Let's talk sugar grams or who else goes over everyday?



  • afenwick1
    I always go over on sugar as well... or at least if seems like an everyday occurrence. If you are going to use sugar as an additive to foods like coffee, greek yogurt or other foods, other than your sugars being high due to fruit intake, make sure to be aware of what happens to your sugar before you put it in your mouth.

    Refined sugar, aka the perfectly white sugar that we all grew up with sitting on your mothers counter, is not the healthiest version for sugar lovers to eat. if you are one of those individuals who just can't give up sugar, cause you hate the taste of artificial sweeteners or other natural alternatives, then you should look into buying "sugar in the raw". It is the same end taste and is obscenely healthier for you. Refined sugar is put through a "cleaning" process the achieve a "clean white look" in which it is ran through "filters". It has been found that a majority of these "filters" are commonly constructed from charred animal bones, gross if you ask me. Sugar in the raw, although it still has the same addictive nature, just like as crack cocaine (the more you eat it the more your body will crave it), it is the least processed and therefore worth investing a few extra cents per pound when buying your groceries.

    Also an FYI for Splenda users: currently the FDA and the National Sugar Association are in a law suit against splenda for false advertising. Although it comes with no calories doesn't mean that it doesn't come with a cost! Splenda is the chlorinated version of sugar, basically the processing that sugar is put through in the splenda plants changes it's molecular structure; creating a finished product that has been found to have 2% of its make up to contain HEAVY METALS (aka mercury, you know the element that causes birth defects and all sorts of crazy stuff to happen to our bodies) and ARSENIC!

    Sorry for the long post but I hope that whomever reads this will think twice before buying refined sugar and emptying a Splenda packet into their morning coffee.
  • timea_84
    timea_84 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't put sugar in my tea or coffee and I still go way over my limit everyday just by drinking milk and eating 3 pieces of fruit and a yogurt. I wouldn't worry about it, unless your sugar comes from processed sources
  • Brittypop
    I bust my sugar carbs each day, but i still lost 50+ lbs and never gained weight whilst on my diet, so don't fret.

    This is good to see! I'm almost always over on my sugars and it was starting to worry me.
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    Does not even keep track.....
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    over every day
  • handy05
    handy05 Posts: 53 Member
    I will admit I am not focused on my sugar intake as much as I am on fat and calories however I am over by a lot everyday. I am watching it though.

    My morning coffee with sugar about kills my grams for the day.

    Does anyone else here ignore their sugar grams too?

    I will not go artificial with my sugar, it is either the real deal or nothing for me.

    Same here. Just don't think its a good thing??
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I go over as well. But I go over because I eat a lot of fruit.

    Keep doing what your doing. If it works for you, keep on doing it. If it stops working for you, then you gotta change it.
  • flyingwrite
    MFP only takes into account added sugar. The only way to get an accurate picture of how much sugar you intake is to zero the amount of sugar in an apple/banana/etc. If you're getting 40 grams of fructose from fruit, fantastic. If you're getting 40 grams of sugar from cane, syrup or other non-fruit sources, then, you should be concerned.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Not only do I go over, but I go WAAAAAAYYYYY the hell over. LOL - and seriously, it's not like I am eating swedish fish, chocolate, and twinkies - it is eye opening to see how much sugar lurks in everything we eat.

    Eye opening, but I am not gonna do anything about it. Seriously.... I do enough!!!!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    sugar is still sugar, natural or not. I try to stay as low as I can, since I am insulin resistant. Sugar from fruit messes me up as much as any other sugar.
  • faiga
    faiga Posts: 47
    every one goes over their sugar levels. what i do is for 4 servings of fruit ( recommended per day) ill ignore the sugar grams and not count it. natural sugar in fruits is healthier than sugar that you put in things. as well if there is sugar of any kind in vegtables its the extra stuff im care ful about the sugar, the one cookie stuff like that.
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    I LOVE fruit and hate artificial sweeteners... so the sugar in my coffee stays no matter how shouty the red minus gets with me! I don't eat cakes or bicuits and very few sweets so I'm not going to sweat it... :wink:
  • LLStrong
    I track sugar very closely as I know if I go over that will cause unnecessary cravings. I am also making sure the my sugars only come from natural sources and I think that helps a LOT :)
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I always go over. I just don't care anymore :P

    I don't eat nearly as much sugar as I used to, too!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I was just about to post this topic when I saw this one. I was also worried about going over my sugar intake daily. But I see lots of people have had great success and go over as well. I'm one of those that don't use the fake stuff either! Thanks for posting - I too will be taking it off my diary!
  • GoldenGirl89
    I was JUST going to start a topic on this! One cup of orange juice has 24 of the 26 grams allowed each day. Insane. I wonder if we should be counting natural sugars found in fruit and veggies as well?
  • Tofteberg
    Tofteberg Posts: 61 Member
    I don't keep focus on sugar either. I eat a lot of peppers and some citrus fruit. I find it's really easy to go over on sugars even when eating raw healthy foods. I am loosing weight and inches so if I'm going over on healthy sugars vs processed sugars I'm not going to get jazzed about it.

    How bout we lay off Paula Dean? On a site that supports people in weight loss there seem to be a few holier than though types that seem to be enjoying her situation. I'm assuming anyone on this site is here because they have weight to lose. Which suggests they haven't always made healthy choices. Ok. I'll get off my soap box
  • KristyGirl8
    KristyGirl8 Posts: 20 Member
    RIGHT??? There is NO WAY eating natural fruit is bad for you. No. Way.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Trouble is that it makes no differentiation between 'artificially' added sugar in stuff like tea or coffee and the much more natural sugars in fruit.
    I like fruit but I love tea. If I had to lose one it would be the fruit but I would then be losing a lot of other good stuff. I've cut out stuff like syrup on porridge and fruit juice in the morning but I'm still always over.

    The body makes no differentiation between them, either.

    To the OP - Are you diabetic? Then going over sugar is a bad thing. For everyone else, it doesn't matter. For the record, sugar is not the actual cause of diabetes. People with diabetes have issues with sugar, but eating sugar alone will not give you diabetes. It's like telling someone that sneezing is the reason they have the cold, rather than the cold is what's making them sneeze.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    The body makes no differentiation between them, either.

    To the OP - Are you diabetic? Then going over sugar is a bad thing. For everyone else, it doesn't matter. For the record, sugar is not the actual cause of diabetes. People with diabetes have issues with sugar, but eating sugar alone will not give you diabetes. It's like telling someone that sneezing is the reason they have the cold, rather than the cold is what's making them sneeze.

    Good post. I'm literally eating ice cream and not logging it as I write this.