The 1200 Calorie Diet



  • Long2bme
    Long2bme Posts: 16 Member
    If you're eating 1200 calories a day but you're working out hard core.. how could your metabolism possibly slow down?
    I eat LESS than 1200 calories a day and NEVER eat back my work out calories and I've lost A LOT of weight.

    Ever seen a fat anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.

    No, but I've seen a dead one. Dying to be thin or healthy and thin. It's a choice.
  • ever seen a HAPPY anorexic person?
    didn't think so..
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    1200 calories a day is anorexic?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Eats 2200 calories a day weighs 116lbs Deadlifts 250 4x

  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member

    humm hello I have been on here for a year...i just thought you were rude with your picture of the Trekkie have some compassion...btw my doctor advise me to stay on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet it works for some and not others...she was just asking a question no need to be a smart *kitten*.....done!

    Relax! I help more people than hurt.
    And I dont understand why someone would want to eat 1200 calories a day and possibly slow down metabolism when you could eat up to 2k a day and still lose weight the healthy way.
    Thats all.

    If you're eating 1200 calories a day but you're working out hard core.. how could your metabolism possibly slow down?
    I eat LESS than 1200 calories a day and NEVER eat back my work out calories and I've lost A LOT of weight.

    Ever seen a fat anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.

    I discussed the anorexia in another topic. These people have a very slow metabolism due to lass of muscle loss and less thyroid activity, both are due to VLCD(Very Low Calorie Diets). If these people metabolism is so slow they burn about 500 calories a day. How do they lose weight? THEY EAT BELOW THIS NUMBER, that's how. This is why they are the way they are. What happens if they eat 700 calories? They start to gain weight. Imagine gaining weight at 700 calories. This is the effect of doing things improperly. A friend of mine, who was eating about 1000 calories a day, lost a lot of weight, now guess what? She has a eating disorder now, because she used the same mind set, "Less calories = more weight loss, the lower you go the better"

    1000 calories is not an eating disorder. Get real. That's only two hundred under what MFP people consider "no man's land".
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The only advice I'd offer is don't do that.
    Get fit for life - not some wedding day.

    Most people who crash diet might reach some goal and usually gain it all back plus more fat and less lean body mass with a lower metabolism.
    Just set your goals for 1 lb per week and stick to that until your weight and body fat is a healthy, normal range.
    Good Luck no matter what you decide, and congratulations on your wedding!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You guys are missing the point. Gradual diets are the best way to go yes, but when you're on a timeline that's not always an option. If you have an event (like say 'a wedding') and you're freaking out about it and you want to look good, it's worth considering stronger measures than what might be ideal. An extreme diet probably isn't going to kill you if you go on it for 3 months, just like overeating probably won't kill you if you do it for 3 months (hell, I did it for 9 years). It's all well and good to say 'this is a life change, you need to do this gradually' and such, but at the end of the day if it doesn't provide the results needed in the timeline given your advice was completely useless, and what's worse is that the person might resort to something even MORE extreme since they have less time on their hands.

    I would personally suggest you go to and reading some of the work by Lyle McDonald.

    I'm a big fan of this guys work, and he has a large amount of research to back him up. He sells a book called the 'Rapid Fat Loss Handbook'. I'm doing a slight modification of that diet now (it's still fairly similar but my timeline isn't quite so short as yours so I've moderated the diet somewhat) and I've lost 27 lbs so far in 26 days (bear in mind I'm heavier than you so the weight comes off easier). With a timeline like yours his variant of the protein sparing modified fast might be your best bet.

    That being said, as other folks have mentioned, you have to be very careful because of dress sizing. I imagine you'd look better 15 lbs heavier with a dress that fits properly than 15 lbs lighter with a dress that's not quite right. You may want to set a deadline for weight loss and then go into maintenance depending on when your fittings are. I'm quite lucky that I'm a dude on that account. My tux fitting for my wedding is only 15 days before the event.

    Additionally, I'm assuming this is something you'll want to keep up past your wedding. Transitioning back to a normal diet afterwards is something discussed in the book, but it's very important that you have a plan to safely move back to a more moderate diet. The rapid fat loss diet isn't meant to be a long term solution.

    It would be best from a long term health perspective to take things slow and not worry so much about a specific deadline. Your body handles gradual changes much better than radical shifts. That being said, the human body is pretty tough. Be careful, talk to a doctor if necessary, and closely monitor how you're feeling, but good luck to you!
  • i eat below 1200 i just consume soups and wholemeal bread so never hungry good luck too reach your goal lets all reach our goals together and become myfitnesspal fit community
  • thank you!!! this was the answer i was looking for!
  • andynicoleb113
    andynicoleb113 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a lot to loose about 80 lbs and I started out at a 1300 calorie diet and I feel like I'm
    Never hungry I eat a balanced diet of dairy protein fruits and vegetables and count my calories pretty accurately and I am not even using all 1300 more in the 1200's but I am also not working out at all yet which is probably the reason why I'm not feeling hungry but I actually feel like I'm
    Constsntky eating every 2 hrs and then no food after 7 especially during the week