hair:happy:)
  • FatPandaBandit
    My two motivators are kinda bad. One was on a game thing on facebook where you are asked questions about other people on your friends list, and someone had said No to "Should Brandi wear skin tight clothes?" Made me tear up slightly.

    Then, I was at a gas station with my fiance and the cashier was having a bad day, saying she felt like killing someone. My fiance was joking around and said "Kill her" pointing at me. The lady said "I couldn't kill a pregnant person"
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    When I was in elementary school I overheard my mom telling her aunt that she "felt so bad because her little legs rub together"....then in Jr. High I decided I wanted to try to out to be a majorette...well...I made it....I was in class one day after pictures had been taken of us all and one of the 'hot guys' asked one of the 'pretty girls'...."who's the fat one?" I of course glanced over and she was pointing at me....and ya know what I did? I died inside but I freaking smiled at them. I still don't know what I was thinking. My great aunt told me "you'd be very attractive if you just lost some weight". The my brother tells me "all you have to do is drink water and walk a little bit". My mom "you've GOT to do something". The list goes on. I don't know why people think when they say things to you like that it doesn't motivate you (at least it doesn't me....I admire those that is does!) it just makes me feel worse and whammo bammo I'm eating. It's been a long time since jr. high (ps - I was a size 8 then...yeah....guess that was fat back then) but I can still picture the scenario and feel the hurt from it. Along with all the other comments I've received over the years. Anyway, I feel better now! Maybe I just needed to vent a little...put it in writing and let it go!
  • JMDavis10
    I have to say there have been many bad things said about my weight throughout my life, but on of the more recent ones that was not meant to be mean is what inspires me. My niece (who is 5) told me I have a big belly and started to rub it, then looked up at me and said but I love you Auntie. That was a push in the right direction becuase I want her to just say the love you Auntie without the other part :smile:
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Wow! I can't believe all of the cruel people out there! But you are all inspiring because of the way you are handling it. Good Luck and congratulations to all of us for getting a new start on our lives and putting all those horrible people in their place.
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    Nothing really bad motivated me, it was a lot of little things. My right knee started hurting and the doctor I saw I need to lose weight to help it and my cholesteral was border line. Not to mention my kids were 4 & 7 at the time and I wanted to be healthy for them and not be the "fat" mom or not have energy to play with them. I lost 75 lbs through WW over a year ago. I've gained some of it back due to various reasons, so I'm giving this a try to get back down to my ideal weight and so far it's working great.

    What motivates me now is that I found I love to run and now that I weigh less I can run and train for half marathons, which for my family's sanity I need (a running mom = a happy mom).
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I struggled to get "on the wagon" for many months... Then one day my boss made some harmless comment about how he never sees me going down to the gym in our building on lunch and WHAM, I suddenly felt motivated to start working out on lunch again. The rest fell into place when I started doing my lunch workouts. Seems crazy that a tiny offhanded comment like that could be the thing I needed to hear to get started, but it was!
  • Rue_Moo
    A year and half ago I graduated from high school. Well I needed a dress to wear to graduation and I didn't have any. So my sister who is three years older than me had tons of dresses. However, my sister had lost a bunch of weight and must have weighed about 120 pounds or something and I weighed 230 pounds. Anyways, she brought me into her room and showed me all her dresses (and of course I couldn't fit into any of them) and then she said, "Imagine, you could have worn all of these dresses" .... Yeah. I know she didn't mean anything by it but it still a little bothersome! That's alright, when I'm smaller I'm going to be stealing all of her clothes, haha.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    Actually, what's motivating me right now is the fact that my 4 1/2 year old thinks I'm BEAUTIFUL! He honestly does, and he comments on it all the time. I don't want him to get to kindergarten in the fall and have other kids make fun of me for being fat - he has no idea what that even means, and I want it to stay that way. I want to BE as beautiful as he thinks I am right now.