This ENDS my fast food cravings!



  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending McDonald's, but this image is not what the description states.

    Hoax: Chicken McNuggets Mechanically Separated Chicken Photo

    well the word Hoax is an overstaement... in fact the article says "The picture actually does most likely show MSM, or MSP, which at some point during the production of this processed food does take on the form of a soft, pink paste.

    However the description -given in the accompanying text and also on several blog-type websites that have reported on the image- is a little misleading when describing the process that involves mechanically separated meat.
    Firsty, the process of MSM essentially means stripping the bones of all edible meats and condensing such meats into the paste you see in the picture. Whilst this meat is of course not exactly the most nutritionally rewarding meat, it is not the "bones, eyes, guts and all" as stated in the message. It is all actually meat [tissue]."

    So it reall is the gross stuff they call chicken.
    I have not eaten a McNugget since the early 80's and I still feel tainted by this!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Alarmist be all alarming up in hee-ya!

    There's so many logical fallacies I don't even know where to begin.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    That is gross, but if I want McDs i'll go. I saw "Supersize Me" and went to McD's right after.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    see, I'm still ok with it!! ;)
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I luv Wendy's Spicy Chicken Nuggets! The only thing we eat that isn't truly gross since inception are veggies.. and that's without thinking of all the insects that climb all over them in the course of their growing or what some types of fertilizers may be used (poooo)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Nothing like some total nonsense on a Monday.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Hoax or not, this story stopped my 7yr old son in his tracks - Now not only does he not ask us to take him to McDonald's, or any other fast food joint - we couldnt force him to eat there if we starved him for a week and took him there against his will.

    From where I'm sittin, this story, true or not, is serving a very valuable purpose...
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've heard so many horror stories about what goes on in the kitchens of fast food and regular restaurants. Pink foam is the least of my worries. The only way to avoid eating anything "gross", processed or preserved is to grow all your own food and prepare yourself in your own kitchen. And be sure and wash your hands, wear sterile gloves and don't wipe your nose, else even THAT food could get contaminated.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Just as long as you are NOT talking about Chick-Fil-A or Zaxby's I am happy! LOL
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending McDonald's, but this image is not what the description states.

    Hoax: Chicken McNuggets Mechanically Separated Chicken Photo

    Even if the picture isn't what it looks like, I have watched SuperSize Me, and the describe the SAME thing. Old chickens are mashed up, beaks/eyes, guts, feet, everything!! And then used to make nuggets. NASTY!

    Just to let you all know, whether that pic is a hoax or not, msm's are used in pretty much any and everything... not just McDonalds... next time you pick up some processed meat items from the grocery store, check out the ingredients. If they list MSM or MSMP it's the same thing! (and that's mechanically separated meats or mechanically separated meat products)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm not exactly sure how accurate this is. There still is this thing called the FDA.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Hoax or not, this story stopped my 7yr old son in his tracks - Now not only does he not ask us to take him to McDonald's, or any other fast food joint - we couldnt force him to eat there if we starved him for a week and took him there against his will.

    From where I'm sittin, this story, true or not, is serving a very valuable purpose...

    Until your son figures out it's a crock and goes on the biggest McD's binge of a lifetime! :laugh:
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Ever had a hot dog or any other kind of processed meat? Pretty much the same thing. Just so you know.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending McDonald's, but this image is not what the description states.

    Hoax: Chicken McNuggets Mechanically Separated Chicken Photo

    Even if the picture isn't what it looks like, I have watched SuperSize Me, and the describe the SAME thing. Old chickens are mashed up, beaks/eyes, guts, feet, everything!! And then used to make nuggets. NASTY!

    Just to let you all know, whether that pic is a hoax or not, msm's are used in pretty much any and everything... not just McDonalds... next time you pick up some processed meat items from the grocery store, check out the ingredients. If they list MSM or MSMP it's the same thing! (and that's mechanically separated meats or mechanically separated meat products)
    Any and everything eh...right. Alarmism is funny.
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending McDonald's, but this image is not what the description states.

    Hoax: Chicken McNuggets Mechanically Separated Chicken Photo
    ^^^ This^^^ Fast food is gross, but this is not true.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Didn't we just do this?
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Sad thing is, I've known about all this for a while haha...and still eat it!
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    Better to operate from knowledge rather than fear and misinformation.

    Here's the Snopes article explaining the process,, which does not, as the post suggest involve crushing up bones, etc.

    By the way, McDonald's doesn't use MSPoultry in its nuggets ... at least for the last 8 years or so. I'm not defending McDonald's as there's plenty to go after then on with regard to caloric content, fat content, etc., but let's not add to the hysteria with misinformation.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Didn't we just do this?
    Far too many times. Not to mention that for any item people want to fear, there is a 'documentary' on the subject to enforce the unfounded feelings of fear.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I eat haggis. Guts!!! So yummy!
    I eat sausages! It contains a lot of scrap stuff!

    I also eat heats and livers....still guts!!

    It's just minced up. Yeah maybe they add a lot of other stuff like preservatives etc,but just cos they add "everything" doesnt mean it's disgusting.