Do you have a desk job?



  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224

    and I hope my boss never sees this one, buuuuuut - sometimes I do things unefficiently on purpose so I have to walk more. for instance, if I have to bring a paper out back, I'll walk it out... walk back to my desk... then I'll bring the OTHER paper I had to bring out... and repeat. sometimes my coworkers probably think I'm a loser, but if I have no obligations that I'm shirking, it can only help! :)
  • mwestonp
    mwestonp Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds stupid, but I drink a ton of cold water (8-16 cups / day). I mainly do it to feel good and mobilize the fat I'm burning, but I've heard that your body uses extra energy bringing the cold water up to body temperature. Besides that, it makes me get up from my desk a bunch of times to use the bathroom...added steps / calories burned. I make it a point to walk around the office the longest way possible each time I get up from my desk.

    Of course, this is in addition to cardio and weight lifting that I do on my own two cents for what it's worth.
  • Kaison02
    If you wear long sleeve shirts at work and they are a little baggy buy wrist weights and wear them.. You will be burning calories just by doing normal stuff. Another thing is wear a weight vest. Nice thing if you can fit in it.,
  • I walk to and from work (15 minutes each way) and I go for a walk at lunch time as well. Also I make sure I go to the gym either before or straight after work most days, plus I generally just walk everywhere. I live in a city centre though so it's easy for me to do this (well perhaps, I used to drive everywhere last year!)
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    To go along with the water thing; when I am upstairs and nature calls I use the one downstairs and vice-versa.
  • Oh and stairs instead of lift, always.
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    i too work a desk job.. 12 hour shifts - and I cant leave as I'm on a phone system that i wear a head set -
    you can do some light exercises, like calf raises - squats, plie's, even walking in place- ppl look at me weird.. but It's something - and easy to do when tied to my desk - because I know how hard it is to work out after working 12 hours -

    hope that helps.
  • Sthiara18
    Sthiara18 Posts: 29 Member
    I have a desk job 7:30-4:00 and I try to walk as much as I can on my breaks and lunches, I also do chair exercises everyday using a water bottle and my chair of course. The exercises include tricep dips and lots of different stretching. It only takes about 10-15 mins and is super easy to do. You can find the workout plan on google just type in chair exercises for work.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I sit on my stability ball at work and do crunches from time to time, etc.. On nice days I go to the park at lunch and take a walk, leisurely. I go directly to the gym after work... do not pass go, do not collect a margarita at happy hour!!!
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I work 8-6 so by the time I get home, feed the cats, change and start to work out, its 6:30. I treadmill for 30-40 minutes, make dinner, eat and then usually poop out in front of the TV by 11.

    I wish I left my work at 5...I'd have so much more time to do the things I want instead of waiting until the weekend to do them.
  • GoodBye_Fatty
    GoodBye_Fatty Posts: 40 Member
    I work from 8:30am - 7pm Mon-Friday and Sat 8am-1pm. As you can see I really don't have time for a life because I am soooo tired from work, even though I do sit down all day...I am talking to people all day long. Gives me a freakin headache.

    But I do Turbo Fire 6 days a week right when I get home. I was trying to do Couch to 5K but I really don't have the energy for it. I am sometimes too tired to even do TF.

    But when I get another job where I can work just 40hrs per week will have enough energy to do more...
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    working in shifts so for me every weeks is different in spare time
    i do have a kinect I can do some "workout" in front of, in summer I go by bike and I try to get a bit fitter so I can get back to walking stairs to the fifth floor to my office
    I just started going back to the pool swimming a few lanes, as I am on nightshift at the moment I do it afterwards, or just go on a day off
    and I sometimes do some kind of pushups leaning to the desk - but that just during night shifts - oh and just dance arouns as I am alone at night as well
  • loseweightjames
    I need some ideas on how to burn some calories while at my 9-5 desk job. What kind of stuff do you do?

    work 9-5:30. I go to the gym from 8-10

    You could also get a treadmill for home. Wish I had the space for one but my house is packed and my basement has a low ceiling :(

    .... maybe I could put it in the garage? hmmmm.... that's not a bad idea....
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    you can get these mini exercise bike things, they're just pedals, that you put under your desk

    Lol I actually just brought one of those into work a little over a week ago... I sometimes feel like a little kid on a tricycle at work, and I don't do it if I'm super super busy as it slows my typing down a little bit, I don't log it as calories burned either I still go to the gym for that.. but try to sneak in just a few extra calories burned when I can.

    I also heard of people bringing in resistance bands to work or like the thigh master type things... you feel pretty silly doing them at first, but if you have your own office, it shouldn't be a big deal.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    BTW Garage sales thrift stores are great places to get CHEAP stuff to be able to work with under your desk
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    yup, i work full time - 40 hours planted on my butt each week...

    so i try to run a minimum of 3 times a week, either on my lunch break or after work.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I squeeze my butt cheeks together all day lol. I also take the stairs, three stories, to get the mail. If it's a really slow day, I'll go up and down the stairs a few times. :)
  • srharris86
    lol to the butt cheek squeezing! but technically a good idea. I work mon-fri 10-6 and am unable to work in any calorie burning at work bc my desk is visible to a mall full of people! i usually just try my best to eat a healthy lunch and then head to the gym right after work. i find that if i go straight there instead of getting comfortable first i have a better tendency to make it there everyday :)
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    I squeeze my butt cheeks together all day lol.
    Lol! I wonder how many calories butt cheek squeezing actually burns!
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    I have a desk job 7:30-4:00 and I try to walk as much as I can on my breaks and lunches, I also do chair exercises everyday using a water bottle and my chair of course. The exercises include tricep dips and lots of different stretching. It only takes about 10-15 mins and is super easy to do. You can find the workout plan on google just type in chair exercises for work.
    Great info! Thank you =)