Costco Food



  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You guys are cracking me up. 600 bucks! HOLY COW!

    Our Costco is 3 miles from our house. We go every Saturday morning at 9:30, when they open and get our food for the week.

    I made a spreadsheet of all the things that we get at Costco and check off the things we need for that week or that month. That keeps us from spending more than we should.

    BTW, the Kirkland brand of papertowels are wonderful, and to buy name brand toilet paper there is more expensive than at the grocery store when it is on sale.
  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    Aside from all the things that everyone else mentioned, one of my very favorite things to buy there is their frozen Edamame. I can't remember the brand right now but it comes in a big orange bag with 6 smaller bags inside. It's great to put in salads, sautee with other veggies, or just eat them as a snack. When I'm sitting in front of the tv and get a craving to eat, I'll just toss a small bag of them in a bowl with a tiny bit of water, microwave them to steam them, then sprinkle just a little bit of salt over them. I'll pop them like popcorn while watching a movie. So good!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    -frozen fruit for smoothies
    -canned tuna (super good deal there)
    -Frozen Fish (I like Basa and Tilapia). Salmon is very good too. Just don't eat too much of the farmed stuff (atlantic). Oh, they also make good Mahi Mahi fish burger patties
    -veggie platters (I don't use the dip)
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I buy almost all of my food at CostCo, to the point where I find prices in grocery stores to be amusing.

    I've blind tasted foods between CostCo, Albertson's, and Whole Foods (!) to see if I can tell a difference between them. I have a decent palate for wine, scotch, and bourbon but I can't taste a difference between foods from those three sources.

    Insofar as which foods, I haven't hit any foods at CostCo that weren't at least very good quality and there's simply no comparison when it comes to value (for me).

    Best of luck with your weight loss!
  • daphnegetnfit
    Agree with above, fruits and veggies are fantastic

    Kirkland canned tuna - BEST tuna I ever had, not fishy smelling or after taste, I can make 2-3 tuna salads out of each can

    Best Life Flat bread multigrain wraps - by the bread, great for making wraps and even pizza!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I LOVE Costco. I shop there first for my week, and then fill in with grocery items.

    I start in the refrigerated veggie section and load up on the ogranic fresh spinach (I add to my juicer, add to any ground meats, soups, etc), lettuces, and veggies. Then I go to the refrigerated dairy section for egg whites, greek yogurt, string cheese, and lowfat milk. Then to the non-refrig veggies and pick up tomoatos (for soup and sauces), avocados, and any other fruit that is in season (right now that's oranges). I also will pick up frozen blueberries or mixed berries for smoothies since these go bad so quickly when purchased fresh. Costco is a juicer's dream!

    Then onto the meat section for frozen chicken breasts. I browse fresh meats, and depending on what is offered may pick up something there. I avoid the ground turkey at my CostCo because while it's labeled "lean" it's still 7% fat... and I like the 1% I can get from the grover. Then onto the frozen section for bulk frozen vegetables.

    On occassion, I will get the corn tortillas... but other than that I try to avoid their (delicious) bread section.

    And on the way out, I usually pick up a bag of almonds or pistachios.

    OH! And I almost forgot - it's a GREAT FIND for my dogs, too. We buy their bulk dog food (compared to the expensive brands and is even better nutritionally), rawhides (at half the cost of Petsmart), and 44 lbs of kitty litter.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Organic chicken, organic ground beef, Morningstar products like Veggie Burgers, organic eggs and milk and chicken broth. Their salmon filets are excellent! I love cottage cheese but I don't care for Costco's at all. I buy Hummus, chicken sausage with artichoke and mozzarella, Turkey meatballs (seasonal item) and Premiere protein shakes and bars, and pure protein bars. Enjoy shopping! Almost forgot I always pick up a package of hard boiled eggs ready made, And their peanut butter is delicious! Husband likes their greek yogurt.
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    We have Sams club here which is pretty much the same thing. Frozen boneless skinless chicken breast is great. I can thaw 1 and it is big enough to feed two. I buy peanut butter there toilet paper. Salad mix. Canned chicken is cheaper there.
    I even buy some of my workout clothes there. Love it!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    LOVE COSTCO - they have lots of selection of great lean meats - and I buy the janes premade frozen chicken - it's all cut up great for salads or wraps - on sale right now for $10 or so- it's the same as 11 chicken breasts. wonderful!

    Happy Shopping!
  • gatecityradio
    What I get:
    Kirkland Organic Plain Soy Milk in bulk.
    Kirkland frozen boneless skinless chicken breast in bulk, they are individually wrapped which is nice.
    Kirkland 16.9 oz water bottles in bulk.
    Kirkland low fat sliced turkey in bulk.
    Frozen Berries in huge bags for smoothies and shakes.
    Kirkland Fish Oil caps.
    They have huge bags of protein shake mixes.
    Kirkland Raw Almonds
    I got 10lbs of plain oatmeal for hella cheap one time, forgot the brand name.
    JIF peanut butter, comes two large jars. I have tried the Kirkland organic peanut butter but I'm not a huge fan, I use what I have left of it in recipes.
    I got a huge thing of olive oil there once too, use it to sautee squash.
    I use to get their cottage cheese, but I'm getting a lower fat kind at foodlionr now that I'm on my diet.
    I get spices there in bulk for cooking.
    They have bulk plain hummus....but I'm not a fan so I get garlic hummus at foodlion.
    I get canned tuna and canned chicken on occasion.
    Grannola bars in bulk

    Honestly you just have to take the extra time one day to go in there and explore.
  • kyoules
    kyoules Posts: 37 Member
    Quinoa - cheaper than I've seen at any other grocery store
    Kirkland dried cherries
    Babybel Light cheese
    Used to buy hummus, but now I just make my own

    Speedo swimsuit for my water aerobics class for only like $20