Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America



  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    :smile: :tongue: :love: :heart: IF PAULA DEEN IS WRONG I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT:bigsmile: :happy: :tongue:
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    Paula Deen, she's classy.


    I LOVE IT!!!! & I LOVE PAULA!!!!
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    "Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America"

    I always thought that was the Kardashians ;)
    But they are all related since it's clear all they all live with the montra, "if you pay me, I'll do it".
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    but then again, McDonald's did get sued for having hot coffee. . .

    this always gets tossed around the internet. Sigh.

    Do you know that the McD in that suit had already been warned on three other occasions to turn down the heat setting on their coffeepot? Do you know that the person who won that suit originally asked McD's only to pay for the THIRD DEGREE BURNS that were suffered on her genitals when the almost boiling liquid spilled into her lap? And that it was the jury that decided that the plaintiff deserved not only to have her medical bills paid, but that McD's would have to pay a penalty for knowing there was a hazard and not addressing it? Their penalty (that's what punitive damages are) was equal to one day's coffee sales, corporate wide. So for permanantly disfiguring a woman, through negligence, and then refusing to pay for her medical bills, they lost ONE DAY worth of coffee sales.

    Facts.....a beautiful thing.


    THANK YOU!!!! I saw someone mention this at the beginning of the thread and jumped to the end to post this exact thing. Now, I believe that there was also something along the lines of her taking the top off the coffee, putting the cup between her legs on the seat to hold it and driving off which caused the spill. But, yes, McD's was negligent in that they had failed to address the issue before. I believe they failed to do so because they are only supposed to keep the coffee on for a certain amount of time and by brewing the coffee hotter, they could keep it on longer. Less waste = less # lost. This example has got to stop being used in such a simplistic way.

    Sorrym but these "facts" do not change my mind on this case. She put a cardboard cup of boiling water between her legs and DROVE A CAR with it there.

    C'mon! Common sense is common sense and that woman should have known better.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Paula dean made me eat a bagel yesterday
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    PS: I believe pushing pharmaceuticals and not pointing out that many people control type 2 diabetes with their diet alone (my dad included) is a huge mistake on her part.

    See my last post ... she and her boys are working with a pharma company to promote healthy lifestyles, not to push the drug per se.

    And I'm glad your dad controls his diabetes with diet alone, but that decision is kind of between the diabetic and his/her doctor, isn't it? Diet and exercise can help many people, but there will be people who absolutely need medications. Unless her doctor is posting to this thread, I don't think any of us know the thinking that went into his/her prescribing meds for Paula Deen. And I'm not in a position to recommend any diabetic try to go diet alone without the blessing of an MD.
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    I'll go back and read more comments from this post later but for now I just think it's ridiculous to be angry w/ her. Every person has the ability to decide what to put in their mouths. She didn't make anyone overweight except herself. And every person on mfp made themselves overweight. She didn't do it. She has many times talked about moderation. She doesn't eat like she cooks on her show everyday and neither should anyone else. I watch her show sometimes because she is kind and amusing and I like to watch food being cooked, the creativity of chefs is amazing but I rarely make anything from her show (like maybe 3 things ever). Everyone should quit being mad at her and take responsibility for themselves.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I hope Jeff Gordon doesn't do any commericals

  • dlcash58
    We ... individuals ... ME, I ... are the only ones who can control what we ... I ... eat, exercise, etc. That is an individual responsibility. I can eat anything within limitations and occasionally. I won't blame anyone else for MY allowing myself to become unhealthy and over-weight. I could point out a few more, far more, significant things that are "wrong with America" and some show host who cooks, smokes, and has diabetes .... they are low on my list.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm not sure why people care so much about any recent news about Paula Deen. The woman cooks food...that's it. She's not pretended to be a health and diet guru. I'm not sure why people feel she has any real impact on anything. Didn't read the link...I'm mostly just commenting on how much conversation has been generated by her diabetes announcement. I'm just wondering why people are shocked or whatever.

    why? Because she represents 2/3 of the population.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    All the people defending the OP saying she's not saying Paula did anything wrong, the above quote is the OP's second post in this thread.

    Maybe we're not the ones who need to learn reading comprehension. It's pretty clear the OP is blaming Paula for others' behavior.
  • dlcash58
    Where OP was wrong is that she stated that Paula Dean "represents "everything" that is wrong in America."
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Paula is a cook, and she does what a cook does, she cooks. She is not a doctor so knowing the ends and outs of diabetes probably does not fall in her job description. Who cares when she came out, and at least some of the money is being donated to research for diabetes.
    She is paid and is under legal contract to put out a certain type of product. Her sons have been showing lower cal versions of her foods for the last couple of years also there was something about starting up at gym a while back. Who knows what she was doing exactly in her personal life to try and learn and to become more aware about the disease.

    If you chose Paula as your role model for life, awesome for you, she has overcame so very tough things in her life. More power to her! I have had several role models but not once have I ever said that I want to eat like one of them.

    I don't choose to eat her food and most days she annoys at best, but to say, imply or anything to point that "she represents what's wrong with the U.S." is completely nuts. Try changing the channel to CNN for a second or better yet spend some time helping out in a homeless shelter.
  • Driving_Miss_Daisy
    I was watching a Paula Deen episode the other day, since I was home sick. She was making a cake. Very basic cake with blended strawberryies in the batter. Think oh this is kind of ok. Then it came to the frosting. 1 stick of butter, 1 stick of cream cheese, some crushed strawberries, and get this 7 CUPS OF POWDERED SUGAR. She said, "Oh this is ok, since powder sugar doesn't equal the same amount as real sugar. In real sugar this is probably 1 CUP."

    I went and looked it up because it didn't sound right. The ratio is 1 3/4 cups of powder sugar to 1 cup of regular sugar. So that was 4 cups of regular sugar she put on the frosting.

    As a diabetic I have no respect for her. I know she makes a living off of that crap but try make it heathier instead of trying to give everyone else this horrible curse.
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    If people would quit being a bunch of followers. How can you be mad because she 'led people over a cliff'? What kind of moron would someone have to be to follow someone 'over a cliff'? If you are ignorant enough to eat every meal like she prepares on her show with gobs and gobs of butter then you know what, you deserve the weight issues. People need to stand up and say, you know what I held the fork, I put the food in my own mouth. Stop blaming people. It's whiny, sad and pathetic. Guess what? My dad is diabetic and has lost a leg to the disease but it is HIS FAULT! I love my dad. Always will! He is eating himself into the grave but he is an adult and that is his right.
  • Clhumpal
    Clhumpal Posts: 38 Member
    what is wrong with america? we cant take responsiblity for ourselves. the education is out there, we all know what is healthy and what isnt. so its up to us...


    There are much bigger demons out there than Miss Paula Deen IMHO :)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    So she has diabetes? She's a cook, not a health adviser! Where did Paula ever claim her food was healthy? She was only doing what she's good Now she has an opportunity to teach, to raise awareness.

    Yea, some of the cooks and foods presented on TV are not smart eating, but you're the only one responsible for your eating habits.

    SOME PEOPLE. :grumble:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    I don't think I will lose any sleep over Paula endorsing a diabetes medication and trying to make and extra buck -- everyone who is famous does this in some way shape or form. Aren't we used to this by now?

    I love food - I love cooking and I watch Paula all the time. And sometimes... GASP... I make some of the stuff she does. And it's delicious!

    And Paula did not make me cook what she cooks. She did not make me fat. My own bad decions did.

    Did we mention this is a TV show on the FOOD network? --- Most of the chef's are not worried about calorie counting -- let's be serious.

    So either watch and enjoy -- maybe get some ideas from them of flavor profiles and create your own healthier version -- or just make it like they do once in a while -- or don't. The end.

    Side note - her son now has a show on cooking channel called "not my momma's meals" and he IS in fact looking to cut down on fat and calories of dishes. So if you despise her, give him a go.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    As a diabetic I have no respect for her. I know she makes a living off of that crap but try make it heathier instead of trying to give everyone else this horrible curse.

    I didn't know diabetes was contagious.
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