Coffee Lovers... I need help!

Hi everyone!! I'm looking for some opinions or suggestions on my coffee intake during a day. I absolutely LOVE :love: my (pot) of coffee every morning. However, I know it's not the best thing for my weight loss journey, not to mention the amount of cream I use in a day. I'm looking for better options to put in my coffee. I don't like my coffee black, I need the sweetness/creaminess. I'm open to hear some healthier options because I am NOT giving up my coffee!! :noway: Thanks!!


  • There is fat-free half and half (about 20 calories for 2 tsp). Also, you could try Stevia or Splenda as a sweetener. Lastly, if you just like the taste of coffee, you could drink decaf once you've gotten your caffeine fix in.
  • I love Iced coffee so I use coffee and half a serving of Bolthouse Farms Mocha or Vanilla drinks. I find them in the organic section. I think they have hazelhut as well but the other two I like most.
  • Oh forgot the added benefit is has extra protein too. Helps keep me full
  • Lauren_Whitney
    Lauren_Whitney Posts: 26 Member
    I love coffee too, I have to have it every day! I use Blue Diamond Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, it has 40 calories a cup. The sweetened version has 60 calories a cup. It also tastes excellent in cereal, better than real milk in my opinion. You could also try soy milk, but I think almond milk is better.
  • alpha_andy
    alpha_andy Posts: 160 Member
    As for sweetener - my favorite new thing is Splenda plus fiber. Since I eat a lot of meat, it is always to get extra fiber. Yes I eat a lot of vegetables, but once in a while I don't get enough veggies. Fiber is also good for binding to carbs or sugars and making them get pushed through your system without processing.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I brew the coffee with cinnamon in it. Put about 1/2 tsp or so in the filter before adding the grounds. This helped me go from either 2 tsp. of sugar and a bunch of half & half to 1/2 tsp. sugar and a little bit of half & half.
  • I read a study in Muscle and Fitness denouncing the common misconception of caffeinated coffee's negatives........ Coffee is regarded as a positive stimulant for weight loss. The notion of it being a diuretic was put into perspective as if you were to drink a warm cup of any liquid and you will have to go to the bathroom..... Anyway, that rant aside, there were some good tips for alternative additives to your coffee. let us know what you try
  • I use fat free half and half...switched from sweetened, flavored creamers. One serving of the flavored stuff has fifteen more calories for half as much creamer. My two tbsp of fat free half and half usually does nicely for my entire (four cup) pot of coffee in the mornings. Sometimes, I add another half serving of the half and half if I need it, and my morning coffee is still only 30 calories. I use Splenda in my coffee, too. There was no way I was going to give up coffee, either!
  • thekat78
    thekat78 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm looking for some opinions or suggestions on my coffee intake during a day. I absolutely LOVE :love: my (pot) of coffee every morning. However, I know it's not the best thing for my weight loss journey, not to mention the amount of cream I use in a day. I'm looking for better options to put in my coffee. I don't like my coffee black, I need the sweetness/creaminess. I'm open to hear some healthier options because I am NOT giving up my coffee!! :noway: Thanks!!

    Something crazy I tried and REALLY liked: Special K French Vanilla Protein Shakes instead of creamer. 1 shake goes a LONG way. Plus, there's Agabe natural, low calorie sweetener, AND the Truvium sweetener! Both are pretty good, Truvium has no calories. So add a Truvium and a French Vanilla Shake?? I haven't tried the two together, but I have tried the shake. It was like adding cold, liquid creamer!!
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    ^ I drink mine with almond milk sometimes too. It's good because it's not overpowering to the coffee taste like cream is.

    Also, I don't think coffee interferes with weight loss. Cream and sugar do, yeah, but coffee itself is nearly no calories and acts as a stimulant and even an appetite suppressant. If you're worried about dehydration just drink more water.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    i agree with PP who recommended fat free half-and-half, it can add the creaminess to your coffee without so many of the calories! Personally, I like skim milk- i have to use more than i would with creamer, but my medium iced coffee with skim milk at dunkin donuts is only 40 calories!
    i sweeten with sweet and low in iced coffee, splenda in hot coffee- personally, i can taste a difference in the sweeteners, but i know many cannot.
  • Stevia and/or coconut milk! LOVE IT! And really, coffee is not that bad for you. It dehydrates you because of the caffiene so be sure to drink lots of water too!
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    I too CANNOT begin my morning without a HUGE mug of coffee.. I always use Coffee Mate powder (makes it creamy & DELISH) and I use regular sugar. It has not in any way interfered with my weight loss because I've managed to lose 72 lbs without having to give up my coffee :wink:
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I am addicted to coffee, I love it!
    I use the fat free half & half and some fat free hazelnut creamer and equal..its more calories than I like but its my morning kick off.
    During the day I just use a powdered french vanilla creamer..MUCH less calories and Im on the road all day so its easy to carry- that way Im not popping into convinience stores and using full fat creamers.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    bodyfortress vanilla creme whey isolate, you get the flavour of vanilla a little sweetness and some protein all in 1 shot without the sugar. FYI coffee is actually beneficial to weight loss, granted to much caffeine is not good for you but you can switch to a decaf later in the day.
  • I just use a tsp of sugar free vanilla creamer. It's not as great as sugar/half&half, but it does get the job done.
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Really great ideas:bigsmile:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    I love high quality stevia. I don't like using any other fake sweeteners for health reason. Then I use 2 tbsp 1/2 and 1/2. It's sweet and creamy....and I don't mind the 40 calories and 3 grams of fat that I need to record. WELL worth it to have my morning pick-me-up!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Go find some real coffee, freshly roasted as in like, "that day" then go grind it, brew it and drink it black. it's like fine dark chocolate, you'll never want to add anything to your coffee again.
  • prism68
    prism68 Posts: 11
    I have to add my mini-moo creamers to my calorie count every day, but what helped me cut down on coffee was buying a Keurig. The coffee (at least the extra bold roast I buy) is so much richer than regular brewed coffee that I just don't need as much. Less coffee has led to less creamer cals.