Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America



  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    My husband was diagnosed diabetic at the age 5 years, not due to his eating but immune system attacking itself when he became very ill. (Dr. diagnosis) and my son was diagnosed with diabetes at the age 4, and not due to unhealthy eating (plus he was the thinnest of both my kids) I worried about my daughter because she was heavier, but it was my stick thin son who was diabetic, not her. The Dr.s did a Genetic test on both kids to see where the diabetes gene is, my daughter came back with not likely to become diabetic.

    I only say this because like heart disease, diabetes is a risk for those who are overwieght, BUT.... not always though, just ask my husband and son and their Doctors, it wasnt due to their eating. Paula Dean didnt force people to eat the food all day everyday, we control our own eating, it is just like the fast food joints, they are bad for you so eat in moderation or not at all.

    I dont agree with everything about Paula Dean, but to attack her is not something I will lower myself to do.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    People's neg attitude about Paula Deen and the associated blame is what is wrong with America.
  • ljmccune
    ljmccune Posts: 15 Member
    Wise words. Thank you!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    The OP wasn't accusing Paula Deen of being the sole reason. She said "represents." As in, a symbol of. Let's use basic reading skills, people. Context clues.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    we are all ultimately responsible for what we do or put in our bodies. there are many other factors besides paula deen that has caused america to be fat.

    she has never said she was a healthy cook. she cooks what tastes good, what is apart of a culture (southern). and she certainly has never said, 'you need to eat this all the time'.

    what is wrong with america? we cant take responsiblity for ourselves. the education is out there, we all know what is healthy and what isnt. so its up to us, its up to the rest of america to choose health. its just that most of america is so resistance to health and eating healthy.

    Amen!!!! And I think people just need someone else to blame for their lack of self control when it comes to eating. I lack self control when it comes to foods, but in the end, can only blame myslef for what I chose to eat.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    And what does Paula represent? Great tasting food? TV entertainment? Choice in the foods we eat?
  • GCNerd
    GCNerd Posts: 63 Member
    My husband was diagnosed diabetic at the age 5 years, not due to his eating but immune system attacking itself when he became very ill. (Dr. diagnosis) and my son was diagnosed with diabetes at the age 4, and not due to unhealthy eating (plus he was the thinnest of both my kids) I worried about my daughter because she was heavier, but it was my stick thin son who was diabetic, not her. The Dr.s did a Genetic test on both kids to see where the diabetes gene is, my daughter came back with not likely to become diabetic.

    I only say this because like heart disease, diabetes is a risk for those who are overwieght, BUT.... not always though, just ask my husband and son and their Doctors, it wasnt due to their eating. Paula Dean didnt force people to eat the food all day everyday, we control our own eating, it is just like the fast food joints, they are bad for you so eat in moderation or not at all.

    I dont agree with everything about Paula Dean, but to attack her is not something I will lower myself to do.

    I think you're confusing HLA-typing for Type I with the lifestyle pattern for many DM type II patients. They're two completely different things. The issue here is that Paula Deen is a representation (symbol, if you will) of a lifestyle in America that many people see as being okay. It's not okay. Thinking that her food along with no exercise and that much body weight is a combination to a healthy life is ridiculous. We're not bashing her as a person so much as what she stands for as a role model and celebrity. The other thing to consider is that she had known about her diagnosis for 3 years and claims that she "didn't know enough to talk about [it]" before this. That's being dishonest about her brand.

    I go into a bit more detail on my blog:
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    I like pie.

    Don't forget butter. I LOVE butter.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    this is my favourite recipe of hers.. it is literally just canned peas and half a stick of butter!

    HILARIOUS! That's like Rachael Ray's "Late Night Bacon" "recipe":

    I found this review for the bacon recipe... Loved it... BTW The recipe calls for cooking 8 slices...

    "I didn't see anything saying you couldn't double or triple the recipe, and I really like bacon, so I put six pounds of bacon into the recipe, being careful not to overlap the strips, and stacking neatly. I put it on high for 6 minutes to be on the safe side. The first pound seemed okay, though it wasn't really crispy - but it's probably because I just have an older microwave. The next five pounds seemed to be cold, but it's probably just because they were just sitting out cooling off while I choked down the first pound. All and all, it was a fantastic recipe and I use it at least once a week."

    3 people found this review Helpful.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    The OP wasn't accusing Paula Deen of being the sole reason. She said "represents." As in, a symbol of. Let's use basic reading skills, people. Context clues.

    I said that, too. But I don't think reading most people consider reading to be as much fun as ranting. :ohwell:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    this is my favourite recipe of hers.. it is literally just canned peas and half a stick of butter!

    HILARIOUS! That's like Rachael Ray's "Late Night Bacon" "recipe":

    I have a very old Betty Crocker cookbook that I found at an estate sale. It has a 'recipe' for fish & chips that says to buy frozen breaded fish fillets and frozen french fries and bake in the oven. :laugh:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    The OP wasn't accusing Paula Deen of being the sole reason. She said "represents." As in, a symbol of. Let's use basic reading skills, people. Context clues.

    I said that, too. But I don't think reading most people consider reading to be as much fun as ranting. :ohwell:

    Her title may say "represents" but this comment she makes sounds more like an attack on Paula herself.
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    I think people got the purpose of the post correctly.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    My husband was diagnosed diabetic at the age 5 years, not due to his eating but immune system attacking itself when he became very ill. (Dr. diagnosis) and my son was diagnosed with diabetes at the age 4, and not due to unhealthy eating (plus he was the thinnest of both my kids) I worried about my daughter because she was heavier, but it was my stick thin son who was diabetic, not her. The Dr.s did a Genetic test on both kids to see where the diabetes gene is, my daughter came back with not likely to become diabetic.

    I only say this because like heart disease, diabetes is a risk for those who are overwieght, BUT.... not always though, just ask my husband and son and their Doctors, it wasnt due to their eating. Paula Dean didnt force people to eat the food all day everyday, we control our own eating, it is just like the fast food joints, they are bad for you so eat in moderation or not at all.

    I dont agree with everything about Paula Dean, but to attack her is not something I will lower myself to do.

    I think you're confusing HLA-typing for Type I with the lifestyle pattern for many DM type II patients. They're two completely different things. The issue here is that Paula Deen is a representation (symbol, if you will) of a lifestyle in America that many people see as being okay. It's not okay. Thinking that her food along with no exercise and that much body weight is a combination to a healthy life is ridiculous. We're not bashing her as a person so much as what she stands for as a role model and celebrity. The other thing to consider is that she had known about her diagnosis for 3 years and claims that she "didn't know enough to talk about [it]" before this. That's being dishonest about her brand.

    I go into a bit more detail on my blog:

    Nope!!!! I am not confused, most of my family members are diabetic, some do to weight issues (oneset type II) and like my husbands father, oneset type 2 diabetes due to genetics per the DR. So.... sometimes diabetes can be blamed on weight and sometimes its genetics! Dont eat Paula Deans food if its sounds gross and loaded in fat, thats why I don't. And maybe this is why she didnt go public about her diabetes, no ones business! Too many people judge, thank you for your response.:bigsmile:
  • abazooday727
    As for me, I never accused the OP as attacking Paula or what she represents...I was referring to all those out there bashing her personally...I love context clues....:love:
  • andreacord
    I skimmed the article when I saw this post yesterday and the food in it honestly turned my stomach! The fact that she has diabetes is of course her business, but personally even at my bingey-est (I know, not a word) I would not have eaten any of that!
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I love Paula Deen, and I drool over her recipes. That's all I have to say. Absolutely nothing to contribute.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    i will always love Paula Deen..
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    A lot of people are disgusted with Paula because she's had diabetes for THREE YEARS yet continued to promote cooking crap that a type II diabetic shouldn't even be eating. Then she decides to come out with her disease ONLY because she has been paid by a drug company to do so. Type II diabetes can be managed with exercise and diet but of course that wouldn't make money for the drug companies...

    How is it any of anyone's business how long she has had diabetes or even that she has diabetes?? So she is representing a drug company...why do people feel that they can judge her?? I'm aware that Type II diabetes can be managed with diet and exercise...but the sad fact is that there are some (actually many) that prefer the "magic pill" that requires little to no work versus a lifestyle change. My late husband had Type II diabetes and refused to change his lifestyle. At 57 he had a major coronary and passed away. I am all too aware of the consequences, but really people....leave Paula Deen alone....she's done nothing to you. Wherever you are in your lifestyle change journey, I'm pretty sure that Paula Deen didn't force you to eat so that you became overweight. Be Accountable.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I like her personality but whenever I watched her show it was always very greasy and fatty foods. Nothing all that healthy. I'm not surprised in the least bit that she got type 2 diabetes and her sons are not far behind her.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Paula Deen, she's classy.

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