Is this a good amount of calories?

I am a 17 year old 6'3, 6'4 male weighing 151lbs and I was under eating for a while (800-1000 calories a day) but am now doing better. I eat 1700 calories a day now and I'm wondering if this is a healthy amount. Exercise wise I walk (fairly quickly I'm told) for about an hour and half each day (carrying a backpack for 40min of that five days a week), I jog for about 30 minutes in place everyday, and I try to do push-ups throughout the day (between 20 and 30 per day). My goal weight is 150lbs by the way (so close!). Thank you!


  • bump
  • ChristiRShort
    ChristiRShort Posts: 7 Member
    Yikes. My younger brother is 6'4" and he weighs an almost unhealthy 170 pds he has a very hard time keeping weight on. 150 pds for a 6' 4" male is way too thin. Have you checked out what your BMI is in that range? 18.3 and considered under weight. Try and eat more and make the weight, you should actually gain, muscle and not fat and you should be fine I would go for a 2,000-2,500 cal a day diet that way you don't lose anymore.
  • How many should I eat to maintain my weight and be healthy, I really don't want to risk gaining weight....
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Honestly, I believe you should consult a physician because you sounds anorexic.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    You must be extremely thin... did you know that at 6'4", 150 lbs puts you at a BMI where you should be consulting a doctor about being too underweight?

    I'm a female and much shorter than you so clearly I can't tell you a lot from personal experience, but I looked in the info from my fitness/nutrition class, and the guideline there is minimum 2000 calories for adult males over 18 years old, and higher for teens.

    There are a lot of men on here who have had really good success - I'd suggest looking up a few of them and finding someone willing to be kind of an online mentor to help you find a healthy track to get on. MaximalLife comes to mind. Good luck :)
  • You can find calculators online to see how many u should be eating to maintain!
  • I've tried the online calculators and they all seem high...

    My Doctor said she was referring me to a dietitian but it will take a while to get an appointment so that's why I'm asking you guys for a faster answer.
  • If you are 6'4 and 151 lbs then your BMI is about 18.4, which means you are underweight. If I were you I would want to gain a little bit.

    I put your stats onto a couple of websites saying that you would like to maintain your weight and that you have a moderately active lifestyle. For a 17 year old they all said you should be eating 2800 calories. So therefore I would increase your calories to at least that amount a day, and 3452 calories to gain 1.2 lbs a week.
    It may seem high, but it is due to your height. Your body needs the calories to survive. If you need to then work into that amount of calories since it is much higher then you have been consuming. Eat higher calorie foods like nuts and peanut butter. Make sure you eat back your exercise calories and take a multivitamin daily.

    If you are unhappy with your body then I would suggest to start concentrating more on strength training then cardio. If you intend on building muscle I would think you would need even more calories.
    Hopefully one of the guys on here can help you a little better.
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    Why don't you want to gain weight? I bet if you upped your protein intake and caloric intake in general with some weight training you would put on all muscle
  • The Gym I'm planning on going to is opening in mid-march, so I can't start until then:(
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    worst troll ever.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    worst troll ever.

  • I'm not trolling? :S
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Right come on dont be stupid, at your hight your underweight every online calculator iv been on has said this so i dont know what ones you are looking at.

    you need to listen to people for your own health get any smaller and your organs are going to start shutting down
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    This troll's profile says he's 23, his post says he's 17...he doesn't have any friends and he has like 6 posts! Yes, my dear, you are a troll!
  • I chose a random age cause it wouldnt allow someone under 18, I'm shy has can be(your not helping btw) and asking for help/advice is pretty stressful for me. I'm trying to eat healthier thats all...not to troll anyone....
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    You've gotten good advice... now it's up to you whether you'll take it. By the stats you put in, you are simply too thin for your body to be healthy. Please talk to someone about why you are afraid to gain weight, and find someone to mentor you through setting healthy fitness/nutrition goals. Be it on here or in real life, either way, but you need to.