Excersing with a desk job.



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just for the record, the OP never said she doesn't do exercise before or after work, she just said she is trying to add some little burns in her downtime at work. In the event that this is the ONLY exercise she is doing, then she is fooling herself, but if she has free time at work, why the heck not do a few jumping jacks or whatever makes her happy. That said, when I was employed I used to do squats and crunches in the bathroom stall. I never logged them, I just did them because it helped me feel like those 8 hours weren't spent completely sitting on my *kitten*.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I have a desk job and well as we all know it can be hard to be active through out the day. So as of today I pledge to myslef to start sneaking in 2-5min excersises during work. It may be embarassing to be found doing excersises. So if you have a place where you can do your excersises privately go for it. I have a back room where no one else but me goes in to, so I just came back from doing a 2min non stop jumping jacks and burned off 26calories. If I do this at least every 2hrs imagine the extra calories I will be burning off her at work!! Try it. Go get off your desk and do something.

    :laugh: Haa, funny you post this, I do this, too. Whether it be walking around the outside of the building on my lunch break, or dance in my cubicle between calls (I work on the phone, and the calls go WAY down after a certain time), or I've also got my exercise ball here at my desk and sit on it for a while and dance on it while I take calls. :smile: Not sure how many calories I burn on the ball, but heck, whatever works, right? :wink:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Like I said this is not to replace your regular excersise. I still workout for 60min after work. This is just a during your free time excersise.

    OP, thanks for sharing this, I figured you meant this in addition to your other exercise. Good for you :)
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    I have a desk job too in an open floorspace with lots of cubicles. I go for walks around the parking lot on days I remember to bring shoes (my heels aren't good walking shoes), and I do wall squats on the outside of my cubicle wall. Then I do squats/lunges in the bathroom, and pushups on the counter. On conference calls, I stand up and do calf-raises, or just stand.

    Good job sneaking in those jumping jacks!! I like that!
  • weliveintheforest
    If you can sit on a ball at your desk instead of a chair that would be great for your core muscles.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    For the negative people who keep saying things like "maybe instead you should just do an hour of exercise before or after work"....the OP never once said that she didn't do that. Isn't the point of this site to be encouraging? Even if its something you won't do for the rest of your life what's wrong with a little bit of extra exercise here and there?
  • tikshapatel
    That sounds like a great idea! Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise - at least you're doing SOMETHING to get that exercise.

    I exercise outside of work hours but I also have a desk job and try to get in a little bit of movement during the day. I have to admit, it's easy to just sit and surf but it feels so much better to get up and do something!

    I used to do the same thing when watching tv - I used the commercial break to do a bunch of push ups or something. After reading your post, I might try to start again :)
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I am on this great program where i do my job while I'm at work, and then after i go exercise on my own time.

    I like your goal to get fit, but it seems like you are try too hard. Set some time to exercise, get mentally and physically ready, it will help so much more than running in place in a bathroom stall.

    Negative much? Basci law requires that people who work get breaks through out the day. If someone wants to use their breaks to get a little excercise then why is that a bad thing?

    sitting for long periods is bad for your health in general and can cause poor circulation. It is often recomended that a person with a job that gets little to no activity find the time to get up and atleast stretch and walk around to get the body/blood moving. So a little excercise is good for your health not just weight loss overall.

    I do get what people mean however when they say it can burn you out on excercise. But that has to be up to the individual. If you are happy and comfortable doing small bouts of excercise through out the day then do it. What ever makes you feel good and motivates you to stay on track is key to your success! Good luck in finding the best options for YOU.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    You can also do leg lifts under your desk, squeeze your booty (hold and release, hold longer, release)...
    And kegels. :)

    Chair dips too, if it's appropriate and you don't have wheels on your chair! Careful! But they can be done on the edge of your desk too.
  • tamnih20
    tamnih20 Posts: 47 Member
    I have a desk job too .. throughout the day I try to get up, walk around and stretch and occasionally lunges or squats.. Mostly because the longer I sit my back and neck start to hurt.
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I do 5 squats each time I go to the restroom. I drink 120 oz of water at work, so I make alot of trips = a LOT of squats.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I heard from my brother's friend's uncle's sister's cousin Tracy, that if you tap your feet all day you can burn an extra 100 caloires an hour!

    :laugh: That just made me LOL!!! :laugh:
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    Considering they do recommend that you move away from your desk every 30 minutes or so to allow your eyes to adjust from your computer screen, your circulation to flow etc, I don't think going and doing a little exercise is such a bad idea and so sniping that they should be working whilst at work is a little below the belt.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Not sustainable? I disagree. I have walked during my lunch hour for the past 5 years. I also get up from my desk every couple of hours and move about. It actually helps me focus better on my work, and feel better--and if it burns a few calories, all the better.
  • lesterpokorny
    I try to go for a brisk walk on my lunch and simply eat at my desk. I'm fortunate enough to have a Gym about 15-20 brisk-walking-minutes from my building so my lunch workout consists of around 20 minutes of weights (don't wanna sweat too much) and around half hour of walking there and back.
    Sneaking in mini work-outs at work sounds like a great idea if that's available to you. I see that someone on this thread was confused and didn't know you could still exercise after work if you've also been sneaking in little work-outs at the office.
  • tsmith67
    Shhh.... don't tell anyone, but I do squats in my office.

    You go!!! I try to do 10-20 in the bathroom whenever I go.....which is often with all the water I am drinking! Every little bit helps!
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I am on this great program where i do my job while I'm at work, and then after i go exercise on my own time.

    I like your goal to get fit, but it seems like you are try too hard. Set some time to exercise, get mentally and physically ready, it will help so much more than running in place in a bathroom stall.

    Why must you be so snarky and rude? Could have have politely disagreed (like your second statement) without the initial point of making someone feel belittled!?

    Everyone has the right to take breaks, and it's proven that getting your body moving can help your mental function, so this is a GREAT idea. Just because someone doesn't do it your way doesn't mean they're "trying to hard."
  • Anabannana07
    Anabannana07 Posts: 27 Member
    You can also do leg lifts under your desk, squeeze your booty (hold and release, hold longer, release)...
    And kegels. :)

    Chair dips too, if it's appropriate and you don't have wheels on your chair! Careful! But they can be done on the edge of your desk too.

    Thanks I will try those too
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    We seem to be getting a lot of these 'I have a desk job' posts recently. Several thoughts on this -

    1 - join a gym and work out before or after work
    2 - invest in some exercise DVD's and work out before and after work
    3 - use your lunch hour to walk or hit up a near by gym
    4 - walk or run before or after work
    5 - high rise stair climbing if you have access to it

    ^^ all of these above would be sustainable and adequate exercise routine

    That being said - I am also someone who loves to get up and MOVE through out the day to get the blood and circulation flowing. I'm sure many of us have sat at a desk so long that your butt is numb. So I use little opportunities like a bathroom break or walk to the printer to get things moving again. This in no way is a substitute for a genuine exercise program. And I'm sure the OP did not mean it like that.