Ladies.. Boobies?



  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    So far I've lost 27lbs and have went from a DD to a C cup.

    Boobies are fat so you're going to lose them when you lose weight.
    I LOVE the idea of finally being a C cup however; I know the majority of women want bigger ta-tas.

  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    it is normal, but you can always pad one side. mine is barely noticeable, but i still know it and it bugs me like crazy! good luck! if you find anything that works better, please let me know! i hate my boobs!
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    Everyone keeps telling me it's normal. Does that mean I was abnormal before because they were alot closer to the same size?

    Nah! Everyone is different. I had a friend in high school who was literally a size 0 and was a 32DD.
    Maybe you'll get to keep your boobs. :D
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    So far I've lost 27lbs and have went from a DD to a C cup.

    Boobies are fat so you're going to lose them when you lose weight.
    I LOVE the idea of finally being a C cup however; I know the majority of women want bigger ta-tas.


    I am with you! I have always had big boobs since like 12ish. I would love to go down to a c again. Looking into surgery at the moment.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    This is about the 50th boob post in the last two days, they never get old!

    never any pictures though. but one day, one day our patience will pay off :bigsmile:

    I won't lie, the thought DID cross my mind haha
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    just the word boob in the subject line draws the men like funny.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    To the OP: This was me, I had asymmetry from losing weight. It wasnt just a little either, It was noticable and I hated it. It made me feel so unhappy. My way of dealing with it was a boob job. I LOVE my results. Totally worth it for me. I hope you find a way to deal with / accept it, I used to pad and no one ever noticed.
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    Mine are uneven, especially since breastfeeding.

    I've got a "hefty leftie" and "mighty rightie". Hefty is an F, Mighty is a D. I try and split the different with DD bras, but it just looks so weird to have wrinkles in one side and spillage in the other.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    This is about the 50th boob post in the last two days, they never get old!

    never any pictures though. but one day, one day our patience will pay off :bigsmile:

    I won't lie, the thought DID cross my mind haha

    I'm a scientist, it's ok . :laugh:
  • My left one is a DD, and my right is a B maybe C, my left boob has gotten so big that if I don't lose weight on my breasts, I'm really gonna need a breast reduction, cause at this rate my back won't be able to take much more.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Mine are uneven, especially since breastfeeding.

    I've got a "hefty leftie" and "mighty rightie". Hefty is an F, Mighty is a D. I try and split the different with DD bras, but it just looks so weird to have wrinkles in one side and spillage in the other.

    Hefty leftie and mighty rightie! HAHA Mine are Rachel and Lindsay :p:p
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    <---- this is for those who wanted a boobie photo..,..
  • I went from a C cup to a B cup. The difference in symmetry or lack thereof became much more prominent after weight loss. :(
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    <---- this is for those who wanted a boobie photo..,..


    Blue-footed boobie for the win!

    (Why am I still in here?)
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 109 Member
    I got a breast reduction but before I got that done my boobies were deff not twins, my right areola was larger and the nipple, and innie, and my left areola was smaller, and nipple and outie, freakish I sure. Anyway to answer your question, its normal, and if bothers you that much get them fixed after your weight loss insurace does cover a reduction/lift :) Also, I had a girl friend whos boobies were two compleatly diff sizes, like one was a D and one was maybe a B, maybe...her man loved it, he used to joke that it was like having two diff sets of boobies Lol
    What do you mean insurance will pay for it? I always heard insurance wouldn't pay for anything cosmetic.
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    i have a DD going on E on the right and a D on the left. its never really bothered me till i started to lose weight and now i have to go and get a sports bra. not having much luck getting to the girls to stay put...
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    Yes. I'm a DD on the right and maybe a c.5 on the left. They were always a little different and then after my first kid was born and I lost weight the first time they got crazy different. It just happens sometimes. I'm hoping that they'll even up as I lose more weight, but if they don't then I'll get one implant to even them up, lol.
  • Righty has always been just a little heftier than lefty for me, but I've been overweight since i started sprouting boobies. Personally, i've noticed that they have become much more even (and smaller) since I've started losing. I'm so buying new ones when
    I am all done with school and working again.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I got a breast reduction but before I got that done my boobies were deff not twins, my right areola was larger and the nipple, and innie, and my left areola was smaller, and nipple and outie, freakish I sure. Anyway to answer your question, its normal, and if bothers you that much get them fixed after your weight loss insurace does cover a reduction/lift :) Also, I had a girl friend whos boobies were two compleatly diff sizes, like one was a D and one was maybe a B, maybe...her man loved it, he used to joke that it was like having two diff sets of boobies Lol
    What do you mean insurance will pay for it? I always heard insurance wouldn't pay for anything cosmetic.

    My insurance doesn't cover ANYTHING. So I know my wouldn't pay for it any kind of boob surgery
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    The truth of the matter is one is and has always been bigger then the other. Most women have one slightly larger then the other. :) most just never knew it. So youre not alone.

    This! Most women's boobs are slightly different in size. It's nothing to worry about :)