How do you drink your coffee?



  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Black with a few dashes of Saigon cinnamon. 2 big cups for me each morning.
  • karistrickler
    karistrickler Posts: 20 Member
    Try it with Vanilla Almond Milk. You can have a cup of the milk for 40 calories, so a little bit in coffee is nothing!
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    I drink mine black. One or two cups a day.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I usually pick tea over coffee, but when I do have it, I drink it black.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I quit diet coke all day for 2-3 coffees in the AM and then water the rest of the day. I drink it with one sweet n low and a couple tsps of whatever fat free yummy creamer I can find! Helps me focus at work, big time!!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Guess I'm in the minority here. I LOVE coffee and it's the one thing I won't give up. I drink it from the time I get up until I go to bed. Part of the time it's full caffeine and part it's decaf. I only add a little tiny bit of sugar free french vanilla creamer. I do, however, also drink plain water during the day.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Did you know Apples are a better stimulant than coffee? You would get a better kick start by having an apple in the morning.

    That said, I love tea and have at least 4 a day!
  • deliak2010
    I don't drink coffee unless it's cappuccino lol but you should try flavored green tea!! I was hesitant to try it at first too but I found a few flavors that I absolutely LOVE, two of them being lipton blackberry & pomegranate and lipton white mangosteen & peach (I drink my green tea with splenda 0 cal packets). I want to try the mixed variety box next! You can check out the link here and read more about the benefits of green tea if you're interested :)
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I used to have a caffeine intolerance and could only drink coffee once in a while, but since I've had my Keurig, I've been trying to build up my tolerance to caffeine. I used to only have a cup every other day or so, but now I drink one every morning. It helps me wake up, kills some mid morning snack cravings, "regulates" me (LOL), and it's yummy too. I don't add any sugar, only a tbsp or 2 of creamer (usually around 35 calories for a tbsp). Coffee is good for you as long as you don't load up on the sugar and creamer. Drinking it black is the best, but most people can't tolerate that. ;)
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Coffee..... gift from the gods in my opinion.

    Low Fat Creamer and Splenda here!
  • tonybdavies
    I loved coffee but I loved losing fat more so the coffee has gone and so has the fat.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Grande Soy Latte with 1 raw sugar...

    It is the one relic from a past life that remains.
  • bella51708
    I drink 1 cup a day in the morning. I use 2 packets of Splenda w/ fiber and a ton of powdered creamer. It's 10 calories/tsp, but I don't measure it. I just shake some in. I'm probably putting in about 7-8 tsp which is 70-80 calories. To me, it's worth it. I have given up so much other stuff, I don't want to give up my coffee the way I love it.

    And I have tried the non-calorie creamer. It's disgusting!! I would rather have the real thing and enjoy my morning coffee.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    1 cup per day, half and half, splenda............any other way, it tastes like crap:bigsmile:
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Is it strange that I've only had coffee a handful of times? I never took to the stuff so I drink no coffee, ever.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    Black with 2 sweetners and I have around 5-6 cups a day!
  • jdaddy615
    Black during the week. A splash of almond milk on the weekends
  • andreacord
    I have 1 to 2.. I have the Keurig machine so you can get some really tasty kinds with them. If I'm having just normal coffee I take it with a couple tbsp of skim milk in it with a "shot" of Torani Sugar Free Caramel. I have Kahlua (No alcohol!) K kups for my Keurig, so with those again a couple tbsps of skim and then 2 packets of splenda.:)
  • gillybumbler
    I usually drink 2 mugs of black coffee. This morning I put some coconut milk in it and it was REALLY good! coconut milk is naturally sweet :) I prefer mine with the sugar laden fancy flavored creamers, but i am on a sugar free diet so i steer clear from that stuff.
  • MaryDreamer
    I drink one cup a day with 3 or 4 splenda and 1-2 Tbsp of Bailey's Irish Cream. The coffee has to be expensive for me to be able to drink it black with splenda only.