"Cheat" days?



  • Don't plan them but if you go over then it doesn't matter as long as you get back on top of it straight away. I tend to do well all week and then the odd whisky might tip me over at the weekend :drinker:

    It's all good, you can be healthy and still have the odd drink or dessert or whatever :tongue:
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Cheat days? My wife isn't into that.

    Cheat meal? Sure.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I have a day (usually Sunday) where I don't worry a lot about going over my calorie count. (It's just easiest for me to do Sunday because of coffee hour after church where I don't know the caloric content or always even the ingredients of whatever's out there.) Of course there are some weeks I don't get to church and end up watching and logging.

    The weeks I stay at or close to my calorie count have been the weeks I've lost the least weight.

    The weeks I have the non-counting day are the ones I've lost the most.

    At least for me, my metabolism seems to need that little bit of uncertainty to shock it periodically.

    (And before anyone says anything, I've lost about 30-40 pounds already. I just reset the goals, so it reset everything to show 0.)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i have a calorie spike day once in a while, but i let my body dictate it. there are some days that i'm just famished, like yesterday. i ate about 900 calories over my goal, mostly good stuff. today, and most days, i'm right on the money. i think i have a spike day once or twice a month.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I don't plan a "cheat day" per se. I am really strict with everything Monday through Friday (easy because I am at work). I am really careful with what I eat on Saturday because sometimes we go out to dinner and I want to save my calories for that (I usually still don't go over but know the sodium gets me). Sunday I may be a little more free as that is the day that I spend with Hubby and son and we don't have phones that can log - but I still keep my choices in mind and always try to go the healthier route. I also try to cook dinner Sunday night so I don't have to worry about eating out two nights in a row. If we go out for the day we always pack a small cooler with drinks so now I add some fresh fruit for me and snack crackers for them - saving money and calories by not hitting those drive thrus. My Hubby and son love coffees out so if they hit a McDs I will get a Berry Berry smoothie or Oatmeal - Do what is right and feels good for you. Good Luck!!
  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    I wouldnt do a cheat "day", but if you are going to cheat do a cheat "meal". This is because a person like me would have one day and then feel its ok to have another and then another and then I've totally blown all the work I have done...I had my first cheat "meal" on Tuesday this week and that was three months into this change. I felt I could control myself enough to have one meal and not go out of control...You really should base it on what you can handle as your own person...Some say it is good for your metabolism to have a cheat meal occasionally...others swear by not cheating at all...Me, well, I actually lost weight so I apparently didnt do bad with my cheat...
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    There has to be a time when you can eat whatever it is you are craving. I agree that you sill must log everything you eat still so you stay on track. And doing a little extra cardio exercise will help you feel ok about it too.
  • Cheat days? My wife isn't into that.

    Cheat meal? Sure.

  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I don't have a weekly cheat day built in but I do tend to go a bit over calories on Sundays. It is my husbands only weekend day off and either we do stuff with family or friends or we go out to lunch and often enjoy some beer/wine at night. It is also the only day of the week I'll sometimes have more than a cottage cheese double for breakfast. I try to make reasonable choices at lunch but I don't exercise that day either and I'm cool with going over a bit since I'm well under most days. But, that said I also don't just give myself free license to eat anything and everything all day.

    That is an ordinary weekend though. If I have something big going on like this past weekend when we celebrated my son's second birthday with a party at our house and my BIL and SIL (who I adore) stayed over with their kids so we spent Sunday and Monday eating badly, drinking too much, and just having a blast. I stopped logging and just enjoyed myself. I think day(s) like that are necessary from time to time and I also think it's good to shake up your metabolism and shock your body every month or two like that. This week although I was up a pound and a half after my gluttony all weekend I got back on track Tuesday and by this morning was down that weight and another couple pounds.
  • Chalesie
    Chalesie Posts: 68 Member
    I know that I need a cheat meal once a week in order to keep me sane. I don't like to think of it as a cheat day or I will eat crap all day long and then I feel guilty about it that night or the next morning...especially if I have a bad weigh in. I know that if I am good all week long that I will get to have a free meal and eat whatever I'd like. The good thing about this is that over time you will start to crave certain things less and less so when it is your cheat day you'll make better choices.

    It gives me something to look forward to and I know that I deserve it after being good all week.
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    No and heres why...
    I dont cut anything out, I just cut back alot on the bad, and add tons of heathier choices.
    I went to a buffet on my 3day dieting. i got 2tbs baked ziti, 2tbs spanish rice, 1tbs buttered cabbage and noodles, 2smiliey fries, half baked potato, 3oz grilled chicken breast. for dessert one choco chip cookie. with water.
    As long as your working out and burning calories and watching what you eat. thats really all that matters.
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    a cheat day for me would be eating very close to my estimated bmr. I won't have a deficit but I won't go over. i also take into consideration if I have any exercise calories as well.
  • I find that people who have cheat days want to tell others. Aka posting a new topic, or status, so they can get comments like "Oh it will be fine etc...start again tomorrow", which make them have other cheat days... (I used to be one of these people last year). Some people if they get negative comments about it, delete those comments, or over think it all...

    If you have a cheat day what is the point in dieting? Instead of cutting all the bad stuff out, have it ALL in moderation. Like on biscuit instead of the whole pack...
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I will plan a "cheat day" or "meal" around what my schedule is. For example, I'm going to be doing some simulator golf (it's cold in Michigan) next week. Chances are, I'll be there long enough that I'll need a meal. Well, I'm not making it, so, I don't know what's in it. This gets me off my diet to a degree almost certainly. However, I don't get whatever is on the menu. I try to pick something that may not be "ideal" but isn' going to have 1,000 calories and 4,000 mg of sodium...

    Two things you have to be aware of when you eat out. Most chicken breasts and seafood are "plumped." What that means is, they are loaded with a sodium solution that allows them to be frozen to keep longer and stay moist and juicy when cooked.
  • No and heres why...
    I dont cut anything out, I just cut back alot on the bad, and add tons of heathier choices.
    I went to a buffet on my 3day dieting. i got 2tbs baked ziti, 2tbs spanish rice, 1tbs buttered cabbage and noodles, 2smiliey fries, half baked potato, 3oz grilled chicken breast. for dessert one choco chip cookie. with water.
    As long as your working out and burning calories and watching what you eat. thats really all that matters.

    Dieting + buffets = bad idea. You moderated. BUT....waste of money ;)! If you go to a buffet (well for me)...you would want to eat loads :D
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Some days I am just over my calories, many days I'm under after exercising. Some days I'm just really hungry to the point that I could eat my own arm. Those days...I eat (with thought and control of course) and move on. 98% of the time on at my number so I don't worry about it and I certainly will not call any type of food a "cheat" food. Once in a while won't kill me and if it fits in my calories, darn it I'm having it!
  • I do cheat MEAL....once a week....(dinner, lunch or breakfast).....but only one meal.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Cheat on your girlfriend, not your diet.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Love it! My cousin has a similar story and he also has a once a week cheat day!
    I have a weekly "free day".
    I get to eat anything and everything I want with no limits and no restrictions.

    There is no way I would have stuck it out otherwise.
    I need fast food, fried food, huge steaks, stuffed potatoes, ice cream, candy and french fries with ketchup.

    The food Nazi's have blasted this practice, warning me that I'd never reach my goals, but today they are all silent.

    I lost 70 lbs doing this.

    Where are my critics now?

    crickets chirping....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Moderation then you not have to deprive yourself.