Anyone work from home?

I have a fashion business where I live in my studio and it's pretty difficult to stay away from the fridge/stay in bed!
I find it super hard to get up early to start work/ start a morning exercise regime, anyone else have this problem?
After doing MFP, I do feel a lot more awake and energized, but I'm rubbish at motivating myself!

I might start a 'working at home' group so I have to log in early in the morning or else people will see i've stayed in bed haha.


  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    Yes, I work from home. MFP helps me control my cravings as I know that I need to account for what I stuff in my face.

    Also, being on a specified exercise program helps as well. I'm doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. The schedule of it helps ensure that I stick with it.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 830 Member
    I do - I am a homeschooling SAHM with two kids 4 & 7, and a have a web/graphic design business that I work at part-time plus babysitting part-time for a couple of neighbors. With all of that it's really hard to keep any kind of a schedule that works, but I'm getting there slowly.

    MFP is helping because I just leave it open on my desktop and it's staring at me, reminding me to log every bite. That's helped cut back on the need to nibble when I'm making the kids' lunches, etc.
  • LadyFaile
    I telecommute, so I work from home most of the time. A couple of things that help me are 1. I have a son I have to get off to school, so I have to get dressed and moving. 2. I have set hours that I have to work, so I know exactly when I have to start and end.

    I am NOT a morning person, so getting up extra early to work out simply isn't in the cards. I've found that I can fit some exercise in over lunch or in the evening after my son goes to bed. It's not a ton, but better than the nothing I was doing before.

    As far as staying away from the fridge it has really helped to start logging what I'm eating on MPF. It makes me more aware and less likely to have too many splurges. Combined with trying to keep a variety of healthy snacks and foods in the house, I can snack on good stuff like some fruit. I've also been pushing water when I'm not sure if it's just a craving or actual hunger, which has helped decreased the day long snacking.
  • kmfolkins
    I work from home. I have a custom production weaving business.
    I suck at getting up early too!
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I work at home full time. My company is across the country.

    Some tips:

    1. Have set hours at work- it helps.
    2. Schedule time for your exercise. Go everyday during the week. I actually go at 5am on weekdays, it is the only time I can go because I have a toddler and a wife who works swing shift. It was hard for about 2-3 weeks. Now after 2-3 months it is my normal routine.
    3. Track Everything, it will help you avoid snacking. Keep healthy snacks on hand that you like and will eat (Apples, Tuna packets, Veggies, etc, etc).