Excersing with a desk job.

I have a desk job and well as we all know it can be hard to be active through out the day. So as of today I pledge to myslef to start sneaking in 2-5min excersises during work. It may be embarassing to be found doing excersises. So if you have a place where you can do your excersises privately go for it. I have a back room where no one else but me goes in to, so I just came back from doing a 2min non stop jumping jacks and burned off 26calories. If I do this at least every 2hrs imagine the extra calories I will be burning off her at work!! Try it. Go get off your desk and do something.


  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I am on this great program where i do my job while I'm at work, and then after i go exercise on my own time.

    I like your goal to get fit, but it seems like you are try too hard. Set some time to exercise, get mentally and physically ready, it will help so much more than running in place in a bathroom stall.
  • Anabannana07
    Anabannana07 Posts: 27 Member
    We all have different jobs and in mine I have a lot of free time. So in between all that free time that I have I have set a goal to move around a bit instead of browsing the internet or chatting with the rest of the employees.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    I am on this great program where i do my job while I'm at work, and then after i go exercise on my own time.

    I like your goal to get fit, but it seems like you are try too hard. Set some time to exercise, get mentally and physically ready, it will help so much more than running in place in a bathroom stall.

    Way to be de-motivational.

    Personally I think its a great idea. If you can work in little bits of exercise here and there then why not? I too have a desk job and it would be nice to burn some extra calories in my downtime.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I am on this great program where i do my job while I'm at work, and then after i go exercise on my own time.

    Sorry to say, I actually laughed at that. Lol it was kindof funny, even though I'm sure it was meant to be rude & not funny.

    But I also have a desk job that allows a little extra free time here & there. If you want to do something more productive with your extra free time than internet browsing & chatting, I say more power to you! Go get it!
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I do this!! I get sore from being at my desk 8 hours a day so I make sure I take the LONG way to the rest room (up and down one flight of stairs). I also do 50 jumping jacks while I'm in there in my bare feet (so nobody will hear me). In the summer I make sure I walk on my lunch break.
  • I walk in the warehouse for 45 min at lunch. My desk is in the middle of the office with no cubicle...so exercising AT the desk is out!
  • alischaid
    alischaid Posts: 46 Member
    Shhh.... don't tell anyone, but I do squats in my office.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I heard from my brother's friend's uncle's sister's cousin Tracy, that if you tap your feet all day you can burn an extra 100 caloires an hour!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Walk at lunch!
  • breeziee081
    breeziee081 Posts: 3 Member
    calf raises while sitting there are great too
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Have you considered doing 20-60 minutes of vigorous exercise before or after work?
  • Great job! That's a great way to stick to your goals. I used to do lounges and squats at work with another co-worker. Now, I try and walk everyday during my lunch break. 15 min= 56 calories.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I am on this great program where i do my job while I'm at work, and then after i go exercise on my own time.

    I like your goal to get fit, but it seems like you are try too hard. Set some time to exercise, get mentally and physically ready, it will help so much more than running in place in a bathroom stall.

    Way to be de-motivational.

    Personally I think its a great idea. If you can work in little bits of exercise here and there then why not? I too have a desk job and it would be nice to burn some extra calories in my downtime.

    de-motivational? sure.
    but hes right.
    its not a sustainable lifestyle anyway.. its just a over-enthusiastic solution that cant be maintained long term.
    instead of doing this, why not spend 35mins doing a real workout, and then go off continuing to live your life normally?

    im all for doing little things, like parking in the back of a parking lot and walking in.. but overkill things like this just make people burn out and eventually quit. just another part of the yo-yo effect.
  • Distortion1982
    Distortion1982 Posts: 1 Member
    During my lunch break i go out for a walk. Even if you take it easy you can walk 2,5 KM (about 1,5 mile) . In my case that is good for around 200 Kcal. Easy to do and effective and it gives you energy to do the other half of your working day.
  • Anabannana07
    Anabannana07 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all for the support. This was not at all ment to be a replacement for your regular excersise. You should still go to the gym or do sometype of excersise regularly. This was just at tip for extra calorie burning through out the day.
  • suky424
    suky424 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm sat at a desk for hours at a time, just data inputting and uploading files. When I can I make sure I walk up and down the office for a few minutes, I also make sure if I print anything I send it to the printer at the far end of the office rather than the one next to my desk. Everyday I tell myself to go for a walk at lunchtime but usually just end up working through. I'm gonna start doing jumping jacks in the loo too ... excellent idea. As for exercising after work, I can't afford the gym and I don't feel safe walking around in the dark on my own so thats out. I do go out for the occasional walk after work if my boyfriend comes with me but thats not often enough.
  • msfajr
    msfajr Posts: 1 Member
    I've only been working at a desk job for 8 months and its such a change from retail managing when it comes to staying healthy and exercising. Everyone eats everything all day long! When you walk into the building somethimes I think I'm in a deli. I gained 25lbs since I started here. My body went into a complete shock from sitting all day at a desk instead of walking back and forth in a large retail store helping customers.

    Anyway, I have started taking the stairs everywhere in the buliding, bring healthier lunch/snacks from home and a coworker and I use a conference room to excercise for half of our lunch break. Its really helping! I say "GET IT IN WHEREVER YOU CAN FIT IT IN!"
  • Anabannana07
    Anabannana07 Posts: 27 Member
    Like I said this is not to replace your regular excersise. I still workout for 60min after work. This is just a during your free time excersise.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    TRY THIS!!!

    Try out this website! I have a desk job as well and it is hard to get up and getting moving when you feel chained to your desk, but i have found this website, He has short videos that show "activity Burst" you can do at your desk! they really help around 2:30pm!!! LOL I also try and walk even if it is going to the bathroom on the other side of the building just to get up and get moving.... hope this helps!
