Why are people so concerned with what others do at the gym?



  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I don't go to the gym for two reasons: I can't afford it and because I'm the oh so despised woman that works out in tiny shorts and a sports bra. Last time I went to a gym, I almost wanted to wear a burka, with the evil looks and b itchy mutterings from the other women.
    So even if I had the money, no I won't go to the gym cuz its intolerable to get such looks from the women. Get over it biotches.

    My guess is there's probably a lot of men at the gym that don't mind your choice of workout clothing, of course I could be wrong :)
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    So, your reaction to a thread insulting people is to start another thread insulting people? Perhaps talking DIRECTLY TO THOSE PEOPLE is the way to go instead of stooping to their level? Hypocrisy is never a good look.
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
    I will say, and I'm guessing you agree, that anyone who is actually at the gym and doing any level of exercise is already ten steps ahead of over half the population who would rather just sit at home on the couch watching TV. And for that I agree they do deserve a level of respect, at least until they do something else to lose it.

    Well yeah, that's exactly my point!
  • wanttogetskinny
    I've actually had someone at the gym approach me while I was on a stationary bike (listening to my music) and tap me on the shoulder to tell me that I should either increase my pace or increase the resistance.

    I just said 'I'm fine' and put my earbuds back in, but I was totally floored.

    I had slowed my speed because I was assessing how I felt - I have Type 1 diabetes and thought my blood sugar was dropping (it was), but I needed to slow down to make sure........going fast means I'm sort of in sensory overload and can't feel my symptoms.

    Also, I have diabetic retinopathy that flairs up with too much strain - so increasing my resistance might have been nice for my muscles but I'd rather not go blind over it.

    Some people are so rude, and assume that everyone should be working out the same/doing what they're doing, without knowing the real situations behind workouts. And no one should feel they have to disclose that information anyway. What I do at the gym is for me.

    I've been a bit turned off of the gym ever since.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I don't go to the gym either because last time i went i did the stationary bike for 20 mins and the way the gym is set up the bikes look at the treadmills. Well i was listening to my music and glancing around the gym because it was only my second time and I was just looking at the equipment and then I saw some guy pointing at me and laughing because my face was red and I was sweating. Then he nudged the girl next to him and pointed me out to her and they both started laughing at me. Haven't been back to the gym since. I felt really about myself when that happened and I just got up and walked out to my car and started crying. I don't think that people should make fun of anyone for trying to lose weight or workout. That happened a year ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I haven't been to the gym yet but when I drop some pounds I will start going.

    I say go back. Wait until that guy is struggling a big load up on the bench press and pour a glass of water on his crotch.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

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    I am locking this thread, and going to look at the other.

    Here is hoping you all have a nice day.

    MFP Moderator
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