Boob Job and Tummy Tuck



  • gnikki0
    gnikki0 Posts: 44 Member
    completely opposite of me and my husband lol! i keep suggesting a breast augmentation and he says no no no :/ he loves natural beauty! im sorry that your husband was rude and hurt you! its hard enough excepting your own body after breastfeeding :(
  • JenGrape
    JenGrape Posts: 32 Member
    Wow I would be hurt and angry too! I personally mentioned to my hubby that I would probably need a tummy tuck and a boob lift after I lose all of my weight. I've since lost 90+lbs in the last year. I don't think I'm going to need the tummy tuck but I have lost 2 cup sizes and things are a bit saggy but I'm wearing a really supportive bra and using lotion to see if I can get the skin to tighten up on it's own.

    I mentioned a boob job to hubby and his comment was that he loved them however I choose to have them but that he prefers au naturale... although he said if I was unhappy with it he'd be ok either way.

    Surgery is a personal choice and your spouse shouldn't be pushing you... he should support whatever makes you happiest!

    My hubby and I have been married for 18 years now and he has been very supportive and that makes a huge difference in my struggle with self image and growing older. (will be 40 in January 2013) Keep your chin up and talk to him about it... the saggy comment would have made me even more mad....

    Hang in there and give your body time to adjust too!
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    blimey and I thought I was insensitive! natural is best. the only cosmetic surgery i would approve of is liposuction and that would be for me so i did not have to go through the pain of watching what i eat. but be happy in your body and what it has crerated for you.
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    nothing wrong with surgery....i got my twins fixed to be identical twins once again....after kids and life and all that nice stuff i totally didn't think twice when my hubby told me yes.....i asked and asked and asked and when he finally said yes i found a dr and got it done before he changed his mind.....
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Well. after losing 149 pounds, I would love to have enough loose skin removed that I don't have to tuck it into my jeans. But won't go the surgery route just because 1) my insurance won't pay for it 2) I have had so many surgeries in the last few years --NOT cosmetic--that I don't want to go through any more. I think that whatever makes you comfortable is what you should do. I agree that you are setting a great example for your kids by being comfortable being who you are.
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    I'm guilty of the boob job thing. I'm getting one this year. The tummy I'm working on naturally. However the boobs after child age and weighloss I can't fix.. But they will be. Men are clueless on the ways to deliver a message sometimes.... don't sweat it. If you are happy with your self then that is all that matters.
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    I'm getting a tummy tuck and my boobs done in a couple of months. For me, my reasoning is two fold. First, I'll admit, I want to look good. I have lost 7 inches off my breasts, While they aren't awful and I could live with it, why not get my former breasts back? I went from a 38D to a 34C size. I'm 31 and have lots of years left and want to fix it sooner rather than later.

    On the tummy tuck, yes I do want the extra skin gone. But there is also medical reasons to do it. First off I was in a horrible wreck with an 18 wheeler truck and suffered spine damage. After 3 years of 24/7 excruciating pain, I had spine surgery. They entered through my abdomen to remove my disc and put in an artificial one. My abdominal muscles suffered greatly from this and the 3 years of limited activity. That left me with a 5 inch scar that does not bother me one bit, I earned that. However, it also left me with a large incisional hernia in my abdomen (larger than my fist.) the only way to fix it is surgery. The tummy tuck will not only fix my loose skin from having babies, but it will also repair my muscles, bringing me more core stability and helping to protect my spine from further damage ( I still have 2 discs that are herniated and can become worse.) I also had a c-section this last pregnancy and that is also a factor for future spine problems. I have lost my weight, been working out, but nothing is going to fix my muscles, other than surgery. If I keep losing weight, I'm going to have zero curves and I don't want that either. I'm 10 lbs. from having an underweight BMI, so I don't see my weight as an issue. I don't think surgery is not loving myself the way I am, but loving myself enough to be proactive.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I'd counter with a list of surgical cuts you'd like him to get. Start with a penis enhancement. Fair is fair .
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    Simple answer. It is a trend. Like cells and tablets. Sooner or later everybody that gets it contacts with them becomes "infected".It will pass.
    In the other hand I can tell you how I see this like a man. He wants his piece to be the best of the best. Do you really blame him for that? Yes it should be also some rationality involved but hey there is always a middle way.

    Really???? His "piece"???? That is about as intelligent as the comment he made to her.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Wow, your husband is a jerk. It's one thing for YOU to want to surgically"alter" yourself, but for your husband to suggest it? I'd be hurt and seething!

    I think this depends on context. My husband has made the same offer, not because he is unhappy with my body (he tells me and shows me every day that he is perfectly content with my body), but because he knows I don't like my saggy boobs and extra skin. For various reasons, I don't think the surgeries are worth it (cost, pain, potential for scar tissue, and workout interruptions), but I did appreciate the offer. I don't know where the OPs husband's offer was coming from, but I think it's a mistake to label any man who makes such an offer a jerk--his heart may have been in the right place.
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    I would be pissed if my SO suggested it.

    I would be ---thrilled-- if he actually had the money to pay for it and would get it done in a heartbeat, as long as it was my idea. ;)
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    I feel like I must have gone crazy 'cause the whole world seems to think it's okay to get cosmetic surgery when all that's happened to your body is LIFE! (I can understand it completely in the instances where you've had an injury ect ect to be clear.)

    It's up to the individual what they do with their body cosmetically, it's just like losing weight; they're not happy with their body, so they change it.
  • JBrown9538
    JBrown9538 Posts: 39 Member
    Did andrejjorje really refer to this woman as "his piece?" What chauvinistic *kitten* thing to say. His piece. I think I have heard it all now. You must be single.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I didn't read all the comments however, I don't think that was a d!ck comment, especially considering he's probably super young like the OP. I'd say wait to do it till you're your body wasn't ready to have babies yet, so I'm not sure how that'll play out. Wait till you're at least 25 and make sure you're NOT gonna have any more kids.

    And I agree with the below statement. I'm only 25 and just ONE baby has destroyed my stomach. I don't want more children, I want my tubes tied and for my 30th birthday, I want a mommy make-over - boobs done, tummy tuck, and a little lipo if necessary. If I met someone who would pay for it for me....psh...let's just say I'd make him one very happy man.

    I fully intend on getting a Tummy tuck and possibly a breast lift and augmentation. I see nothing wrong with trying to maintain your youth (within reason). As a young mom, I don't feel like I need to deal with these body issues if there is an alternative. I feel like my body is around 60 years old and I'm only 25. I planned on getting at least the tummy tuck by May of this year, but I may have to prolong the procedures b/c I will be taking Accutane for my adult acne (which has also been a result of having children). I adore my babies - they're my entire LIFE. Being a mother is what I definitely do best! BUT, there's nothing wrong with trying to feel young and fabulous!

    If you are happy with your body and not self conscious in any way, then more power to you! That is AWESOME!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I wouldn't get plastic surgery myself, but I don't feel like I have the right to judge a woman who did choose to have it done. :)
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I agree..I know if I had a choice I would get a tummy tuck because of two kids and the skin rubs up against other parts of my body :( As for your husband maybe it was just a bad choice of words > I know my husband has no way with words when he says something I find ugh like I will question it and give him time to correct it, He always says things meaning well but they don't sound good at all lol... But yeah that was just a tad bit overboard.

    Yeah it probably was a slip of words. My fiance says things that sound awful but then he gets all flustered because he didn't mean it that way. xD
  • VictoriaAStone
    So in passing today my partner mentioned that if he had the money he'd pay for me to get a boob job and a tummy tuck. When he saw my shocked/outraged face he THOUGHT he was saving his *kitten* by saying "Not to make your boobs bigger, but to make them not saggy anymore!" Gee.. I'm sorry I had pregnancies and I fed our two kids with them!

    But that wasn't the annoying thing. Why is everyone so obsessed with surgically altering their bodies? I mean I'd love to have perky boobs and a flat-stretch-mark-free belly but my body is my own. It's earned its scars, sags and cellulite. How can I teach my children they are beautiful no matter what if I couldn't even live in my own body?

    I feel like I must have gone crazy 'cause the whole world seems to think it's okay to get cosmetic surgery when all that's happened to your body is LIFE! (I can understand it completely in the instances where you've had an injury ect ect to be clear.)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I completely agree this your comment about teaching your children self love. This is one major issue I have with my mother getting her boobs done. It's hypocritical, in my opinion.
  • VictoriaAStone
    So in passing today my partner mentioned that if he had the money he'd pay for me to get a boob job and a tummy tuck. When he saw my shocked/outraged face he THOUGHT he was saving his *kitten* by saying "Not to make your boobs bigger, but to make them not saggy anymore!" Gee.. I'm sorry I had pregnancies and I fed our two kids with them!

    But that wasn't the annoying thing. Why is everyone so obsessed with surgically altering their bodies? I mean I'd love to have perky boobs and a flat-stretch-mark-free belly but my body is my own. It's earned its scars, sags and cellulite. How can I teach my children they are beautiful no matter what if I couldn't even live in my own body?

    I feel like I must have gone crazy 'cause the whole world seems to think it's okay to get cosmetic surgery when all that's happened to your body is LIFE! (I can understand it completely in the instances where you've had an injury ect ect to be clear.)

    OMG I totally agree, Children are growing up to aware of the surrounding 'celebrities' and what a 'perfect' body should look like, people should be teaching children to be healthy and love yourself no matter what you look like!!
  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow. In my opinion, that was a rather calloused comment for him to make. I guess I'm lucky that my husband would never make a comment like that. Please be advised that my husband does occasionally stick his foot in his mouth, however; he'd never make comments like that. He knows better. :o)

    When I was in my 20s, I would have considered plastic surgery. Now that I'm in my 40s, I wouldn't consider it unless it was reconstructive surgery. As if I had to have a breast removed due to breast cancer. Yes, I would want another one in its place. Not because of hubby, but because of me. :o)

    Regardless, you're the one that makes the decisions about your body. If you are comfortable with your body then, GREAT! Its good to see someone with that attitude, because so many of us aren't happy with the way that we look.

    At this point in my life, I really don't care if I have stretch marks or a kangaroo pouch. NO ONE except for my husband and doctor sees me naked. I care about what I look like when I'm dressed and how I present myself to the world. Clean, respectful and well keeped (as in it looks like I take care of myself).

    And that's all about the attitude. Keep your chin up, smille, and good luck with the weight loss! :o)