Men cooking....



  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Food Network!!

    Also, not sure if you get this show, but watch "chopped' I love this show and 98% are MEN!
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    I got four boys, and I would perfectly happy their pursuing culinary careers. Heck, I have a hard enough time having them wash the dishes without complaining. Your husband is probably just apeing what he was told/learned as a kid. Go easy on him. Support your son, don't dis his dad, and your husband will eventually relent and just be happy your son is happy.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I love to cook. I have loved it for as long as I can remember. I do all the cooking in our home. By choice. My wife is an excellent cook as well, but I took over the duties when I met her. She doesn't mind.

    I enter contests all the time. I even win ocassionally.

    We retire in 5 to 8 years (depending on economy). Going to sell our home in Portland and move to Las Vegas. I am going to enroll in culinary school there. I would love to be a Chef.

    By the way, men who can cook make better lovers. It's knowing what the difference between a rolling boil and a slow simmer in the kitchen or the bedroom.
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    I first learned to cook at the age of 7 and have been cooking ever since. I have put together my own recipes that have won some contests. I love to cook since it helps me relax and show love to those I am feeding. I do 95% of the cooking in my house.

    I will add that when I first started dating my fiancee, she absolutely hated me because I can cook better than she can. She has gotten over it and loves the fact that I cook.
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    I love to cook. I have loved it for as long as I can remember. I do all the cooking in our home. By choice. My wife is an excellent cook as well, but I took over the duties when I met her. She doesn't mind.

    I enter contests all the time. I even win ocassionally.

    We retire in 5 to 8 years (depending on economy). Going to sell our home in Portland and move to Las Vegas. I am going to enroll in culinary school there. I would love to be a Chef.

    By the way, men who can cook make better lovers. It's knowing what the difference between a rolling boil and a slow simmer in the kitchen or the bedroom.

    Love this.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I think its great that a 14 year old has such passion for this.....and my love was a professional chef when we first got together...and he was damn sexy at it too.....most of the best chefs in the world are men...
    Not sure why your husband would have such a problem with that......
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I've always enjoyed cooking. I enjoy finding flavour and texture combinations that work well together.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my nephew (high school fotball star, guitar player) just graduated from Le Cordon Bleu, and now works at the most prestigious Italian restaurant in downtown Portland. It's definitely not just for chicks.
  • superdrood
    superdrood Posts: 129 Member
    I do all the cooking in our household. I still watch football, pound beers with the buddies on poker night, and leave the wife with a contented smile in the bedroom so I don't feel it's feminized me much at all.

    In fact my cooking abilities were a definite plus when I was in the dating scene. Maybe try to sell your husband on that aspect of it.
  • dalygirl_2010
    My hubby LOVES to play Iron Chef, and he is a Police Officer, how much more manly can you get??
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I do 98% of the cooking for my family. I have always loved to cook and wish I could have taken training when I was younger. I do not think it not manly at all nor do my many friends who work on the railroad and love to cook. I think your husband needs to come to terms with this and support whatever your son wants to persue.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I WISH my husband cooked. My 8 year old likes to help me in the kitchen and I totally encourage it. My husband didn't do anything growing up and I'm paying for it now. All he can do is frozen pizza and burn burgers on the grill.

    My next life I'm marrying a man who cooks!!!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I'll outcook all you bishes!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'm no cook but I get by in the kitchen. I live alone so no other choice. When I started eating healthier I abandoned all the box meals I use to make and now make a few things from scratch. Namely my chicken parm...yum!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Oh geez, my mother-in-law thought it was a really bad idea that we bought my son (4 at the time) a play kitchen. She claimed it would "turn him into a homosexual". My husband didn't have an issue with it, just her. Traditional gender roles are very important in her home. She cooks, her husband grills. She cleans, he does yard work, etc. In fact, I would have appreciated it if she'd taught her son to cook. I'd love it if my husband could make something other than a frozen pizza. I think its great that you're supporting his interest in cooking!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    let your son do what he loves, his dad will eventually grow out of his tantrum!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Sorry, but your husband is totally out of line.

    I have 5 kids - all boys.
    2 are jocks all the way.
    1 is just a normal, average kid, 1 is kind of quirky and a bit of a wanker and 1 loves to cook.

    I'd love to believe I could mold them all in my image, but all people are different.
    Happiness in life is matching your skills with your passions and seeing if you can plug those into some vocation.

    It's nice to get paid doing what you love and are good at.
    Kids need to go their own way; parents need to just be supportive.
  • Indy_Mario
    There's a lot more men that are considered "super-tasters" than women.
    It was an evolutionary trait that developed due to man being the predominant home keepers before we persecuted women and called all the smart ones witches and burned them.

    I am a decent cook, I certainly know how to put more flavor and seasonings into food than many of my female friends. Although granted, man are usually a lot better at cooking on an open flame or baking (stereotype, but true also due to an evolutionary trait).

    Any person should know how to take care of oneself and their loved ones, it is not also nice to take over and make a meal for one's partner, but also, God forbid, it is good to know how to take care of one's appetite if there was an emergency.

    My mother decided to teach me how to be useful, handy and be able to hold my own at an early age. I thank her very much for this.
  • emmaonamission
    How is it feminine?! It's cooking, this does not require a vagina or anything remotely 'feminine' to be able to mix ingredients, put them in a pan, and serve them. Like others have said, many of the best chefs in the world are men, in fact I'd say the men outweigh the women in that field. That's really odd. But I'm glad your son is going anyway, it sounds like he has a talent for it and it'd be so good for him to build on that.

    My boyfriend is an amazing cook, and loves to experiment in the kitchen. I love cooking too, but no one cooks like him!
  • lifeisadancefloor
    lifeisadancefloor Posts: 91 Member
    My boyfriend is an amazing cook :) He actually does almost ALL the cooking at home. I try but I am no comparison to him. Good for you for enrolling him. If it is what he enjoys he should do it :D