I wanna go from cute to HOT asap!

Jb8885 Posts: 126
SO, I'm 26 and single and meet a lot of guys and I've been told I'd be a perfect catch if I lost weight...I'm sure many people feel the same way...and this probably jacked up thinking, but sometimes I want to find a guy NOW while I'm a little overweight because I have this huge fear I'll lose all this weight..find the perfect guy...and gain weight back and hell dump my *kitten*. Crazy right? I want that genuine heartfelt guy who would like me no matter what....Do i sound nuts? Does anyone else agree?


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    you don't want a guy that only loves you if you're a certain body type. I totally agree with that.
  • Not crazy to want that at all! I'm blessed to have my husband helping me with my journey...and he's said to me so many times he doesn't care what size I am...he loves me for who I am on the inside...not for what I look like on the outside. :)
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    when i meet my boyfriend i was 130 lbs- almost to tinnnny. i am now 180 something (and was when we decided to become more then friends.) he loved me when i was tinny, and he loves me now. im done with the shallow bs from other guys, this just shows me my boyfriend will love me for who i really am. now if i could just be more determined, cuz i would really love to be 130 again haha.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I've come across that too. It's usually the guy that needs to get off the couch and lose about 40# that wants the super model girlfriend! Screw 'em! Not literally! You're beautiful! Just stay true to yourself!
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I get what you mean. My husband has seen me at my worst and he's afraid that once I lose the weight he'll lose me because I won't want him anymore. It's always best to find a guy who love you for who you really are.. best, worst, and in between!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Any guy that would tell you that is an *kitten* and not worth an ounce of your time. :flowerforyou:
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Any guy that would tell you that is an *kitten* and not worth an ounce of your time. :flowerforyou:

    Darling your gawgous!!! Just believe in yourself!! dont settle for a douchepickle
  • Any guy that would tell you that is an *kitten* and not worth an ounce of your time. :flowerforyou:

    Darling your gawgous!!! Just believe in yourself!! dont settle for a douchepickle

    (Not commenting on anything in particular cause I don't have advice) Lmao@douchepickle
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    The right guy is gonna love you for you- whatever your weight when you meet him- and will always see the you he loves whether you lose or gain-my wife and I have had our weight fluctuate significantly during our 16 year marriage- it really goes largely unnoticed by the other. You see the person you love- not pounds.

    ^^^This. Well said.
  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Damn girl your hot now!! :) I know a bunch a guys that love your body type, Me included. If any guy Would dump you because you gained some weight, he's a piece of sh** and doesn't deserve you!!!! Don't stress things like that. :)
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    Bahahha douchepickle.......thats a new one for me too....thanks guys! I'm glad I dont feel like a whacko anymore! lol
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    The right guy is gonna love you for you- whatever your weight when you meet him- and will always see the you he loves whether you lose or gain-my wife and I have had our weight fluctuate significantly during our 16 year marriage- it really goes largely unnoticed by the other. You see the person you love- not pounds.

    Very true :) AS much as you want your sig other to be healthy...theres a fine line between loving and supportive and then superficial and judgemental..know what i mean?
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    I met my last BF at 260+ lb and he always told me my weight didn't matter - I lost 90lb and *then* he cheated on me. A douche will always be douche, no matter what size you are when you meet them! Likewise, a good guy will be good to you no matter your size :)
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I was 120 when I met my hubby. Boy was I sexy (sigh). I am now almost 150 (:sad: ) and not so sexy but I'm still with the hubby. He loves me for me, not what I look like. And I'm sure you'll find the same. You're totally in the right to feel the way you do because I totally question how my hubby can still find me attractive when even I don't, but he does :smile: and I love him all the more for it.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    agreed :flowerforyou:
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    Not crazy to want that at all! I'm blessed to have my husband helping me with my journey...and he's said to me so many times he doesn't care what size I am...he loves me for who I am on the inside...not for what I look like on the outside. :)

    I feel the same way. Hubby thinks I'm crazy to want to lose all the weight I do, but I want to be healthy and able to keep up with my kids. Hubby's never seen me thin and tells me he loves me the way I am every single day.
  • fishbaitkait
    fishbaitkait Posts: 45 Member
    I met the perfect guy. I gained 50 lbs. He didn't break up with me or put me down. He loves me no matter what. He has a great heart. It's possible. :)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    If a guy can't fall in love with you for more then what's on the outside, he sure as hell don't deserve you when you are where you want to be. And I just looked at your photo's you are beautiful!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Why don't you just lose weight and keep it off permanently? I plan to work this hard on my diet for the rest of my life. :)
  • curvy_ca_mama
    curvy_ca_mama Posts: 110 Member
    The right guy is gonna love you for you- whatever your weight when you meet him- and will always see the you he loves whether you lose or gain-my wife and I have had our weight fluctuate significantly during our 16 year marriage- it really goes largely unnoticed by the other. You see the person you love- not pounds.

    Very well written!! I totally agree. :smile: